
That’s not to sound ominous or anything, especially now with the virus….I just meant I migrated this site to a regular wordpress blog a few years ago. I actually forgot this was still up here, so I wanted to post again to redirect people in case they stumble upon this. The new site is http://www.tipthedriver.com

Anyway, I hope everyone is healthy, I hope we all keep our calm, we can get through this together, and it’ll just be one of those great stories we tell around campfires or at bars.

I may or may not post here again. Go to my site: http://www.tipthedriver.com It’s all about all my years of delivery, driving a taxi, and doing Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, Postmates, UberEats, Grubhub, and so forth.


I’m going to do it today, i swear! I got distracted on the internet yesterday and by the time I went to do it it was after 4pm. Here in Connecticut at this time of year that’s when you’ve already lost the sun. I have plenty of lights in my garage to do this sort of thing, I have my regular lights, I have a 120 watt flood light,and i have a 500 watt flood light. In the summer time when I have my Rav4 up on ramps it helps to see when I’m working under the car. Speaking of that, here’s a tip: always put one of the wheels under the car when you’re under it working on it assuming it’s not on wheel ramps. When it’s on the ramps I make sure those are the right angle before driving up so there’s no overhang, I then put the car in park. When I drove stick shift i’d put it in first gear when I shut it off like when you park facing up a hill. Then I put the wheel chocks, and after that I use the jack stands on both sides. Just in case.

Anyway, when the sun’s going down it’s time to go out. I’m so behind on things I need to do that I tend to let stuff pile up. Right now I have a ton of bills I have to pay, so that’s my main concern. I owe everyone money. So these projects get pushed back in my mind. Right now I’m going to go get ready to go do this stuff. And then I need to wash the car and do the interior.

Okay, all showered, on my way to do the car camera and other stuff =)

I’ve been watching these car crash videos forever online thinking I should get one of those cameras, and as a rideshare driver, it’d be helpful in case anything ever happens. I think I’ve had it for about 6 months now. It’s sitting in the box on my computer desk. I think today might be the day I finally install it. I’ve gotten so lazy lately. I’m like two years behind in my magazines, about ten years behind in the books I’ve amassed, and projects like this just sit there forever, it seems.

The only real issue I have is I need to jump a fuse to make it work since it’ll need an always on power supply. That requires pulling out my car’s manual to figure out which fuses are hot (always on) all the time. It has to be a hot fuse or the camera will shut off when I shut the car off. It’s better to have it always on so if you’re parked somewhere and someone hits you, you have evidence of it. Or you never know, your camera could catch a crime. So, maybe in a little bit I’ll head out to the garage and do that. It’s been a while since I washed my car, I might do that, too. And if I do that I may as well clean the inside, and if I do that, I may as well put the new lights in.

I had those cool LED lights on the inside of the car that light up different colors, change with the music, etc, but they’re stuck on red now. I guess they don’t last very long. Anyway, I have a regular light strip you’d use say outside somewhere that you can control by remote, and they only go from white to a gold white color, so I thought I’ use those. They illuminate the car, allowing me to see the passengers and allowing the camera to not have to work as hard recording.

So, yeah: that’s my project today.

P.S. I DO have stickers to place in the car to let everyone know they’re being recorded.

“While employers pay most of the costs of coverage, according to the survey, workers’ average contribution is now $6,000 for a family plan. That’s just their share of upfront premiums, and doesn’t include co-payments, deductibles and other forms of cost-sharing once they need care.” —That’s if you have an employer. If you’re self-employed you either pick a catastrophic plan, a bronze plan, neither of which cover very much, or pay a LOT more for Silver or Gold. Even then with Silver and Gold most things aren’t covered and you run into that deductible.

Here’s what I don’t get: places like Canada their health care costs are a tenth of what ours are for the same or better care. The US ranks around 20th in the world for quality of health care, so that idea republicans have that we have the best care simply isn’t true. How you “feel” doesn’t reflect reality. Like we all think our education is the best in the world, and that isn’t true, either. Both are very good, but how do countries with much longer life expectancies, with higher qualities of life, and more satisfaction manage to do it? Higher taxes. I don’t know, for me the trade-off is worth it. Americans are so greedy it’s sad. Instead of having the most people in the developed world die who could’ve been saved we choose profit. Instead of rehabilitating people who run afoul of our laws we choose to piss away tax dollars to lock them up. We have the highest incarceration rate in the world and with many prisons being for profit, you can see why. And those people are statistically more likely to hit that revolving door because we’d rather spend tax money to give to for profit prisons because it “feels better” to punish people, than to divert them to programs that are proven to work and end those cycles.

Mr. Medal of Freedom, Rush Limbaugh is a great example of that. He’s a hardliner when it comes to drug abuse. He says we should “put them in jail and throw away the key”. But having means, when he himself became addicted and got busted with illegal prescriptions wanted our compassion and understanding, then bought his way out of trouble. He now has no sympathy for other people without means in the same boat and still thinks we should lock them up and throw away the key. He’s a hypocrite. Especially when we know the programs he benefited from can actually work for other people, too, if they want the help. But, yeah, let’s keep pissing away tax dollars on things that don’t work to avoid spending them on things that do.

And Trump’s latest plan to gut the ACA further than he has, and to dismantle Social Security and Medicare to pay for his tax cuts to the top will only make the situation much worse. Everyone over 65 reading this probably gets one or both of those programs. If they go away completely you’d be fine? If so, why are you using either right now?

Using tax dollars in ways that make sense isn’t Socialism. Not even that Socialism is a dirty word. Republicans love using Venezuela as the ONLY example of what will happen to the United States if we take care of the poor, if we have decent free education, and make sure everyone has food, and medicine when they need it. It’s funny how you never use countries like Norway in your examples. Or New Zealand. Or Canada. Or Japan. Japan has one of the longest life expectancies on Earth, the lowest murder rate in the world, and somehow the people manage to make a decent living, and have pretty decent lives. But, yeah, let’s keep saying the US can only turn out to be like Venezuela. That assumes the majority of Americans are too stupid to go in any other direction. That sounds like a red state problem to me. The life expectancy in the United States is longer in Blue states with Connecticut having the longest life expectancy in America. Blue states also have lower crime rates, lower health problems, lower amounts of suicide, higher test scores, less teen pregnancy, less abortion, more college graduates, higher per capita GDP. We can do it if we all work together.

We just need to eliminate greed, and be willing to compromise and use some common sense,

I’m not sure what happened, but one day a few weeks ago I got an email saying my account was permanently deactivated. I appealed the decision and they said I had to submit a photo ID. I didn’t want to do that since I’d used it already to change my name on my backup account. So just for giggles I sent them a meme making fun of Trump. Somehow they knew from that it was me and my account was unlocked like a day later.

One of the first things I did was add my phone number back, then I set up 2FA on the account so this nonsense hopefully never happens again. My backup account is growing nicely, though. Up to like 1200 friends on that one, My original is just shy of 5,000 friends with like 1500 followers.

If I were single I’d love to go to parties with her. lol

I sent this reply to him on Twitter:

Fuck You Godaddy

So, I thought I had all my old posts from that website someone pointed out, but, nope. So I still lost like a year’s worth of posts. Godaddy still won’t give me a copy of the site backup even if I pay them, so fuck Godaddy. Don’t host with them. The service quality sucks. If I have to be honest I do like the themes better, but that’s about it. I don’t spend enough time devoted to this site for it to really matter, anyway. The nice thing here is I have complete access to my website back end. If I need to inject code I can. Godaddy doesn’t allow that. One for reason to say fuck Godaddy,.

Someone on Twitter mention a site that backs up websites on the net. So here are some of the missing posts:

I Actually Started Writing My Book!

Posted on June 12, 2018

Okay, so I’m not sure if I should really qualify it as starting any more than I would posting here that I’m going to get better at updating this blog. I’m not. Don’t believe me if I write that. My life is hectic. I’m married, for one, so half my time I’m doing stuff with my wife. I also wok crazy hours doing the Uber thing. I should probably be out right now, but I really hate being out early. I hate the sun right now. A little after 12, when it starts heading the other direction, I can deal with it. Till 5 or 6 when it seems to be right in your face driving. So, my wife went to Peru for two weeks and a few days recently. She just got back last Tuesday. So in that time I did a lot of cleaning, paid some bills, took a lot of time off for myself, and one night, I sat down and started the first chapter of my book. I get distracted really easily, so I probably wrote about 2,000 words and stopped. And, depending on the time of day, I can’t really type for some reason. Like right now. I think I’m doing about 40wpm. I just woke up an hour ago, and I’m still tired. I usually type between 100 and 150 wpm. Yeah, fast. I can actually one hand type about 40wpm. I’m doing it right now. Okay, now I’m back to two hands for not much improvement.

So my goal today is to do Door Dash and Uber. I need to do DD every so often to keep my account active. Uber I do all the time. I did some car repairs. New spark plugs, I put in new calipers in the back myself. New discs and pads all around, new tries, I put new headlights in so I could have projectors. That may have been a mistake. I don’t know. The lED headlights I have I got for free to try them out. I had been using them as fog lights. My new housing unit uses the same size for low beams so that’s where they are right now. But they’re really dim and I had to create an adapter on my own to go from 9006 make to h11 female. That was fun. I just ordered new bright LEDs. If that doesn’t work I’ll switch to HIDs again for my low beams. See? I just got distracted again. I was looking up prices, posting an add for my old headlight assemblies free, checking emails, and now I think I’m gonna go eat something 😛

Creative Commons License

Tip The Driver by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.tipthedriver.com.

I Had To Change Providers. AGAIN.

Posted on April 12, 2018

I probably should have backed up the work I did the last few months. That was really brilliant of me to forget to do. I have a backup of my blog, but it’s from November, somehow. So, I’m back on Godaddy. They’re not the cheapest, they don’t have the best service, they don’t have the best features, but it’s comfortable, and their tech support is 24/7 and always fixes my issues. I like that. I just installed like 50 plugins, so I have to go through all of those at some point and make sure the settings play nice with each other, and delete the crap I don’t use. I’ve been blogging since 2009, but, quite honestly, I haven’t been paying much attention to what the plugins can do. The biggest thing that annoys me is prior to moving to 1&1,I had like 30,000 visitors a month. My page was ranked pretty high, and it wa worth some money. Switching lost me all of my traffic. Switching back lost me traffic again. So I’m staying with Godaddy. My wife thinks it’s a waste of money, but I like blogging.

So since July, I’ve been driving for Uber. I like it. I also do some of the other services like DoorDash, which I might do tonight. In the summer I was making about $50 an hour doing this. I kind of burned myself out and got lazy. I’ve mostly been doing UberEats, the food delivery side, just to avoid people. But I’m going to get back into the passenger side of it. And I’ll focus on cities closer to NYC so I get those good airport trips and Manhattan rides. Those pay $60-$100 depending on the distance and time. Plus, I get to walk around Manhattan when I go into the city. I can’t pick up there since I don’t live in NY unless I get the taxi license. That’s way too much hassle, so I’m not doing it. I went out for a few hours for lunch doing Eats, and I’ll go back out in a little bit doing more of that, then more passengers later. Right now, I think I’m going to watch a show, so I’ll ttyl. Soon, though, I promise for real this time.

Creative Commons License

Tip The Driver by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.tipthedriver.com.

Drive Or Ride With Uber And Get Money!

Posted on November 28, 2017

I use @Uber to make money with my car & you can too. Use my link for $175 guaranteed: http://partners.uber.com/i/adams44399ue

Creative Commons License

Tip The Driver by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.tipthedriver.com.

Uber’s Been Good So Far

Posted on November 24, 2017

Yeah, been doing that since July. I had to quit that pizza place, working 50 hours a week to make $500 is just nuts. Then you deduct gas and everything else and it’s like “what the hell am I thinking?”. Granted, if you’re at a really busy restaurant it’s not a bad gig. You can make $200 a day if you work all day. But I can make that in 4 hours now, so why work the extra 8 hours doing that nonsense?

So Thanksgiving Eve I made some mistakes. I took a few surging at 2.2 when I was in an area surging at 5.5 because I’m way too quick to hit the accept button. I need to focus more. I also need to learn to sleep more so I don’t get tired while I’m out. And I have bad habits like playing with my tablet while I’m in the car. I need to learn to drive. When I do drive it’s much easier to focus and the day goes by quick. I meet a lot of cool people doing this job. Anyway, I was really just editing some script on here, so I’ll try to remember to post tomorrow.

Creative Commons License

Tip The Driver by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.tipthedriver.com.

I Know It’s Been A While

Posted on September 5, 2017

I quit working at the pizza place I was working t in Trumbull. Now I’m doing ridesharing. Yaaaaay! The pay is much better, but it’s really hard to be disciplined, and it’s hard dealing with drunks and ungrateful people all the time. The stupid score we have to maintain is just nuts. College students and drunks think four stars is a good rating, but what they don’t realize is four stars is low enough to get you fired. You need above a 4.6 or you get deactivated. Every time I take college students I regret it. I started out a 4.86 tonight and now I’m back to 4.83 because of asshole college students who want to feel powerful. And that power comes at the price of people’s jobs, and longer wait times for them. It’s stupid. They pay a third of what they would with a taxi and should be grateful, but are entitled assholes instead. The safest time to do the job is early in the day, like 5am-2pm. You can get all the same volume, all the same distances, with none of the shitty ratings. It’s amazing these companies don’t realize they’re penalizing drivers for making them money late at night.

Creative Commons License

Tip The Driver by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.tipthedriver.com.

Score For Delivery Drivers In CT!

Posted on April 29, 2017

Here’s a big win for CT drivers.

Creative Commons License

Tip The Driver by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.tipthedriver.com.

Had To Switch Hosts. Got Hacked. Here’s A Text Backup.

Posted on April 12, 2017

Tip The Driver!
Delivery Nightmares

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My cat desperately needs help $$$
Posted on February 16, 2017 by acsmith1972
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I think it’s pretty obvious by now I suck at doing this regularly
Posted on October 31, 2016 by acsmith1972
Most of the reason why is I hardly hear back from you guys, so in that sense it just feels like I’m talking to myself. I like the feedback. I want to know if people have any questions or want to know anything about this job or my life in general. I’m still at the new place. I’ve been working there since June. I was at 6 days, then 5 and now back to 6. Two days off is too much for this sort of work. I get bored at home and could be making more money being at work. My wife works all the time, too so without her home it’s pointless being there. Tomorrow I’m supposed to go to Salem for Halloween. Boo! Salem is THE perfect place to be for Halloween. First stop is supposed to be Boston in the AM. My wife’s never been there. I like Boston, but I’m a Yankee at heart so NYC will always be my favorite. But the city of Salem itself is amazing. Aside from the Red Sox fans, they suck, but the rest of the city is great. It’s steeped in hundreds of years of history and just has this nostalgic feel to it. It’s hard to explain, but it’s a little like the city IS actually magical. I’ll always love Salem. That has to be my favorite city to visit any time of the year, but especially around Halloween. I have other city favorites like New Haven, CT or Stamford, CT, NYC, Maimi, but while other people are always trying to get away, I like where I live. It’s crazy expensive and we have retards running the state, but I really do like it here. I told my wife I’d move if we had a reason to move. I don’t want to do it just to do it. But maybe some day.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

I’ve looked EVERYWHERE and I can’t find a single site backup from before. Other than the one from 2017. I don’t know which is more likely, that I was just lazy and stupid about it, or misplaced it. I suppose the xml file could exist under another name, but I question what I would’ve renamed it. I checked everywhere, and I even looked at my emails. i sometimes send files to myself as a way to back them up.

Godaddy is still basically saying “Fuck You” as far as a site backup goes. They claim they only keep a backup for 30 days. I’m calling bullshit on that. I bet if it were a law enforcement issue they’d somehow “find” the backup. They’re doing it out of spite for not wanting to pay $15 a month for a non-monetized wordpress site. I should’ve stuck with these guys here or maybe even 000. It just seems really petty and spiteful.

So, in case you’re wondering: NO, I do not recommend GoDadday for hosting.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Godaddy Update

So Godaddy tells me yesterday that despite what they said in my BBB complaint that they do not actually have a site backup for me. So they lied, and all that work I failed to update is gone. I really don’t know what happened to it. I thought I made manual copies but so far all the ones I checked all seem to be missing the whole last year. Not to mention the fact that I can’t seem to get the xml file to load the right way and it looks like shit on here. I’m going to have to ask these guys how to get it to install the right way, but either way, it looks like all that work is gone. I’m beyond frustrated by it. I had dozens of posts. I am really bad at making regular posts to my site, so losing those is a huge blow to me. I keep saying I’m going to do this more, but i get distracted so easily. I ague with trolls on Facebook and Twitter, I’m looking at porn, I’m playing online games, I’m downloading tv shows: II’m doing everything but writing. The good news is I work for Uber and Lyft so I have lots of new stories to post about. But right now I need to go out and work. I do have a camera, now, too, so maybe I can post some of the videos.

Blocked again…

My ex blocked me today after I sent a pic of a car I was parked next to that had bullet holes. I was like “You know you’re in Bridgeport when you see this”. She got offended. Years ago she had a sense of humor and used to poke fun at Bridgeport, too.

Most of the issue is me. She told me I should just apologize and drop it. I chose to argue instead, but the reason why is just because we’re not together any more doesn’t mean I need to change who I am to talk to her. She’s ultra-pc with me claiming she treats everyone the same. I’ve never seen her get mad at any friends or anyone in general who ever made comments like that. Just me. I even told her, “I don’t even know how to talk to you any more, I have to keep replies to yes or no so I don’t offend you ” She’d probably say not being with me any more, and we officially ended things in 2012, means she doesn’t have to take my b.s. any more. Funny thing about that: she’s insulting all the time. The few times I said something she justified it or flat out said something like too bad. Hypocrites are profoundly annoying.

This is the same girl who calls me every time she has an issue, or is upset, or needs advice, or whatever. Then she picks a fight so she can block me and go back to not talking to me. She’ll point out that I’m 46, like she did every age for every year, but point out that she’s 35 and blocking people is childish, see how that goes. I used to love our conversations, but now it seems like she’s testing me to see how long it takes me to say anything at all she can snap at me for. Same girl forgives literally everyone else in her life, except me. And she still blames me for everything bad in her life.

I let things go. Why keep talking to someone you hate? The past is the past. She fucked me over plenty. She used me every bit as much as I used her. She tested me just as badly as I ever did her. But when we ended it, I let the past go. She holds grudges. Forever, apparently.

So, I’m blocked for now. Something will happen eventually and she’ll need me again, she’ll unblock me, get whatever it is she needs, then block me again. Kinda fucked up. Maybe next time I’ll just ignore her, or maybe I’ll be just as cold to her as she always is to me.

<strong>B</strong>y hate, I don’t mean like I hate mushrooms, or like you might hate Mondays. I mean hate like a Boston resident hates the Yankees. Hate like Putin has for America. Hate like Republicans have for equality. That sort of hate. Vitriol would be a better word for how she feels about me. Yet, still, she gets in touch. I’m not sure why. My wife always asks me, “Why do you talk to her? You  know she’s just going to use you for whatever the current crisis she has, then tell you she hates you and not to talk to her anymore.” And that’s what she does, every single time, yet <em>still</em>, she gets in touch, again, and again, after that.

My personal opinion is she’s mad at me for our relationship not working, mad at me for sticking around all those years, mad at me for how it happened to her dating someone, and mad at me for how her life turned out. And yet, still she gets in touch. We dated officially from 2005-2007. I was 33, she was just turning 21. I’ve always liked younger girls. Partly because I’m immature on a lot of levels, partly because they expect less, partly because they like sex as much as I do, and partly because, hell, younger <em>is</em> better. They have more spirit, they’re more hopeful about the future, they’re more understanding, and looking younger is nice, too.

She hasn’t talked to me in days since she said I sounded conceited, and, of course, the minute I start typing this she sends me a message on Whatsapp asking if I know of any good Asian pantries. I said, yes, but you probably won’t like it. She asked, “why not?”. I should’ve replied, “Because you hate me and everything I like, duh.”, but I just sent her the address of a place I know and love. I try <em>really</em> hard not to be petty when I talk to her, but she pushes my buttons on purpose. Just the other day I happened to mention I haven’t been drunk in like 5 years. Or high. So she immediately says, “I’ve never seen you smoke weed.” So? Does that mean it never happens? I used to hang out with drug dealers and lived with one. I’ve smoked a LOT of weed in my day. I just lost interest for the most part. It happens. People mature. Then I happened to mention my taste in alcohol changed and that’s when she said I sounded conceited. I like things like “Macallan 18” now. While not the most expensive bottle, it is around $200. It’s not because it’s so much that I like it, I actually happen to still like Jameson, and that’s like $30 a bottle. It just is what it is.

Of course, after I send my recommendation, she says that’s not the kind of place she’s looking for. Sure, because I named it. Just like how for years I’ve been making tv show recommendations she’s largely been ignoring, and music. Like “Game of Thrones”. I have the old texts about the subject, asking if she checked it out yet. She kept saying it wasn’t her kind of show, not to bug her about it, stop trying to get her to watch it. Guess who <em>LOVES</em> Game of Thrones now? Do I get credit for that? Nope. Not at all. I’ve also recommended other shows I still have no idea if she ever checked out because of me that were seriously awesome like “The IT Crowd”. Because <em>I</em> know what she likes, when I see something, I say something. She <em>chooses</em> to be contrary, just because it’s me suggesting it.

With music, she constantly acts like she’s the first and only one listening to things I’ve been listening to before she was born. Take David Bowie: I was listening to him when I was like ten. He was on the radio <em>all the time</em>. I was born in 72, so I was listening to him in 82 back when she was negative two years old. She’s one f those types that hates labels, right, but has me labeled and boxed placed on the top shelf. Ask her what my favorite band is and she says, “Godsmack, you have the tattoo”. I have the tattoo because I <em>like</em> Godsmack, and loved the design at the time. It’s still a pretty cool-looking tribal sun. I <em>LOVE</em> Pink Floyd. I listen to them all the time. I’ve been to see them in concert back in 92, right around the time she might’ve started listening to thing like David Bowie. To assume that I can’t love Pink Floyd because I have a tattoo of another band’s symbol is just silly. That places me in a box. Then she’ll claim she only ever heard of me listening to bands A, B, and C. Really? Were you not there when we were together? Was it because you just weren’t interested in me that you never paid attention to what I liked? That’s awesome, to find out later someone you were with for years, and years after that paid so little attention. For the record,my favorite bands, in this order, but I am muic-fluid, so: Pink Floyd, Tool/A Perfect Circle, David Bowie, Tupac, Eminem, Duran Duran, Lacuna Coil, Motionless In White, Twenty One Pilots, Imagine Dragons, and many others. For me, music is all about mood. Sometimes I’m listening to Berlioz, or Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Strauss, etc. She wouldn’t know that because apparently, she never paid attention when I was listening to them. I <em>LOVE</em> anything from the Baroque period. I even listen to Daddy Yankee, Don Omar, Wisin, and others. And there she’d make fun of me for liking it because I don’t speak fluent Spanish. In the art world we’d call her a Stuckist, who defines what is and isn’t art, and, by extension who is and isn’t a “real” fan.

Art is another thing I’m guessing she never noticed about me. I <em>LOVE</em> art. I always have. She’d say something snarky and cynical like, “Since when, I never saw that side of you.” To which I’d reply, “Yeah, but you seemed to have missed everything else, so which is more likely, that I’m vapid and devoid of any interests, or that you just didn’t care enough to pay attention?” Seriously, Van Gogh is my absolute favorite artist. I love everything about his work. I love the brush strokes, the colors, the detail, the slight madness in what he was painting, the emotions his works evoke, everything. I’ve gotten teary looking at his work because they are <em>that</em> commanding to me. They’re just <em>so</em> emotional, it’s hard to explain to someone who isn’t a fan. And I like pretty much everything by Dali. I think he was way ahead of his time, and there’s a man who could paint something to totally trip you out. Go look at Dali paintings while listening to pretty much any album by Pink Floyd (I’d go with Dark Side of the Moon on this adventure). I also like Munch, Picasso, Da Vinci, and even Rockwell. I know Norman Rockwell isn’t in the same class as the others, but it’s like liking butter pecan ice cream: it’s <em>still</em> ice cream! Rockwell’s art just speaks to what should have been a simpler time in life in America, the dream of the American Dream. It’s rustic, it’s comforting, it makes me want to go to a lodge in Vermont one snowy night and have hot cocoa while watching the snow fall softly on the trees.

Anyway, after that two years together we mostly stayed together for the next 5 years. We weren’t living together any more, and we had an open relationship, but eventually she found someone and moved on. She stopped calling me for sex, or for hanging out, and we rarely talked. Then I met someone, fell in love with her, proposed, and we got married. My ex didn’t like that at all. My wife is from South America and she felt she was using me for a green card. She’s got that and we’re still together. So now I guess it’s the full Monty, as they say, she’s waiting for her citizenship to leave me. Even <em>IF</em> that were true: so? Who’s business is that but my own? The guy my ex was dating for the longest time wasn’t the best boyfriend. He really used her, ultimately left her twisting in the wind as he moved on. I tried to warn her multiple times till she finally put her foot down one day and said it was no one’s business but hers and as my friend I should back off. While maintaining that as <em>my</em> friend she has the right to speak out about <em>my</em> relationship if she thinks someone is trying to hurt me. Now, how is that fair? I need to keep quiet to stay in her good graces, and she gets to speak out when it comes to me? That’s not how this works. Anyway, she might be right, she might be wrong, but if she wants to say things she has to accept that I might want to in her situations, too. I think the real reason she got so mad is I stopped waiting for her. It’s just my opinion, of course, but I was always the safe one to fall back to. But I was getting hurt. She used to call me al the time for sex, and I mean a lot, we did it all the time, but then I have texts from her saying how much she hated having sex with me. Like, really? It made me feel so cheap and used. And nine times out of ten, she’d have me come over and scratch that itch for her, then find something to get mad at me about to kick me out and not talk to me till the next time she was horny.

And she’s always held me to a much higher standard than anyone else in her life. Everyone has screwed her over at some point, some of them multiple times and they’ve all been forgiven multiple times. I’m not saying I’m innocent, those first two years I was a real asshole. I was cold a lot of the time, I wound up in jail for three months because I fucked up, and she waited for me, and I didn’t repay her the way I should have. Instead of being loving I was spiteful. Instead of being patient, I was impatient. Instead of being an adult, I was a petty child. I accept all that. I learned a lot from being with her. But when we moved forward, I thought we were doing it with the understanding the past is in the past and we were moving through time into the future. This is the same shit that gets every guy: women never forget, there is no such thing as the present or future, only past mistakes. They forgive themselves for any trespasses in the past and expect you to, also, while being determined to stay in the past with all your fuck-ups. It’s not fair, but it’s what they do. Guys will go punch a wall or something and be over it. Girls will mention shit years later and still act mad about it. That could be one example of why monogamy is stupid. But not me, she’ll constantly bring up the past. Even when we talk, now she’s forever dropping little examples of something that happened ten years ago. She has a decent life. She’s in a great career, instead of her being mad she might be a little grateful to me since it was <em>me</em> who kept pushing her to go back to school to get a degree. I kept telling her she’s too smart to settle for not having a degree and she should go back. I was the one who got all the information for her about school, and various programs and financial aid, and everything else. I swear, I wonder why I bother helping people with anything. I’m okay with not getting credit, but for fuck’s sake don’t be a dick about it to me.

She also thinks I’m racist. And sexist. And homophobic. Not even fucking close. But <em>SHE</em> happens to be one of those people on the faaaaaaar left. The ULTRA-PC Liberal no one gets. Like their polar opposites: the Trump fans. That’s not to say she’s like them, but her side of the political spectrum <em>is</em> as far away from moderation as a Trump fan’s. She’s entitled to her opinions, of course, but no one’s entitled to their own facts. Facts are facts. The fact is this: If I read about something specific to race, orientation, gender, etc, I <em>will</em> ask about it. In her mind it seems to be okay to be critical of Whites, Males, Christians, and Heterosexuals, but no one else. Everyone else is off limits, except possibly to member of their own race or type. So when I say something like IF Bruce Jenner had actually been to blame, he should go to jail. I realize SHE isn’t Bruce any more, but she was at the time. I also don’t think Caitlyn deserved to be named “Woman of the Year” for getting a sex change. Whatever you think of that issue, saying what she did was more important than any other woman that year is bullshit. Sorry. And that’s not me hating on people who get sex changes, that’s me saying it’s just not right. The husband of a woman who rushed into one of the towers on 9/11 to save lives and was killed returned hi award from Glamour over it. It was to him like saying what Caitlyn sacrificed was the same as dying saving lives in a terrorist attack like 9/11. Rose McGowan took issue with it because prior to her sex change, then Bruce had enjoyed male privilege his whole life. Women have spent their <em>entire lives</em> suffering for the benefit of their fellow human, and it just seemed like a bad choice. Does she deserve recognition? <strong>Of course. Over and over, YES.</strong> Does she deserve <em>more</em> recognition than say Pragya Singh, who has helped hundreds of burn victims, or the women in the Middle East braving those same attacks for learning or teaching, or any number of other women here or around the world? In my personal opinion, no. It just doesn’t rise to that level. For a lot of people Caitlyn gives them hope, and that’s great. It’s awesome that she’s there for their cause, her cause, too, but I just don’t think it rises to the same level and I shouldn’t be considered a bigot or Homophobic because of it. I have a LOT of Gay friends. Guess what: they all agree. That’s another funny thing: I <em>do</em> have a lot of Gay friends. It just doesn’t occur to me that they’re Gay above and beyond all of two minutes if they’re extra flamboyant. I’ve had several Gay roommates, three to my best guess, several Bisexual roommates, why does it even matter? Every year I go the the art show here in Bridgeport to show my support for them, a lot of them are friends with me either in real life, or we keep in touch on Facebook, I’ve hung out at <strong>Trevi</strong> in Bridgeport numerous times, I’ve been to their houses for parties, and see some of them almost daily. If I were Homophobic, why would I do that? Granted, I don’t have any Lesbian friends, but that’s not by design, it just happens that I don’t. As for minorities, I have tons of minority friends and my wife is Hispanic from South America. Everyone has racist ideas from one time to another. My ex has made comments about the way the Jewish people at her high school treated her. I’m not sure what their being Jewish had to do with it, but it had some sort of meaning for her. And she’s never been shy about saying something about Whites that she doesn’t like. Personally, I have no problem with any group of people, but I really hate ignorant people. Of <strong>ALL</strong> races. I just choose to not be around them. It’s not racist. My wife is the same way. She, too, hates ignorant people. Not because of their skin color, but if I had to name one group I can’t stand more than anyone else based on skin color? Whites. Again, not in general, but rednecks piss me off. They were handed the keys to the kingdom and fucked it up. You have every opportunity to get ahead and not look like an idiot, but, instead, you’re trying to bed relatives, your car has no wheels and plants growing out of it, and you look like trash. Sorry. So I try to avoid areas like “the valley”. As for sexist? I don’t know, I try to be as chivalrous as I can. I’ve never thought of women as less than men. I honestly like most of them better than most men. I don’t think they deserve <em>more</em> rights than men, I think we should all be equal in every way. Does that make me sexist? I also reject the idea that men can’t be sexually assaulted by women, or that in cases of drunken sex on college campuses it’s always rape by the man even if both parties accepted, even if the man is more drunk simply because his penis got hard. I reject ideas like that. I think we’ve gotten too pc with sex. Now college kids are supposed to actually sign consent forms before having sex. Hopefully it doesn’t require a Notary. That’d be awkward.

Anyway, she just goes out of her way to be mean to me. She tries to hurt me and succeeds almost every time. Just because I blow things off doesn’t mean I don’t feel them. I’m hyper-emotional, if anything having Bipolar Disorder, being on the Autism Spectrum, having ADHD, being OCD having Panic Disorder, all things she’s made fun of in the past with comments like “Bipolar Boy”. I do have emotions. My thought process might be fucked up, but where’s my consideration? What, everyone else gets a free pass with their issues, but I don’t deserve <em>any</em>? I also remember <em>everything</em>. Every slight. Every insult. Every rude comment. I <em>choose</em> to not dwell on them or make it a big issue for most people. I’ve only ever written off one person in my life, a guy who actually talked shit about my ex one day and that was it for me with him. I did have one other guy friend ghost me for a girl he was dating, but he was kind of stupid to begin with, and not the best friend. No big loss. But my ex tries to find fault with literally everything I say or do. She called me condescending for saying I have expensive taste in liquor now, well <em>she’s</em> condescending for pretty much every single interaction with me. If it’s not bragging about something, it’s putting me down for everything. Like the day she said she doubted I could actually make as much as I do with this job. Why, because I didn’t have to go to school for four years to do it? It’s HARD work. Especially for me since I have to talk to people. Having a 4.9 rating with over 4,500 trips in a year is pretty good. My delivery rating is 100%. I’m good at this. Could I make more? Yeah, lots, but I’m lazy. I admit that. But it’s not the job, it’s me holding me back. She hates my wife, so she never has anything good to say on that front. Recently, both of us lost a pet that was very close to us. Our “soulmates” as she put it. <strong>Toby</strong> for her, <strong>Fluffer</strong> for me. I tried to be there for her however I could. She tried to be there for me on her terms. That’s how it’s different. I’ll give as much as I can that the other person needs, she’ll give as much as she wants regardless of what the other person needs. I remember when discussing a possible song lyric I was thinking about to go with a tattoo she said something to the effect of not that song, she didn’t like him. So? Imagine if I had said that about a lyric she’d have been considering. It would’ve been a huge fight, and, honestly, I wouldn’t say something like that. If a lyric makes you feel better, pick that lyric. Why do I need to express I don’t like that group and suggest you pick something else? Who’s it for then? And while I was always there for her when she was sad, there were times when she was just distant when I was reaching out. It’s like that with her: she’s fine asking for help but loathes giving it to me.

Why don’t I walk away, you ask? Ignore her forever? Because she was such an important part of my life. Because I grew as a person because of her. Because in a lot of ways she made me a better person. Because I think she’s a good human being. But she’s really spiteful. She’ll hold grudges for decades and refuse to let them go as if her anger is all that she is. I’m an optimist, she’s a pessimist. So while she only sees the native things about me (except when she needs me for something), I see the good in her, and am always available. And who am I to write people off just because they’re rude? It’s just hard sometimes because she should understand that labels and boxes are bad. There are so many things about me she doesn’t now because she wasn’t ever really interested in anything other than the surface, and that’s sad, because I am quite deep. And I don’t really care if that last bit sounds conceited.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The problem is I let my Godaddy account expire and they’re holding my site backup hostage until I rejoin. Apparently I can join for one month and they’ll give me a copy of my most recent backup. It’s shitty, but it’s my fault for forgetting to download regular copies of the backup. I think their format might be somewhat proprietary, too. I haven’t figured that out yet. Most likely I’ll have to pay their ransom to get my latest copy back to upload here.

One and One, or however you want to spell it, has a HUGE learning curve. It’s not user-friendly at all. It’s going to take me a few days of exploring to figure it out and get writing again. I have to figure out all the plugins and see if I can access the back end so I can run scripts. Noting major, just a few things so I can monetize my youtube channel. You can look me up on there under adamcharles1972 or tip the driver, I think. Or here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy8b6Rwnr715G4R53n2S10w/videos?view_as=subscriber

Lazy Site Backup

Okay, this is a very sloppy backup of the site I had on Godaddy. For some reason my xml file isn’t uploading the right way, so for right now this is how I’m doing it: copy/paste.

Delivery Nightmares

My cat desperately needs help $$$
Posted on February 16, 2017 by acsmith1972
Click here to donate
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I think it’s pretty obvious by now I suck at doing this regularly
Posted on October 31, 2016 by acsmith1972
Most of the reason why is I hardly hear back from you guys, so in that sense it just feels like I’m talking to myself. I like the feedback. I want to know if people have any questions or want to know anything about this job or my life in general. I’m still at the new place. I’ve been working there since June. I was at 6 days, then 5 and now back to 6. Two days off is too much for this sort of work. I get bored at home and could be making more money being at work. My wife works all the time, too so without her home it’s pointless being there. Tomorrow I’m supposed to go to Salem for Halloween. Boo! Salem is THE perfect place to be for Halloween. First stop is supposed to be Boston in the AM. My wife’s never been there. I like Boston, but I’m a Yankee at heart so NYC will always be my favorite. But the city of Salem itself is amazing. Aside from the Red Sox fans, they suck, but the rest of the city is great. It’s steeped in hundreds of years of history and just has this nostalgic feel to it. It’s hard to explain, but it’s a little like the city IS actually magical. I’ll always love Salem. That has to be my favorite city to visit any time of the year, but especially around Halloween. I have other city favorites like New Haven, CT or Stamford, CT, NYC, Maimi, but while other people are always trying to get away, I like where I live. It’s crazy expensive and we have retards running the state, but I really do like it here. I told my wife I’d move if we had a reason to move. I don’t want to do it just to do it. But maybe some day.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged magic, moving, nyc, pizza delivery, salem | Leave a comment | Edit
A new place, this is getting old.
Posted on June 9, 2016 by acsmith1972
I finally quit working for Silver Spoon. It was a total waste of my time. The unfortunate thing is I spent 6 weeks sitting at home looking for jobs online and I bet I could’ve written the book in that time. It’s weird, when I got the idea to write the book I was all gung-ho about doing it. But that was back in 2012, I think. In that 4 years I did a great outline, I made folder with all the sub folders like epilogue, index, etc, I took as many notes as I could think of, organized everything in order so it’s ready to go the minute I decide to do it, then promptly sat on it for the last 4 years. I actually thought of changing it from my personal experiences to trying to do one of those “Complete Idiots Guide” or “For Dummies” books. I think I could do a better job of making one of those books but I really think one of those would make more sense AFTER I did the one about my personal experiences. If I had the name recognition from getting one published then I’d be able to do the other more easily.
So the place I’m working at now is brand new. I’m getting tired of doing this. I’m 43 and while I don’t look or feel old, I’m not 18 any more. My wife wants a house and I want to give one to her or do whatever it takes to get one. I’m still leaning toward saving and getting another pizza place. Maybe buy someone else’s mistake and try to fix that up. The problem is the money, of course. Opening a new place would be between $100,000-$500,000. Buying one someone else screwed up would be between $50,000-$100,000. But there are additional headaches that go with that. A brand new place gets all the attention from the town where an existing place even under a new name might have a lot of people who just won’t trust it even if everything is different. Advertising is completely different now with social media. This place didn’t opt to advertise at all and just from a free Facebook business page the response was HUGE. They probably grossed around $15,000 in four nights, which is fantastic. Even today was pretty good. If I had to guess I’d say they hit the $2,000 mark, maybe $3,000 which for a Wednesday a few days after opening is fantastic. I’d love to have a second shot at owning my own pizza place. I know everything I did wrong and how to make it work. The fucked up thing is when I didn’t have the right tools my father invested in me and I ruined that opportunity. I doubt I’ll get that opportunity like that again so I’ll have to save a few years to do it myself. It’s really frustrating looking backwards. Anyway, I’ll talk to you guys soon!
P.S. Feel free to donate….
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged business, cheese, entrepreneur, food, italian, money, pepperoni, pizza, pizza delivery, restaurant, sauce, service, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Visit my other site, I need the counter to go up =)
Posted on April 3, 2016 by acsmith1972
The address is http://www.trumpdonaldj.com Thanks!
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged click me, counter, hits, other site, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
I tried to start my own delivery service…that didn’t work.
Posted on April 1, 2016 by acsmith1972
So a few months back after hearing enough restaurants complain about how much Grubhub and Silverspoon charge them I decided to try it myself. I bought a website, printed business cards, and sent letters out to about 60 places. I offered to do it for 50% LESS than they pay now. They pay 20% plus credit card processing and various fees. I offered to do it for 10%.
On the customer side they usually pay between $4 and $6 per delivery plus an automatic 15% gratuity. Drivers don’t get paid by the hour, so you need that or no one would do it. So I offered a $3 delivery charge with $2 off coupons, plus the standard 15%. So customers would save between $3 to $5 a delivery, too. Of 60 restaurants, ONE called me back and was only half interested. And this was all months after grooming them. WTF. And for Silverspoon, I’m the only regular full-time guy in my area. I’m quitting soon and the service and restaurants are going to lose customers because of it.
Why people and restaurants would rather pay twice as much for a name to deliver their food is beyond me. My wife was right, it was a bad idea, but I’m glad I tried anyway. I’m going to get a regular delivery job, save up a few years and open another pizza place and run it the right way this time.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged drivers, food delivery, gas, grubhub, pizza delivery, seemless, self-employed, silverspoon, start-up, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
I love this song
Posted on March 27, 2016 by acsmith1972
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged bank, bill, blowjob, book, brick, bush, cats, cheese, clinton, connecticut, cruz, cum, delivery, dogs, driver, drivers, drugs, ebay, fame, fast, food, fortune, gates, google, guns, hits, isis, kittens, love, maps, money, movies, obama, oven, pizza, puppies, restaurant, sauce, sex, shopping, stressed out, test, tip, tipping, tips, trump, twenty one pilots, wordpress, writing | Leave a comment | Edit
This song perfectly describes why a lot of us hate Donald Trump
Posted on March 19, 2016 by acsmith1972
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged bernie, clinton, conservative, delivery, drugs, guns, hillary, liberal, libertarian, liberty, neocon, obama, restaurants, sanders, sex, tea bagger, tea party, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
OMG. Sorry. It’s been a while. Here’s a nice new shiny blog post =)
Posted on March 18, 2016 by acsmith1972
I was just working on another website of mine and stopped by here to look at my web traffic. Not good. I guess I only get visitors when I put posts up here. So my other new site is http.www.trumpdonaldj.com. Basically, it’s a parody site about Donald Trump, so make sure you visit it. Maybe if I get enough hits on it he’ll see it and I’ll get sued by him for it and wind up famous. You can’t get blood from a stone, so it’d be pretty funny if he tried. I think I have like $400 right now, which reminds me, I do have a donate button on my page….
So, the move went well, our new place is huge compared to the last one. It’s basically three floors. Garage and laundry room on the first floor, living room, dining room, kitchen, back porch on the second, two huge bedrooms and the bathroom on the third. There’s also an attic but it looks like Damien Omen might live up there so we’re not going up there. This place is also wicked expensive for us, $1700 a month. Our last place was $1250 a month and we had a roommate. I kind of liked having someone to split the bills with, but apparently when you’re older you’re nto supposed to have roommates any more. Ours was a friend of my wife’s from Peru. She was kind of dumb, kind of bitchy. The very first week she walked in on me masturbating twice. Once in my room, door closed, and once in the bathroom door closed. She also caught us having sex in the living room once, and I pretty much started walking around naked all the time and masturbating in front of her because of how rude she was to us. She let the cats out several times, left the doors open in a town that’s got plenty of crime, left all the lgiths on, used our food, and so forth. Not all roommates are like that. I’ve had three great roommates in my life, Mario, Kim, and Alicia. Ironically, all from the same apartment. Alicia actually lived with me twice. She’s the only one I ever met that masturbates more than me. With the door open, too. lol
I can’t remember what I was thinking about. It’s 3:10 am here. I always get to this late at night in the middle of six other things. Tomorrow I have to be up for 10 to go to my shitty Silver Spoon delivery service job where I’m lucky if I make $400 a week at. I need to get back into a regular place. My new goal is save two years and try to open another pizza place. Fuck it. I know how to run them. It’s a lot of work, but I’ll do it right this time around.
Okay, I’ll try to post again tomorrow or the next day.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged bernie, blowjob, cats, cheese, clinton, cruz, delivery, dogs, donald, food, hillary, kittens, obama, pepperoni, pizza, porn, puppies, sanders, scotus, sex, trump, xxx | 1 Comment | Edit
We moved!
Posted on December 26, 2015 by acsmith1972
So we had to move eventually and I found a place that’s a bit pricey at $1700 a month, but it’s big, and in a nice town that’s much safer than where we were. It’s a large duplex with a garage, which is also nice since we do have two cars. The wifey gets to park hers in the garage and mine is parked in the parking lot. Work is going okay, still doing the Silver Spoon thing. I may try to get my own thing going soon for extra cash and maybe it turns out to be so successful that it’s all I have to do. I’ll put some more tomorrow or the next day. It’s 3 am and I’m tired. I just wanted to do a quick update since it’s been so long.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged blowjob, christmas, crux, delivery, disney, gay, guns, isis, kittens, meh, movies, newy rea, obama, pizza, puppies, restaurant, sex, star wars, taliban, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
Got fired 😦
Posted on November 20, 2015 by acsmith1972
So far Grubhub hasn’t said why. They took me off the clock with no warning and when I called said they haven’t gotten around to letting me know via email why they fired me. Isn’t that nice. Bastards. Luckily I have a second job but it doesn’t pay nearly as much. The next few days are going to be stressful. I know I did my job better than most. My wife thinks they’re trying to save money so they’re looking for any excuse to fire people. I’ll appeal the decision to the arbitration process. They can come and present their case and let a mediator decide. Even if it’s a waste of time it is my right, may as well use it.
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged clinton, cruz, delivery, drugs, fired, food, grubhub, guns, isis, kittens, obama, pizza, trump | Leave a comment | Edit

I installed Windows 10
Posted on November 1, 2015 by acsmith1972
So I built this computer, like I have been doing for the last twenty years or so. I went to school for software and network design back in 2000. I used to do tech support at Subway world headquarters and also at a company called Dazzle for those of you who remember video break-out boxes to get video from camcorders to computers before USB took off. Anyway, the computer specs are this:

SiSoftware Sandra
Host Name : RAIDEN
Workgroup : WORKGROUP
Model : OEM
Serial Number : To Be Fille Chassis : Desktop Mainboard : ASRock Z97 Killer Serial Number : E80-4A0*
BIOS : AMI (OEM) P2.20 05/12/2015
Intel vPro :
Total Memory : 16GB DIMM DDR3
Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz (4C 8T 4.5GHz, 4GHz IMC, 4x 256kB L2, 8MB L3)
Socket/Slot : FC LGA1150
Memory Controller : ASRock Core (Haswell) DRAM Controller 100MHz, 2x 8GB DIMM DDR3 1.33GHz 128-bit
Memory Module(s)
Memory Module : G.Skill F3-1866C9-8GXM 8GB DIMM DDR3 PC3-14900U DDR3-1866 (9-9-9-25 4-34-10-5)
Memory Module : G.Skill F3-1866C9-8GXM 8GB DIMM DDR3 PC3-14900U DDR3-1866 (9-9-9-25 4-34-10-5)
Video System
Monitor/Panel : ACI VS278
(1920×1080, 27.2″)
Video Adapter : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (13CU 1664SP SM5.2 1.11GHz/1.46GHz, 1.8MB L2, 4GB 7GHz 256-bit, PCIe 3.00 x16)
Graphics Processor
CUDA GP Processor : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (1664SP 13C 1.11GHz/1.46GHz, 1.8MB L2, 4GB 6GHz/7GHz 256-bit)
OpenCL GP Processor : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (1664SP 13C 1.11GHz/1.46GHz, 208kB L2, 4GB 6GHz/7GHz 256-bit)
Compute Shader Processor : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (1664SP 13C 1.11GHz/1.46GHz, 1.8MB L2, 4GB 6GHz/7GHz 256-bit)
OpenGL Processor : GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 (4GB)
Storage Devices
KINGSTON SH103S3120G (120GB, SATA600, SSD) : 112GB (C:)
Seagate ST3000DM001-1ER166 (3TB, SATA600, 3.5″, 7200rpm) : 3TB (A:)
Seagate ST3000DM001-1ER166 (3TB, SATA600, 3.5″, 7200rpm) : 3TB (B:)
WDC WD20NMVW-11AV3S2 (2TB, USB3/SATA300, 5200rpm, SED, 8MB Cache) : 2TB (D:)
DTSOFT BDROM (Virtual) : N/A (G:)
Logical Storage Devices
System Reserved : 350MB (NTFS, 4kB) @ KINGSTON SH103S3120G (120GB, SATA600, SSD)
Movies (A:) : 3TB (NTFS, 4kB) @ Seagate ST3000DM001-1ER166 (3TB, SATA600, 3.5″, 7200rpm)
Programs (B:) : 3TB (NTFS, 4kB) @ Seagate ST3000DM001-1ER166 (3TB, SATA600, 3.5″, 7200rpm)
Big Pappa (D:) : 2TB (NTFS, 4kB) @ WDC WD20NMVW-11AV3S2 (2TB, USB3/SATA300, 5200rpm, SED, 8MB Cache)
Windows (C:) : 111GB (NTFS, 4kB) @ KINGSTON SH103S3120G (120GB, SATA600, SSD)
Hard Disk : 450MB (NTFS, 4kB) @ KINGSTON SH103S3120G (120GB, SATA600, SSD)
Optical Drive (E:) : N/A @ HL-DT-ST BD-RE WH14NS40 (SATA150, BD-RE, DVD+-RW, CD-RW)
Optical Drive (G:) : N/A @ DTSOFT BDROM (Virtual)
LPC Hub Controller 1 : ASRock 9 Series Chipset Family Z97 LPC Controller
Audio Device : MSI GM204 High Definition Audio Controller
Audio Codec : nVidia nForce4 Intel Edition CPU to PCI Bridge
Audio Device : Creative Labs X-Fi XtremeGamer FATAL1TY PRO
Serial Port(s) : 1
Disk Controller : ASRock 9 Series Chipset Family SATA Controller [AHCI Mode]
USB Controller 1 : ASRock 9 Series Chipset Family USB xHCI Controller
USB Controller 2 : ASRock 9 Series Chipset Family USB EHCI Controller #2
USB Controller 3 : ASRock 9 Series Chipset Family USB EHCI Controller #1
SMBus/i2c Controller 1 : Intel ICH SMBus
Printers and Faxes
Printer : Send to Microsoft OneNote 16 Driver (1200×1200, Colour)
Printer : Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4 (600×600, Colour)
Printer : Microsoft Print To PDF (600×600, Colour)
Printer : HP Deskjet 3510 series (600×300, Colour)
Printer : Foxit Reader PDF Printer Driver (2400×2400, Colour)
Fax : Microsoft Shared Fax Driver (200×200)
Printer : HP Deskjet 3510 series (600×300, Colour)
Scanners and Cameras
Scanner : Hewlett-Packard HP Deskjet 3510 series (NET) (Scanner, USB)
Scanner : Microsoft computer (HP Deskjet 3510 series) (Scanner, USB)
Location : Microsoft Visual Studio Location Simulator Sensor (Location, Unknown)
Media Player : WD My Passport 0820 (1.82TB)
Network Services
Network Adapter : Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) (Ethernet)
Network Adapter : Killer e2200 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.30) (Ethernet)
Network Adapter : TeamViewer VPN Adapter (Ethernet)
Network Adapter : TAP-Windows Adapter V9 (Ethernet)
Wireless Adapter : Qualcomm Atheros AR9271 Wireless Network Adapter (802.11n (HT), AES-CCMP, 72.2Mbps)
Operating System
Windows System : Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 10.00.10240
Platform Compliance : x64

—–So to continue, I had it with Windows 8.1, which I actually liked. I kept it on 8 mostly for Skyrim, the Elder Scrolls. I gave in yesterday and upgraded. I like Windows 10. I haven’t tried Skyrim yet to make sure it still works, but hopefully it does. I have the tweaks to add to make it work just in case. I used to game heavily. My favorite game is probably still Enemy Territory. I remember the original Castle Wlf from back in the 80s. I loved that one and while I’ve played the most recent one that came out last year, ET is online, and it’s just fun. I used to play UT3 a lot but they have server issues. I still play lots of fps like Fallout, Crysis, etc, but lately it’s been Skyrim. Still, I got to like level 65 and it’s starting to get boring. I have The Witcher. It came with my video card, but it’s a little campy. I don’t know, maybe I just need to give it a chance. So far I like Windows 10.
As for the delivery thing, I took Haloween off. And tomorrow. I was supposed to go to a party but it turned out no one was going so it’s just a quit night with the wife at home watching South Park and relaxing. Tomorrow might be a drinking day. I don’t know, I really doubt it. I seem to be over the whole drinking, getting high part of my life. I have beer in the fridge that’s been there for about 6 months now. I have enough liquor to drown a horse. Our lives are just so busy right now neither one of us have bothered. We keep buying more bottles of wine and just letting them sit there. We have to move in a month or two. We have to go to the housing court next Wednesday to fight the eviction. We’ll most likely get another month or two, then it’s out of here. I wish we could stay but the bank is renovating the house to flip it and doesn’t want to sell it with tenants. The upshot is we haven’t paid rent since March so we’ve had lots of money for other stuff. Like the Rav4 I bought =)

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged blogging, blogs, blowjob, cars, cash, clinton, cum, delivery, facebook, guns, hbo, kittens, money, obama, pinterest, pizza, puppies, restaurant, russia, sex, skype, snow, starz, tip, tipping, tips, tits, trump, whatsapp, windows 10, youtube | Leave a comment | Edit
I feel fuzzy
Posted on October 26, 2015 by acsmith1972
Apparently, I have another abscess. Teeth and me don’t get along. I need to take care of them if I want the ones that are left to last. I’ve had three extractions not counting wisdom teeth. I have one that mostly broke and has to be removed, and another with a big chip that probably needs a root canal and crown. So I was in really bad pain last night, so I took a Percocet and a muscle relaxer. But that was just recently. I have to work at 5. Tonight isn’t going to be very fun. I might call out sick, I don’t know yet. It hurts that bad.
Leave me some comments people. I know there are a lot of you reading this, I use several site analytics plugins. Leave me some comments. I might not reply right away, but unlike other sites you’re free to post whatever comments you like. i don’t censor. Not even the bad posts. Everyone’s entitled to their opinions and I respect all of them, even if I don’t like or agree with them.

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged abscess, anal, blowjob, bush, cum, deliver, dentist, driver, drugs, facial, kittens, money, nude, obama, pain, percocet, pizza, puppies, restaurant, rock, sex, teen, teeth, tip, tipping, tips, trump, vicodin |Leave a comment | Edit
Today was a really long day
Posted on October 24, 2015 by acsmith1972
So, I normally work 12 hour days, no big deal, but today I get there half an hour late, which didn’t matter since I picked 12 1/2 hour shifts the next few days, and I stopped in the town right before where we station out of. There’s one restaurant there so I think I’m being clever. If I stay there I’ll only get dispatched those orders. It usually works out to a day of not having to do very much. Not today. Soon as I get there I get a delivery all the way across to the next town. So I go an pick it up and then I get another delivery, then another. Mind you, I hadn’t even had time to pick up the first delivery yet. So I called and they said the other two drivers are in a different town. Other two? Usually Friday we have ten. I look a the schedule and they have three drivers on from 11-2 and two for 2-5. 5 for 5-9, and 9 for 9-11:30 which makes no sense at all. So I call back and apparently what happened was they rejected too many deliveries and 5 drivers got suspended. 2 other drivers quit so we’re down 7 drivers. This is in an area covering 6 towns and about 250,000 people. For 3 drivers on the busiest block on the busiest day of the week. I almost quit. I shit you not I was so stressed running all over the place. Tomorrow doesn’t look much better. A little bit. Sunday looks fine, they scheduled enough people and next week I’m only doing nights, but I’m doing the other delivery service at the same time. That should be fun.
I didn’t schedule myself for Halloween so I can sleep late, binge watch scary movies all day, then go to a party with the wifey. And Sunday after Halloween I have off so I can recuperate in case I had too much to drink. Meanwhile, it looks like we may have won our eviction, the other party withdrew the action. If you recall our landlord didn’t pay the mortgage for 6 years and got foreclosed on so we all got eviction notices. i fought it and the other side withdrew the complaint. Three months later. They might be making a cash offer to move or maybe they’ll sell the house as is with tenants in it. We kind of hate our roommate so we’re hoping for the cash offer to go. AND we may have won our lawsuit about my wife’s Beetle these scumbags in New Jersey sold us. The lawyer called today and said he talked to the other side’s lawyer and thinks they’ll settle for $3750. It’s a loss of some money for us, but it’s a net gain counting what we paid for the car and towing fees when the tranny blew. And Chase honored a cash offer and is depositing $300 in my account in the next few days (I was a day late with the offer opening a new account). So all in all this week rocks!
Happy Halloween and stay safe if I don’t write again before that. I’ll try. I mean to do it every day but every day I get home and I’m like “I’ll do it tomorrow”. 6 years after taking all my notes to write my book I still haven’t really started that. lol

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged america, beenie babies, blowjob, cum, delivery, driver, guns, kittens, money, obama, oral sex, pepperoni, pizza, puppies, restaurant, sex, tip, tipping, tips, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
Six days….sorry!!!
Posted on October 12, 2015 by acsmith1972
I don’t really feel like posting right now. It’s 3:12am, I’m tired, watching Family Guy and eating bad Campbell’s something or other chili. I just wanted to acknowledge I know it’s been 6 days. I’ll try to add a real post tomorrow during the day if I get a chance between deliveries, looking at porn, and watching tv shows. You know, i brought a book, about 10 magazines, and I have writing to do, you’d think i could do that. Nope.

Thanks ADHD!

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged adhd, ammo, babies, big, blowjob, bush, cum, delivery, food, guns, kittens, obama, penis, pizza, puppies, restaurants, sex, spell-check, tip, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Is anyone else cold? I mean COLD?
Posted on October 6, 2015 by acsmith1972
I’m freezing. I’ve gone through two winters with my wife, this will be number three and seriously, with her not wanting to use heat, I may spend number four in Florida while she sits in the cold up here. She’s frugal. Thrifty, or what we all call cheap. I’m not. I like to enjoy life and if it means spending money on things like heat or food, then fuck it that’s what I want to do. Oil is dirt cheap right now. 100 gallons will likely last us till December if we’re careful. It’d be $175 so donations are welcome, the link’s on the right…..
I hate, hate, hate the cold. Wearing layers never helps because something always stays cold. When I take showers I don’t want to get out because it’s so freakin warm and yummy. The only other place I’m actually warm is in the car but I can’t stay out there all night. I need heat. I’ll probably order some oil in the next few days. I can’t take this. A space heater isn’t enough for the living room. Our living room is like 300 square feet. It’d probably take 12 hours to heat up. The heater might catch fire, too. I don’t trust those things unless I’m awake and in the room. I suppose I could try making solar heaters, but they’re ugly and I really don’t know that they add more than ten degrees during the day and nothing at night. It seems like a lot of effort.
In later news work is good, thanks for asking =) Tonight was slow. i worked for both companies and missed a delivery for one of them so probably wind up missing the bonus this week, but as long as I’m doing the other service I don’t care. It makes up for the bonus and then some. I might be doing this myself, too really soon. I don’t have a non-compete so I’m free to try myself. I think I can make decent money doing it. I need some marketing materials then we’ll see.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”

Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged blowjob, bush, cum, google, guns, isis, kittens, money, obama, pizza, puppies, sex, tipping, tips, trupm | Leave a comment | Edit
Got a new (used) car =)
Posted on October 1, 2015 by acsmith1972
I wanted this version for a long time =)

Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged bush, cruz, obama, pizza delivery, sex, tip, tipping, tips, toyota, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
Crazy awesome BRIGHT Cree flashlight.
Posted on September 28, 2015 by acsmith1972
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged blowjob, bush, cruz, cum, delivery, flashlight, kittens, obama, pizza, puppies, tipping, tips, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
It wasn’t the starter
Posted on September 27, 2015 by acsmith1972
AAA came out and was going to tow me but the driver jumped the car first and it started right up. He tested it and said it wasn’t the starter, it was the battery and they could bring a new one for $128. Umm, yeah, that beats $350 to Pep Boys any day of the week. Pep Boys probably would’ve done both, and charged me like $500. Thanks AAA! =)

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged aaa, battery, blowjob, bush, clinton, coke, cruz, cum, dead, delivery, facial, jump, kittens, money, obama, pep boys, pizza, puppies, sex, starter, tips, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
Two posts in one day! My starter’s shot (apparently)
Posted on September 27, 2015 by acsmith1972
I just had the tcm/pcm update done by Ford two days ago and I noticed the car’s acting weird. Like they neutered it. I google it, some forums say it has to relearn how to drive. Really? So cars are getting dumber? I swear I’m dyslexic with my thinking. I’m blasting Creed, looking at like three different pages on Amazon, and typing this. But i digress. Anyway, so I’m parked today and I get a low battery warning. I try to start the car and it won’t so I’m like “Fuck!”. So I shut everything off, wait a few minutes and try again. I give it a lot of gas while doing it and it hastily starts up. I drive to Advanced Auto Parts and have them test the battery, which they say is fine. Then they test the starter and alternator. The latter is a little off, but the starter’s only reading half what it should. So later today I’m off to Pep Boys to have them fix it. $350, but they’re the only ones open fr that sort of thing Sunday. It’s probably beyond my skill level for a first attempt at a real repair, and I lose around $140 every day I don’t work. I can’t wait for an appointment anywhere else. So that’s my today later on in about 7 hours. The upshot is I get the day off =)

Not much else happened today. It was slooooooow. One delivery. One of these days I’ll go through all your comments and reply, just not today, I’m too tired.

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged ass, blowjob, bush, car repair, cruz, cum, delivery, drugs, isis, kittens, obama, pizza, puppies, sex, starter, tipping, tits, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
I think I need a dentist…..
Posted on September 26, 2015 by acsmith1972
I should’ve listened to my mom growing up: brush your teeth after every meal, when you wake up, before you go to bed, but what they fail to tell you is once you fuck it up it’s too late. I have like 15 filling. Three teeth have been pulled. I have another that should’ve had a root canal and crown that mostly broke and fell out, I have a tooth that’s chipped in half, two teeth have a small chip and God knows how many cavities I have. And even if I fix all that, get implants, bridges, etc, I need them bleached, too. Not good. My insurance will cover the fillings, possibly another root canal and crown, and the extraction, but that’s about it. The implants I’ll have to pay for and those are like $2,000 each. I might be able to get a partial or bridge, but those cost a lot, too. But this job has kept me so busy lately.
I got so tired doing this I sat down on my couch for a minute and now it’s 9 hours later, i.e. I passed out. Sleepy. Shower time. Maybe I’ll do another post from my car.

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged anal, beer, bush, cavities, cavity, cruz, cum, delivery, dental hygienist, dental work, dentis, driving, drugs, facial, fillings, obama, pizza, root canal, sex, tip, tipping pizza delivery, tips, trump | Leave a comment | Edit

Remembering to do this is hard.
Posted on September 12, 2015 by acsmith1972
A few years ago when I first bought this domain I had every intention of blogging every day, multiple times a day. Because there are SO many examples throughout the average service worker’s day that need to be blogged about. Like tonight, dispatch got cranky with me waiting for the second delivery where I was picking up, but the restaurant said 5 minutes for the next one. Why not wait? It saves time with not having to go back, park again: anyone who’s done this for a while knows how orders need to go to save time. Single runs when you can do doubles or more make no sense. Even if they’re going in different areas having them in the car saves time. It was dead tonight. I thought it was going to be busy, I had one from each service as soon as 5pm rolled around. Then at 6 I had two more. Then at 7,8, 9, 10, and 11 I had nothing so I headed back home. I did get to see the movie The Loft while I waited. Hated it. It was too contrived for me. I hate when they overthink stuff.
Traffic tonight was SUPER on the highway going back. Sometimes I use Google maps and sometimes I use Waze. Google maps said 34 minutes to home. Waze said 45, but only 25 if it let me route off the highway and back on again after the traffic jam. So I did that. Wow, this week’s been pretty boring. I work, I come home, sometimes I blog, sometimes I play a game. I’m still working on Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls. I’m level 62 now I think. I have pretty much everything but have a few places left to explore and eventually the Ebony Warrior. That should be fun. Maybe I’ll play that tonight. Kinda hungry, though. Burger first, then the game. Or maybe tv if there’s anything at all to download. I don’t know when the fall season starts but this last week has been shit for tv.
Happy post 9-11. I hope everyone was safe and managed to make a bad day a good day.

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged 9-11. bush, ass, breasts, butt, cars, clinton, cum, drugs, gaga, hillary, kittens, money, nipples, obama, puppies, pussy, rock, sex, smoking, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
Things I hate
Posted on September 7, 2015 by acsmith1972
I’ll try to keep this to types of drivers I hate. Or related to delivery. There are plenty of people who just rub me the wrong way, though.

  1. People who slow down on the green light, get even slower for the yellow, then floor it through the red light.
  2. People who get all the way to the left to turn right, or all the way to the right to turn left blocking you from going around them.
  3. People who cut over 4 lanes, cutting you off in the process to take an exit when no one was behind you.
  4. People reading books or playing on the phones when they should be driving. The book thing is stupid, always. The phone, if you’re a good driver like some of us who are on the road a lot, you might be able to check a quick message but it’s not a good idea. Pull over and do it.
  5. The jerks who get in the fast lane to do 71 because the people in the middle are only doing 70. An usually when they see a spot open up in the middle lane they speed up to block you from changing lanes. These people will also have a bad habit of letting everyone merge in front of them, but won’t let you around them.
  6. People who ride the brakes. Stay home if you’re that scared.
  7. People who don’t use blinkers who’ll just stop middle of a road for no apparent reason.
  8. People who use the blinker, but do it after they started turning.
  9. People who drive slow cars like Priuses at 100mph to pretend they’re fast.
  10. People who buy fast cars like Ferraris then drive them slow.
  11. Monster trucks with smoke stacks and American flags flying. This is really about the guy having a tiny penis. Mine being 9 inches long and thick, I can drive a Prius if I want.
  12. Cheap paint jobs. I just saw a brand new $60,000 Mercedes with Maaco one coat no clear-coat orange paint job yesterday. It was sad.
  13. Honkers. If I’m stuck behind traffic that isn’t moving and you’re honking what exactly are you trying to accomplish?
  14. People who tailgate you and follow you even as you switch lanes to keep tailgaiting you. My solution is take your foot off the gas. If they’re willing to come to a complete stop with you and won’t change lanes find a police officer quickly.
  15. High beams. Not only will I turn on mine at you but I have 3,000 lumen cree lights. You sure you want to go there? Low and high equals 12,000 lumens of cree blinding you.

That’s pretty much it for now. I have to work tonight from 5-11. I have the same schedule all week because I screwed up again and forgot to schedule better hours. But I have 30 hours during the week and 24 on the weekend so with my bonus I should still make $700 plus whatever I get at the other job. Maybe someone will drop a shift and I can take that. Oh well, ttyl =)
Oh, and Happy Labor Day if you live here. Take the day off. You deserve it!

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged blowjobs, bush, cruz, cum, delivery, driver, food, gratuity, iran, isis, kittens, obama, pizza, pizza delivery, puppies, restaurant, server, sex, tip, tipping, tips, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
I had a Migraine today
Posted on September 2, 2015 by acsmith1972
I say today but I mean yesterday, as in Tuesday. Monday was slow, Tuesday was slow, I’m hoping today (Wednesday) picks up. My wife’s coming with me to keep me company. We can go find something to do till I get a delivery. Maybe a little shopping or apartment hunting. I don’t have any great stories from the last two days and I’m too tired to rant so I’ll do more tonight.

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged delivery, drivers, isis, migraine, money, obama, pizza, restaurant, sex, slow, Stamford, tip, tipping, tips, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
Tonight was brutal (past tense, Sunday night)
Posted on August 31, 2015 by acsmith1972
I was going to eat another piece of the Reaper pepper, but decided not to. I’m giving myself a day between torture. Anyway, the other second job wound up sending me eight calls while I was sitting for the main job. It screwed me up twice because job number two has more restaurants and delivers much further. I managed to make it out of it okay, but I was worried. Also, I didn’t have to wake up till 3 since I couldn’t get the morning shift, so I forgot to schedule myself for good hours, so week after next I only managed to snag 50 hours. I can cover it with the other job, but I’d much rather have sit there and do nothing hours in the morning that I’m getting paid for. I’m so beat in the morning. Like right now I should be sleeping. I have to be up by ten to bring my wife to work then head out to Stamford myself to work. This week is a 12 hour a day Monday through Saturday. And I have Sunday from 5-11. PLUS I have the other job all week from 5-10. The following week, Labor Day week is the week my hours got screwed up because I wasn’t paying attention. Hopefully they’ll be some drop requests during the week and I can pick up some other people’s hours.
So anyway, I just wanted to check in. I’m getting better at doing this when I pay attention. I’m gonna go have a smoke, check some last emails, then climb into bed for a few hours =)

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged benghazi, clinton, delivery, food, isis, kittens, obama, pizza, pizza delivery, puppies, restaurants, tip, tipping, tips, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
My first experience having both jobs mess me up
Posted on August 30, 2015 by acsmith1972
I’d just come back from a delivery when I got another order. So I head out, and this one is to the West side of town and wouldn’t you know it, right then the other delivery service send me an order but it’s from the center of town. The problem is I was already in the lane for going left to the other one. So drove to that one (10 minutes away) then to the other pick-up, then to the first delivery, then the second. But the second one I didn’t look closely at the street and went to the wrong road. So I added ten minutes to my time. What I should’ve done was picked up the second one first, then gotten the first one, then delivered the second one then the first one. I don’t know, the deliveries were in opposite areas, too. One was South and one was in the middle of the town. I made a mistake adding the second job at night. I should’ve done it during the day when the one that pays by the hour is slower. I have this week coming up to deal with then I’ll probably just do deliveries during the day for the second place. The idea was just to add a little extra money, not mess up my averages with the main job. The second job adds between $30 and $100 a day depending how busy it is. My target was an extra $50. That puts me at around $1200 a week. Not a bad living for delivering food, right? Mind you, my wife works, too, so we have her income as well. That ads another few hundred to the pot every week, so between our two jobs we’re middle class. lol

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged $, beer, delivery, delivery drivers, drivers, drugs, food, kittens, money, obama, pizza, puppies, sex, tipping, tips, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
Because they can’t all be about delivering, this one’s about Reaper peppers.
Posted on August 30, 2015 by acsmith1972
Okay, so I just took a bite about half the size of a pea of a Reaper pepper. It started out okay, “Mmm, a little spicy. Shit! My mouth is on fire! Milk! Milk! Miiiiiiiiiiiiilk!” lol. I danced between the kitchen and the bedroom alternating between milk and juice. That is easily the hottest food I have ever tried. It was a VERY interesting feeling feeling like my mouth was full of lava (minus the part where everything melts and actually burns). But, hey, guess what. I liked it. lol. It’s going to be my end of work ritual for a little while, come home, eat part of a Reaper pepper. Maybe eventually whole one.My wife witnessed the whole thing. She should’ve recorded the whole thing. She said so after she saw me running around like I was literally on fire. lol. The flavor is 99% gone. I’m tempted to go take another bite tonight. I haven’t even gotten to the seeds yet. That’s going to be an uncomfortable bite, when I get to the stem. And this Reaper is a baby Reaper. It’s probably the size of a grape. I have others that are closer to the size of a walnut. I froze those. I’m going to get a food dehydrator and dry them so I can store them longer and I’ll probably order more. I’m thinking of doing a “Reaper Challenge” where I video people eating them for money. Like $20 says you can’t eat the whole thing, chewed and swallowed. I know most people MIGHT be able to do a Habanero like that. I know I can from years of eating them, but Reapers are like 5 times hotter. They’re literally 1,000 times spicier than a Jalapeno if that helps you imagine. These things are just below police pepper spray and the guys growing them are always trying to make them hotter and hotter. I love it. I found my favorite food. Move over Ghost Peppers. Ghost Peppers are lovely, too. I’ve never tried them raw, but I have several Ghost Pepper hot sauces I use in chili.

Anyhoo, Ill follow this up with a proper delivery post.

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged burn, clinton, delivery, driver, fire, food, ghost, ghost peppers, habanero, kittens, obama, ouch, pizza, puppies, reaper, reaper peppers, sex, spicy, tips, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
Doing this from my phone
Posted on August 28, 2015 by acsmith1972
It’d be super nice if this were optomized for Android. I tried on Chrome but couldn’t copy text so I had to use Firefox. Today is day one doing BOTH delivery services, but I’m not on for the concurrent one till 5:30. Now that I’m thinking about it I picked nights for that one when I should’ve picked days when this other one is slow. The main one is slow all the time, but even a few orders might mess me up. Guess I’ll find out later =)
I almost got a ticket the other night. A cop was blocking the entrance ramp to the highway and I tried going around him. He was NOT happy about that. I didn’t argue, though so he yelled then let it go.
And I think I figured out my low mpg rating on my car: too much idling. But I’m here all day and it’s hot out. I need the a/c and radio. Maybe I’ll start waiting in Dunkin or Starbucks.
More later. Typing on the phone sucks.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged bush, delivery, isis, kick rocks, obama, pizza, pizza delivery, puppies. kittens, sex, tip, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
My first check: cha-ching! $$$$
Posted on August 27, 2015 by acsmith1972
Okay, I don’t want to get too cocky about my first check with the new company, but I will anyway. $880. Mind you, it’s slow right now for this company and this is a new market they’re developing, but they’re a Billion dollar company that has successfully penetrated this market in dozens of cities. I’m grateful they decided to pick Stamford, CT as one of their target locations. So, it’s slow, and I haven’t had to do much for that money but sit and wait. LOTS of down time. I don’t want to be sitting there and jump when the app lets me know there’s a delivery, but that’s the way it’s been for week one. Drivers make money from doing deliveries. It’d be like paying a waitress minimum wage but not having any customers. Sure in a good state they’d easily be able to pay bills but they’d get anxious for that door to open. The way they have it set up is they take a percentage from the restaurant, and I know the numbers but I’m not going to say because it’s probably in my contract somewhere not to. So they get that, then they charge a delivery fee, from which we get part of it, and we also get mileage. The IRS rate. But it’s from the restaurant to the delivery, not between restaurants or return trips. So ideally what you’d want to do is park near each delivery, but the problem with that is the next one could be the same place you came from, then you have to go all the way back. I have a favorite spot in the center of town I use.
I’m really digging this make my own schedule thing, too. My wife wanted to spend the day with me so I took today off. Yeah, married. Sorry girls! lol. I’ll post a picture of us at the end of this post. The picture’s from two years ago at around Christmas time. My wife edited the pic with cute hearts, but I like it, it’s one of my favorite pics of us. Just checked, can’t find the edited hearts version so you get the regular one, lol. So, tomorrow I work 11-11, Friday 11-11, Saturday 5-11, Sunday 5-11. I would’ve taken all day Saturday but someone took the mid-day shift (2-5) and I won’t sit out there for free. Plus, the following week I have 11-11 Mon-Sat and that Sunday I have 5-11 so it’s a long week. I’m taking Labor Day off. And Halloween, possibly two days for that, my favorite holiday. Obviously turkey day I’ll take off, and Christmas I might take the whole week off. I don’t know. Christmas Eve and Christmas day are nice to have off and my birthday’s two days later, then New Year’s is 4 days after that. I don’t know. Maybe the 24th, 25th, 27th, 31st, and 1st. And I like that I can do that. Obviously if they’re short and I get a work request I’ll cover a shift, but if not I’ll probably take those days off.
Right now my wife and I are desperately trying to find an apartment near us to move to. We have to be out probably in a month or two at the latest. We’ve started looking hard but everyone’s about those credit scores and ours aren’t stellar. So plan B will be to maybe offer more rent, assuming we can come up with more. It’s 3:30am right now. I should be in bed. I have to be up at 10. I need to set my alarms. Three regular little alarm clocks, the cheap ones you get at Ikea that tell time and have a bell alarm, and then I set my cell phone with 5 alarms and put it away from me so I have to get up and walk over to it to shut it off. Yeah, I sleep like that. Because I stay up so late. I’m just always finding something else to do, like this! =)
I should post a picture of our cats, too. Fluffer and Luna. Fluffer’s the 22lb ball of chubby love. Luna’s the one who likes to take shower and meows all day.

And here’s that picture of the wife and me I promised:

Here’s a more recent one that’s not silly:

There. There are a few more cute pics. Okay, it’s late, going to bed. Night all. Stay safe!

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged delivery, dogs, driver, food, isis, kiteh, kittens, kitties, obama, pizza, pizza delivery, puppies, restaurant, russia, sex, syria, tip, tips, trump | Leave a comment | Edit
I got a new job! This one is Sweeeeet!
Posted on August 20, 2015 by acsmith1972
First of all, I can’t say who it’s for, there’s probably something in my contract about it, but it’s one of the biggest ordering sites in the country. Basically I’m an independent contractor like an Uber driver. I get paid a per delivery fee, mileage, and tips. Or a base if the tips don’t go above $11. Right now it’s dead where I am so I’m getting paid to be on call all day. I’m hopeful it gets busy because I’m doing it in Fairfield County and there’s tons of money there. If they get real volume I figure I could average around 36 deliveries a day with an average of $5 a delivery. With the delivery fee that’d be about $200 for 12 hours plus mileage. And they let you sign up for as many days as you want so i can do it 7 days a week like I am right now. It’s nice being an I.C. No boss. I’m quick, and I love doing this sort of work anyway. The secret to good tips i great customer service. Give them that a few times and they’ll remember and the tips will go up. Being quick helps, too. Not stupid quick like getting tickets or causing accidents, but being safe and getting the orders out in a timely manner.
The only bad side I can see is sometimes you want a day off and you might not have planned ahead. I see people trying to drop shifts in the app all the time. But the upside to that is you make your own schedule. Work as little or as much as you want. I’m trying to move in about two months with my wife and we need lots of money (donate…)(paypal button…)(shameless plug). We found a great place we’re going to look at tomorrow, but it’s $1695 for a two-bedroom out here. And we’re in Bridgeport. It should be cheaper but it’s really nice and we really hope we get approved. So if we do we’ll need lots of cash to make it work. So I’m going to work 7 days a week for as long as I can. We also need to get a second car so my wife can drive to work instead of relying on rides and buses. We work vastly different hours so I can’t always bring her or get her. Right now we live within walking distance to her job but that sucks for her in this summer heat. It’s not fair and I want her to have a car, too.
Other than that, I don’t have any horror stories to tell with this post. Except that my a/c in the car died today. Yup, hot air in 90 degree weather, and CT is crazy humid in the summer. Winter, too for that matter. So tomorrow I have to see if Valvoline or somewhere else can fix it. That’s gonna wipe out what we have in the bank right now. Next week’s check will be better.
Anyway, I have to be up at 9 to go look at the place so I’m signing off for now =) Stay safe out there!

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged deliveries, delivery, domino, driver, drugs, food, kittens, lyft, obama, pizza, puppies, sex, trump, uber | Leave a comment | Edit
Sorry! Site was offline due to excessive laziness.
Posted on July 23, 2015 by acsmith1972
So the way I had my site hosted was free with Godaddy from having a bunch of registered websites. I let one of those websites expire, because, frankly the name was stupid and I didn’t see myself ever using it. What I didn’t realize was it was tied to my free hosting. The email about the hosting expiring went to my spam box for some reason and the site went down. Fortunately I have a recent backup, which is how we’re back and haven’t missed a beat =) I was going to host with someone else, but you know what? I know Godaddy and I actually like their service. So when I decided to do this today I started out thinking Bluehost, but guess what: they censor. There are other options out there, but these guys have a really good reputation and they have hosted my pages in the past with little to no issue.
On the delivery front, I was working for a place called Pappa’s Pizza in Stamford, CT. The woman I worked for was a miserable person. She insulted everyone. I’m not sure if it’s because she’s Greek or just miserable but all she did all day was complain. All day. 12 hours all day telling people how stupid they were. She hired a part-time driver who I gave my Mondays to. That girl then got fired and the following Monday this woman called me to see where I was. I told her it’s not my day any more and she said it’s my responsibility to cover other drivers if they get fired. That was news to me. I told her I didn’t have the car that day, my wife had it and she said “Well then I don’t need you either” and fired me, too. After three months. In those three months a few people came and went. She had people show up late or high or blow off work and did she fire them? Nope. The good workers always get canned the easiest. That’s why I always tell people not to go above and beyond. You’ll regret it. She’s since had ads a few times looking for drivers. I was one of the few people willing to deal with her bullshit.
Anyway, then I got a job for a place called Silver Spoon, which is a delivery service. They don’t pay by the hour, but you get a delivery fee and mandatory 15% gratuity. Unless people order through something like Grubhub. Then you could wind up with nothing but the delivery fee. That’s like $3.99 but the service takes 50% of that. I averaged between $4 and $7 an hour if I was lucky. So I quit doing that a month ago and now I’m gainfully unemployed. That service is a bad model. If you do it and don’t sign a non-compete you can maybe do your own service. I think I can come up with a better model if I find places willing to give me a shot. They charged the restaurant around 11% which kills the profit, then $3.99 to the customer plus the 15%. I’d go with maybe 5% to the restaurant so they still profit, and keep the $3.99 and 15% numbers. The minimum would be the same $20. This way every delivery would be at least $8. Do 20 of those in a day and you pay rent =)
It would be more structured to find another place to work for, though. I still want to do my own pizza place. I’m sorry this is so flat. The affect, I mean. It’s hot as hell in my apartment. I’ll write more later.

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged apartment, car, delivery, driver, fired, kittens, obama, pizza, puppies, romney | Leave a comment | Edit

Watch “Minions – Puppy” on YouTube
Posted on May 31, 2014 by acsmith1972
Minions – Puppy: http://youtu.be/gFLVqDzm_dU
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Leave a comment | Edit
Wow, last post was almost 7 months ago! Sorry!!!
Posted on May 24, 2014 by acsmith1972
When I started this blog I had really good intentions with writing something new every day since every day I’d have a story from work. But life got in the way. I do have stories every day from work, but some of them wound up in my notes for the book I’ve still never written, and some of them wound up being the reason I didn’t want to write anything when I got home. They’re all just excuses at the end of the day, though. I should’ve made time.
In the last 7 months, I moved to Stamford for what was a great job, had a nice place on the water, and for a little while I was doing really well. I was working 12 hours a day every day for a few weeks, and when it tapered off, I still had a schedule that was around 65 hours a week. I was loving it. Just salary alone I made about $600 a week. My tips roughly doubled that number. So for a few weeks I was making $1,000 or more. Then they wanted me to start going home during the afternoon from 2-5. That lost me about $150 in pay and a little more in tips and about $100 a week in tips Suddenly I was making $750 a week. NOt bad, but not as good as a thousand. Then they stopped advertising and it got really slow in the mornings. I’d average 1-3 deliveries and about $20 in tips. It wasn’t worth it to me to stay mornings when I could be looking for something else during the day. So I told them I needed to stop working mornings. It was slow enough they could do it. So my pay shrank another $150 and my tips dropped another $100 or so. Down to $500 a week. Then nights started getting slow. Friday and Saturday they’d get slammed but the rest of the week sucked. So I quit. I got a job at a place in NY just across the Stamford line at another pizza place. That didn’t work out either. I made it 7 months at Tomato Tomato, I made it one week at this place. The owner was too high strung. He’s one of those, “No talking! If you’re leaning you’re cleaning!” types. I’m sorry, but I’m risking my life in this shitty weather to deliver your pizza. Shut the fuck up about talking to my fellow employees.
Later that night I saw an add for a Mexican place near where I lived (I never give the name of where I currently work). So I went to it on the way home and filled out an app. The next day I stopped by, met the owner and he said to come back after 5 and talk to his manager. So I did, and I was hired on the spot =) I have pretty good luck getting in the door places. BUT, since then, I got married!!!!!!!!!!!!! I met a beautiful girl named Mercedes, we dated for a while and it just felt right. Neither one of us had a lot of money so we did something very small that may as well have been eloping. My sisters and their husbands were there, and her best friend (our current roommate) was there. We spent the “honeymoon” at her family’s in Virginia. Again, no money. Lol, I owe her a nice honeymoon, or at least a much better time. Afterward, we moved from Stamford back to Bridgeport where it’s much less expensive. Our place is nice, first floor, by the water, but we both really miss Stamford. It’s SO expensive out there, but so much to do.
So now my dilemma is how to find a job out here. Jobs out there are plentiful, but I don’t want to keep driving back and forth, and during inclement weather it’s an issue. Plus, I figured I’m spending about $600 a month in gas thanks to the Jeep I now have. I miss my Rav4. Never ever trade a Toyota for a Jeep. Really bad move on my part. So I’m hopeful I can find something out here because as much as I like the people I work with, it’s costing too much and I don’t have enough hours. I can always go visit them, but I need a job out here. That’s it for now. ~
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged 2nd amendment, anal, bbw, blowjob, bush, cum, delivery, drone, drones, food, guns, italian, obama, obamacare, pepperoni, pizza, plump, pussy, putin, romney, sex, spitzer, tits, ukraine | 2 Comments | Edit
Lots of changes
Posted on October 4, 2013 by acsmith1972
So, since we last spoke, I did move. I moved to Stamford. Yaaaayyy!!! I’ve been working there for over a year now and driving back and forth from Bridgeport really sucked. Sure, it was only half an hour away, but still. I had to spend like $20 a day on gas to work out there. Why didn’t I get a job closer you ask? I tried. I looked everywhere near me, but the only thing I found were places like McD’s. No thanks. My last apartment was terrible. I hated it, my cats hated it, and living with those two losers was horrible. Worst 2 months of my life. I found a place right on the harbor in a good area less than a minute from work for $1250. It’s kind of pricey, but it’s carpeted, has two little balconies, it’s big inside, and in a really solid building that looks like it could take a direct hit from an EF-5 and still be standing. My cats love it, I love it, and I think my girlfriend loves it. Oh, did I not mention that? I have a sweetie. It’s official: I’m taken
It’s been so long I don’t know what to write. The hours went down a little at this place, I work 12 to 2 then 5 to 10 6 days a week now. Sooooo my pay went down a little, too. I was making like $730 a week those first two weeks, but now I’d say I’m down to about $600 or so. Maybe a little less. It depends. Some nights suck, but it’s new, I’m being patient. A new round of ads is coming out next week or the week after wit a bunch of specials for delivery only, so maybe that’ll help. I’m trying to get the dog-walking thing going during the day again. It didn’t really work out last time, but there’s plenty of places near here to get a few customers. I did a website: http://www.iwalkdogs.net If I get ONE customer a day every day I’ll make like $450 minimum, $750 max a month just from that one dog. It’d depend on the type of walk they selected. Anyway, I’m hopefull, but I need to do more with the site and marketing.
Aaaanddd, I’m still doing college classes. Four of them. I’m way behind. As a matter of fact, that’s what I was doing before I started to write this, so let me get back to it. Oh, yeah, still working on the book. Not really. I need to write it. The easiest part of the process has me stalled. That just figures, right?
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged aca, bank, bill gates, boehner, brick oven, cats, connecticut, delivery, dogs, driver, drivers, ebay, eib, facebook, food, google, guns, health care, healthcare, kittens, limbaugh, love, maps, money, movies, obama, obamacare, pizza, puppies, rush, sauce, sex, tea party, twitter, wordpress | 4 Comments | Edit
I did move. But I want to move again.
Posted on June 26, 2013 by acsmith1972
The place where I moved is barely acceptable. It was cheap and in a good area, but I literally have an 8×8 room. I have a queen size bed, so guess how much room I have to move around? Next to none. Plus, one of the roommates seems to be allergic to water and rarely bathes. The other one’s allergic to doing dishes or cleaning so we have ants and flies. My cats seem happy enough, but I want to move by the end of summer, hopefully to Stamford. I have a cutie coming from Peru and I need to have a new place so she has somewhere nice to spend time with me. I’m still working at the same place, and have a bit more hours. Still trying to get the book written and work on the doggie daycare idea (a pizza place is too much to start right now). And I also bought a new website to blog from: http://www.hastalapizza.net so look for my rants there, too.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged bank, bill gates, book, brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, deli, delivery, demand, dogs, driver, drivers, ebay, fame, fast, food, google, guns, kittens, love, money, movies, pizza, puppies, sex, test, tipping, tips, wordpress, wrx | Leave a comment | Edit
I’m trying to move
Posted on May 2, 2013 by acsmith1972
I know I haven’t put a new post up here in a while, but it hasn’t been as long as my usual gaps. Only two weeks this time. Part of it’s this keyboard. I really need to get one of the clackity ones I love. I hate this thing. The keys are all just a hair closer or further fucking up my typing. Not to mention that someone broke the tabs that let you angle it so there’s that, and the spacebar sticks. Anyway, I’m moving. Evicted, actually. That’s what happens when a driver, writer, whatever has no job or not enough hours to pay bills. My roommate moved out a few months ago so I don’t have that money, but i really don’t make enough anyway. I’m trying to get a spot near where I am right now. I don’t want to have to borrow money, but I might. If I had to I suppose I could sell my car, but that creates all sorts of new headaches. Besides the fact that I really like my car. I really don’t want to sell it. And there’s the mall thing I still want to do in a few months. I might need to sell my car then to get extra cash. I have a few things in the works that will get me some money. I borrowed an extra $9,000 for school, but I don’t get that till September. Half anyway, the other half i get in the spring. I figure I need $10,000 to be safe so I’m a ways off. My sis wisely said I should do a cash flow analysis so I’ll have to do that one of these days and see how much I need to have exactly. Maybe tomorrow. Anyway, I don’t feel like typing, just wanted to let you know what I’m up to.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged bank, bill gates, book, brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, driver, drivers, ebay, fame, fast, food, fortune, full-time, google, guns, hits, kittens, maps, money, movies, pizza, puppies, restaurant, sauce, sex, shopping, test, tipping, tips, wordpress, writing, wrx | Leave a comment | Edit
Haters on the Right need to stop deleting me on Facebook.
Posted on April 19, 2013 by acsmith1972
One of the things that amazes me more than anything is when people make comments to me about me being opinionated. I’m usually like, “Gee, ya think?” I am the most opinionated person I know. As a matter of fact, I might just be the most opinionated person in the world. But everyone that knows me should know that by now. I’ve always known there are two ways people think about me: they either like the way I am, or they can’t stand me. There aren’t any people in my crowd that you can ask and have them say something like, “Adam? He’s okay.” Never. It’s either one way or the other. And I like it that way. I don’t have to pretend to be someone else, and the people that like me get a kick out of my rants. Plus, they’re usually like me to some extent, too. I have friends that are republicans. I know, weird, right? I have friends that are in the middle. And most of my friends are on the left. Usually it’s not a problem. I had a very good friend of 20 something years decide he couldn’t be friends with me a few months ago (Mr. Mitchell). He’d make comments about Obama doing this or that then get offended when I asked him to back it up with facts. People who were “experts” told him, and he wanted that to be enough for me. Like when he said Obama’s changes were going to cost him $2,000 because the child tax credit was going away. Total bullshit. I explained that the child tax credit was never $2,000 so that was impossible, but he said 3 expert accountants told him it was. I said it was $500 before Bush took office. Bush doubled it. IF we went over the fiscal cliff, it would have reverted back to $500. Meaning the MOST he could have lost was $500. But we didn’t go over and his accountants were all around wrong. When pressed he said they told him Obama was costing him $2,000 in other ways. I said what ways, and he got pissed again like he shouldn’t have to tell me. Sorry, I live in a world of facts, not conjecture. Like when he said everyone was losing their jobs over Obamacare and about the death panels and everything else and claimed to have read all 13,000 pages of it. Eventually he got tired of not wanting to explain a single fact to me and said we couldn’t be friends any more. As opposed to just not talking about politics. Look, I have Muslim friends. I have Pagan friends. Some friends are Jews, some are Christian, some don’t give a shit. Guess what we don’t talk about. Yeah, God. It’s not a good topic. Neither is politics. But this guy can’t look back and say I wasn’t always there for him when he needed me. I’m an awesome friend that goes out of his way for his friends. So I get shit on for it a lot. Especially by people on the right who think political party is more important than friendship.
When you get a chance, look at the posts of your republican friends and look at the posts of democrat friends. Notice a difference? Democrats post about hopeful change for a better world that includes all people. Republicans post about giving more money to the rich, executing people, kicking out illegals, and guns. Their posts are all about what’s wrong with this country and how they want the good ole days back when Blacks were slaves, women were in the kitchen, and Christianity was the only religion allowed. It’s pathetic. You can present them with facts like how the US ranks toward the bottom in health care and education, but towards the top for gun violence and obesity and they’re proud of those facts. Then they call you socialist if you want America to look like Japan or Canada. God forbid we have a country that has 11 murders instead of the 13,000 we have. Their lives are so fucking depressing and the only thing that cheers me up is the country is changing rapidly becoming more liberal and less White. I’m embarrassed of these jackasses that claim to represent the White race. I want nothing to do with people that would oppress anyone for any reason.
And so every time I make a comment like I did tonight about the shooting near Boston, I lose a friend on FB. All I said was what the fuck is going on in Boston and someone blocked me. Earlier I said people that blame Obama for the fire in Texas are idiots and someone else blocked me. Seriously, these people are stupid. They point out the Jesse Ventura videos as proof the government is building secret prisons to incarcerate all of America. Even though that makes ZERO sense. A military of a few millions is going to incarcerate 320,000,000 people? Then what? Run the country themselves??? How? That’s not enough people to run a country and defend it and guard all these prisoners. It’s just stupid. We all know the government is a little dirty, but they’re not evil. They’re not plotting against citizens, and let me tell: if they were, your AR-15 isn’t going to stop drone strikes or Apache helicopters, or nukes so stop trying to use that as an excuse for why you need them.
It just saddens me people are so sensitive about things that don’t matter and could give a shit about the things that do. I have a friend who on the surface looks like he’s the polar opposite of me (Chris). And yet we get along like brothers. Know why? Because for the most part at the end of the day that other shit doesn’t matter enough to either of us to get upset about what the other thinks. That’s how it should be: friends should come first, opinions should come last.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged ar-15, bank, bill gates, book, brick oven, bushmaster, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, driver, drivers, ebay, fast, food, fortune, google, guns, hits, kittens, laundry, life, love, maps, money, movies, obama, pizza, puppies, restaurant, sex, tipping, tips, wordpress | Leave a comment | Edit
Haters on other sites need to stop lying about me online.
Posted on April 2, 2013 by acsmith1972
First of all, anything you write about my past is just that: my past. I’m not going to get into it here on my own blog, but nothing in my past has anything to do with any job let alone delivering pizza or owning a pizza place. And if you try to post any of that crap on my blog you should know this blog is moderated by me, so any personal information will be deleted. Feel free to post it on your own site, but I pay for this one.
Here are a few things I will dispel for anyone that read some drivel like at gregspages: Contrary to what Greg and a few other people posted, I did NOT mistreat my employees. Some people said I paid less than minimum wage. Yeah, that’s true, but they had the OPTION of being 1099 employees or getting a paycheck. They CHOSE to be cash employees and I paid them $8 an hour (someone idiot said $7) which is a lot more than they would have taken home had they taken a check. Someone said I didn’t give them mileage reimbursement. That’s also complete bullshit. I paid them $1 a delivery, even if it was across the street. I didn’t have to use the IRS rate since they were independent contractors that made their own hours. Had I used it they would have gotten a lot less considering all the runs were close. Take 3 runs in a mile radius and wind up with maybe 1 mile logged that’s like $1.50. Or you could have the $3 I gave for 3 runs. Use your brains people. These same idiots said I mistreated drivers. Bullshit. They had two things to do when there were no runs: make boxes and sweep and mop once at the end of the night. If you call that abuse I call you a dick. It was part of their contracted job. Ask any waitress if they get to do nothing when there’s no customers. Nope. I had two work stations with internet access and they and the phone girls could watch video, play games, use the internet, whatever if there wasn’t any work. My cook started at $10 an hour and my pizza guy at $13. REAL abusive, right? Everyone made their own schedule. I never once told anyone when they had to work. They told me when they wanted to work and I put them down. Know any jobs like that? They also got off whatever days they needed, I never had drivers on snowy days at all, and they could call out sick without fear of getting fired. One guy played guitar in the store, and also took the occasional nap in the back. I’m evil, I know. Oh, and everyone got free food and drinks all the time. It didn’t matter if you worked 4 hours or 10. Yeah, I did fire three people. One for getting high while he did deliveries, one for flat out refusing to work at all while he was there, and one who stopped showing up. That’s hardly abuse.
Someone said I publicly stated that I was evading taxes. Another blatant lie. Just because you print it doesn’t mean it’s true. I can back up what I’m saying, can you? I mean you’d think there’d be some sort of record if you thought you had proof. I paid sales taxes, payroll taxes, unemployment taxes, and income taxes. That’s something else: someone said I wasn’t paying insurance. Where do you idiots get this? I paid over $600 a month for my business insurance which covered drivers, employees, the business itself, and disability. You DO know you need all this to open legally, right? I also had a food service license, and passed all my inspections. I was even a member of the Chamber of Commerce. Feel free to look up whatever of that’s public record. The place was called Semper Pie Pizza in Wallingford. And yeah, I closed, I made a lot of mistakes, but it wasn’t from treating employees badly or not paying insurance or any of that. I made some very poor choices with things like spending. Lesson learned. But at least I had the balls to ante up and give it a shot and am in the process of starting another business in a few months. How many of you haters have gotten out from behind that keyboard and tried running your own business? None of you? Okay then, shut the fuck up.
P.S. If you actually take the time to cyber-stalk me like Greg said he was going to do from his page, there’s more than a few things wrong with you. First of all, if you have nothing better to do than follow someone else around online, that’s just sad. Second, if you actually think that you know my email addresses, you don’t, you just happen to know some of the public ones. Third, if you actually think you can somehow get people or women to shun me like a leper, you need real help. I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess you have problems in the bedroom or you’re really ugly, or have some sort of disability and this is how you let the world know you’re pissed at it. If none of that’s true, you’re just a sad, sad individual that really needs to get a life and stop looking towards others to feel like you have one. Know how many people I follow around the internet? None. Know how stupid it is to think you can actually ruin a person’s life online? Very. Aside from all of that, I never did anything to any of you personally so this “vendetta” you have is just silly. You have to be republicans. Only republicans do this sort of this: latch onto people they don’t like and run with it. Like how every right-winger in CT hangs onto one stupid thing Blumenthal said years ago and just will not let it go even though their former Fuhrer himself said he served in Vietnam when he was AWOL the whole time. You ever hear us harping on that stuff? Nope. But people here take it personally, like they REALLY don’t like him as a person and they smear him online as much as possible years later. And years later some of you idiots are STILL following me around online. What’s it been 6 years now? You don’t see how that’s obsessive childish bullshit that you need help with? Imagine if you knew someone that told you that was happening to them: wouldn’t you think the other person was a psycho? And what have I done that the majority of your republican leaders haven’t? I haven’t done half the stuff they have and you love them. And you’re still all fixated on the past. I guess this is why the republican party keeps losing voters: they look backwards while everyone else looks ahead.
The scary thing is you might wake up one day, realize you’re 75 years old and still stalking people online. The thing you’re really mad at is a different opinion. Yeah, I don’t agree with you. That’s what got all this started on TTPG: I didn’t agree with what the elitists said so they had to make it their mission in life to try to destroy me. It hasn’t worked and to my knowledge not one of my real life friends have ever read a single word you guys said. But the elitists believe things like pizza delivery guys should have no side work, no signs on their cars, no uniforms, should be allowed to carry guns, should have whatever they want, as cushy a job as possible and be paid $30 an hour for it, fuck you that’s just stupid. You go open your own pizza place with your own money and get back to us on how much you go out of your way to sink all your profits into a driver instead of just paying them fairly and treating them well. The pizza driver doesn’t make the business. Sorry. A place could just not deliver and those people wouldn’t have a job. I mean if you’re too much of a snob to fold boxes, you probably shouldn’t be working. Business owners don’t go into business wondering how rich they can make their employees for the least amount of work. That’s just dumb. You go into business to succeed. Part of that is having successful employees, but none of that’s pissing away your entire investment to make sure they reap all the benefits and you get none. When employees are offered private stock and want to pay the owner some of his investment back in exchange for profits THEN they’re entitled to more than what’s fair. Not before that you self-righteous assholes. I dare you to find a place that paid as well as I did and was as relaxed as my place was. You wont find any, and I remember people posting how they thought the businesses should provide cars and still offer mileage. Stuff that’s complete nonsense. Why would a business insure, and fuel a car, provide it to you at work then give you gas and mileage money on top of pay when you’re not maintaining the car in any way? That’s just dumb. And $30 an hour? Get real. Comments like that I’ll disagree with all day long. But again, let’s see you open a place and hire drivers, pay them well over $10 an hour plus the IRS mileage rate, and have them do absolutely nothing at work but take deliveries. Until you actually do that you need to shut up about what you expect.
If I had to do it again I’d offer limited delivery and do them myself. I am the fastest driver in any town. This way no drivers would have to be taken advantage of by getting a higher wage than anyone else paid with all the tedious work like folding the occasional box and I’d save money in every area. Because that’s better, right? Better to not employ someone than have them sweep and mop at the end of the night. You guys are complete assholes if you think so and also have no clue as to how to run a restaurant. You need to google “side-work”, you need to get help with your stalking issues, and you need to get a life.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged aclu, bank, bill gates, book, brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, deli, delivery, demand, dogs, driver, drivers, ebay, fame, fast, food, fortune, full-time, google, gregspages, guns, hits, kittens, laundry, life, love, maps, money, movies, nra, obama, perez hilton, pizza, puppies, rednecks, republicans, restaurant, romney, room, sauce, service, sex, shopping, sums, test, tipping, tips, trucks, wordpress, writing, wrx | 1 Comment | Edit
Happy Easter!!!
Posted on March 31, 2013 by acsmith1972
It’s been a while, yeah, I know. Since the last time I wrote I think I added one pizza job, but they got flaky with the hours so I said no thanks. They had me work a Monday, and I was supposed to work the rest of the week. The owner texts me and says to come in the following Monday and start again. I like the weekend gig I have so I texted the owner back and said “No thanks, gonna keep the other job”. Go with what you know. I’ve been in this position before with pizza places and it’s not a good thing to go a week or more without work. P.S. I hate this keyboard. Logitech sucks for keyboards. I feel like the keys are all spaced a little too far and they’re kinda sticky, like I need to dip my hands in flour before I type. I can type 140+ wpm but on this thing I doubt I’m doing 60. Anyway,
I’m getting evicted. Yay! No, not really, but when you have no hours you have no money, which means no money for rent. My roommate moved out a few weeks ago so there went the little I had left. The funny thing is I found a roommate ad and the place is on the same road like 4 blocks down. It sucks because my block is THE block in this neighborhood to live in. But I can’t catch up to my rent. I owe like $3,000 by now. I need to go. Plus this guy wants $400 for the bedroom at the new place and it’s cat-friendly. And right next to a bar just like the place I’m at now, although this bar is WAY more popular. Whatever, I could walk to the other ones. I plan on having some money by the end of summer to try a new business, mall kiosk, and part of whatever money I get will also be to move to Stamford, CT hopefully in the center of town. There’s a road called Bedford Street in Stamford, and right at the beginning are a ton of bars, shops, restaurants, and rent that’s really, really expensive, but i don’t care. Hopefully the business will be there, so I should be, too. By expensive I mean think $1200 for a 500 square foot studio. But it kinda gets better after that. A 700 square foot 1 bedroom will run about $1400. For $1600-$2,000 you can get a nice 2 bedroom. It’s just like this area but in Stamford and a little further from the beach. A lot further, actually, but Stamford is a beach town so a lot is still a little. I’m about half a mile from the beach where i am now. I’d be like a mile away down there. Ooh, and I’d be closer to NYC! It’s like half an hour by car from there. Anyway,
It’s been a while, so I didn’t want anyone to think I forgot about them. I’ll write more when I get better situated.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, food, fortune, full-time, google, guns, hits, kittens, maps, money, pizza, puppies, sauce, sex, tips, wordpress, writing | Leave a comment |Edit
Things you should know about ordering during this coming blizzard.
Posted on February 8, 2013 by acsmith1972
First of all, if you wouldn’t risk your own life to go out for anything during the bad weather, why in the world would you order food and make us come to you? Know what that tells us? It tells us that aside from your “Be careful out there” statements that you really don’t give a shit about us. If you cared, you wouldn’t call. It’s as simple as that. Look, we’re making between $6 and $8 an hour. You really think that combined with maybe a $5 tip is worth possibly DYING so you can have that large pizza and wings? A lot of us, like myself, write down all the stupid people’s addresses. One way or another, if you risk our lives or screw us over in any way, we’ll get you back. I wont go into details, but trust me on this one: it’s not worth it. Have a little respect and remember that some day you could have kids doing this sort of job, and they might have to deliver in 8, 9, 10 inches of snow because some asshole like you called up for food.
Also: Your house is your responsibility. If you fail to salt your steps or shovel and we fall we can, and often do sue the homeowner. Don’t believe me? Ask that dumbass in Milford I sued about 5 years ago. I won $16,000. Sure, you have insurance for that sort of thing, but your rates’ll go up. So…it’s another example of how you might be paying for it one way or the other. If you show me that you have no respect for me and top it off with something that gets me hurt, I’m coming for you. I’m not going to attack you, that’d just be silly. I’m not going to jail or anything, but I’ll get my revenge. Other drivers aren’t so nice. I know people that spit in the food, I knew one guy that would come back much later with his lights off, cover his plate and do donuts in the yard, and others that shake up the 2 liter bottle of soda: oops.
We in food service are at the bottom rung. We get paid the very least whether we deliver, bartend, waiter, wait tables, whatever. Everyone else is getting at least minimum wage. We get between $4 an hour to a very high of $8 at the most. That upper tier is RARE. It’s usually between $4 and $6 an hour. So ask yourself how much work would you want to do for $6 an hour? How much risk would you be willing to take? And how much bullshit from customers do you think you’d stand for? And remember, aside from you guys, we often have asshole bosses and coworkers to deal with, too. It’s really stressful. The things that keeps us going are the great customers that use common sense, shovel their walks, put salt down, have the lights on, give great tips for great service, and don’t call for delivery during blizzards!
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged bill gates, book, brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, driver, drivers, ebay, facebook, fame, fast, food, fortune, google, guns, hits, kittens, maps, money, movies, pizza, puppies, restaurant, room, sauce, service, sex, shopping, test, tipping, tips, wordpress, writing | 11 Comments | Edit
I picked up a new job!
Posted on January 24, 2013 by acsmith1972
So the night I lost my job at the place I really liked I went to a place a few blocks away that one of my co-workers recommended. The owner said he could probably start me right away. I called Wednesday and he said I could start Friday night. I think it’s just going to be weekends for now, which means I have to keep the shitty job, but the first sign he tells me I can have more nights, I’m quitting that other place I work at. I really hate it there. It’s killed my inner child. It’s that bad. This place is farther away from me, but it’s in Stamford, CT, a VERY wealthy town. Tips are usually great, which is good because gas is really expensive. I keep toying with the idea of moving down there. Financially, I can’t right now. I have $35 to my name. Even with my paltry tax return I wouldn’t be able to move, but if I make a genuine effort to start saving money, I might be able to do it in a month or two. I love where I live, but I hate the size of the place I live at. And I have issues with the utility companies here and there’s no way I can pay those bills off before I get them in my name. So I have to have a roommate. Which isn’t a bad thing, it kinda sucks living alone, but if I moved I don’t know if she’d want to move, too or stay here. Sigh I want a nicer place. And I want to start saving up to do my own business in the mall and also to have a buffer for rent if it doesn’t work out. I’m guestimating I’ll be ready by the summer to try my own thing, but that also means if it worked out I could conceivably move anywhere I wanted. With lots and lots of warm air. lol
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Leave a comment | Edit

A note about my relationships, with girls, with people, etc
Posted on January 23, 2013 by acsmith1972
Okay, to start, most of my friends from ten years ago are married now, moved away, have kids, have lives, etc. The ones that are still around have TONS of drama. So I tend to stick to myself. It sucks, I miss going out with “the crew” but what’m I supposed to do? It’s kinda hard to make new friends at my age. If any of my Facebook friends want to go out and bar hop or whatever, I’m game. But my hangouts closed, the bars moved, the crowd is new, I don’t know, I just feel like a fish out of water. I might have to take a road trip to upstate New York to see a friend of mine if I can ever get financially stable enough to take the time off.
As for the women situation: I was in a relationship on again, off again for the last 7 years. It ended for good in the beginning of September. I guess I’m just a little shocked how it ended and a lot sad. Shit happens, right? Fall off the horse, get back on again? This was someone I considered to be my best friend. She has an awesome family, and I just miss everything about her. I can’t imagine replacing her right now. I don’t even want to. I just need some time. I’d date, I suppose, but she was the specific kind of everything I want in a person so whoever I meet has some high standards to meet. I tried a few months ago, and I suppose I had fun, but secretly I was thinking about my ex. So right now I’m alone. My shit is totally not together anyway. What the hell am I supposed to offer someone new if I meet them? Good conversation is about all I can afford and most women I know are looking for a lot more than a good guy with a good heart. I’ve even noticed a lot of them would rather be with a complete asshole that treats them bad as long as they have some sort of financial security than someone like me that would treat them as good as I can but don’t have much in the way of means. So I’m waiting. I’ll get back to where I was before, I’m just not there right now.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged bank, book, brick oven, cats, delivery, dogs, driver, drivers, ebay, fame, food, fortune, google, guns, hits, kittens, life, love, maps, money, movies, relationships, sex, tipping | Leave a comment | Edit
Quit one, lost one……
Posted on January 23, 2013 by acsmith1972
So the fist thing was I quit that job in the mornings. It was a horrible job. One of the managers was a total bitch and condescended everyone around her. The other manager was fine, but it just got on my nerves for two weeks since they were always both there. But that wasn’t the real problem. I work for a complete asshole now. lol. The real problem was the pay. They paid minimum which would have been fine…except all of the orders were corporate. Businesses love to spend money on food, but hate giving a gratuity. I kept taking really far deliveries, sizable amounts, for $2 and $3 tips. So I did the math: after gas to get there and back, and gas to all these runs I was averaging about $4 an hour. No way it’s worth it for me to be up early to schlep all the way out there for $4 an hour. Food service people work for tips, which are supposed to wind up making you much more an hour than minimum for dealing with everyone’s shit. I know there are cheap bastards out there that live under the impression that we get paid by the hour and should be happy with it, but come on: it’s a service! For drivers there’s also a lot of risk involved. And expenses. No way it’s worth working for $4 an hour so cheap bastards can have their food hot, and quick and fuck us over. The funny thing is by stiffing us you wind up paying more so restaurants can more fairly compensate employees. Yup, that’s why you’ve probably seen mandatory gratuities and delivery fees. It’s because of the cheap bastards.
Onto the one I lost: it was my favorite job where everyone is always happy and nice and the tips were great. I also got paid daily in cash which was nice. The owner took on a partner who wanted to change the delivery structure and wound up firing all three of us because the new guy had his own crew. WTF. So much for loyalty, right? That part sucks. Shit like that’s happened to me a few times and it annoys the hell out of me. What’s the point of being a great employee and going the extra mile when employers do shit like that? Sigh, so now I’m looking again.
On a side note: this keyboard sucks. I bought a Logitech MK320. The keys are sticky and it skips (new batteries, I checked). I miss the old clackety-style keyboard that felt all loose. Those were so easy to type with. On a good keyboard I type upwards of 140 wpm. Not too shabby, right? I can bang out ten pages in just under half an hour.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged bank, brick oven, cats, delivery, dogs, driver, food, fortune, google, guns, maps, money, movies, pizza, puppies, sex, shopping, tipping, tips, wordpress, writing, wrx | Leave a comment | Edit
I’m working at THREE places now…. sigh
Posted on December 30, 2012 by acsmith1972
So I still work at the place in Stamford on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. But that’s just at night from 5 to 9. It’d hardly be worth driving 20 miles each way to work except my new car gets better gas mileage and I’ve had nights where I made $100 in 4 hours (with pay). Of, that’s another thing: I got rid of my WRX. I know a lot of you like that car, but the lack of room was killing me and I got tired of borrowing people’s Jeeps and trucks to move stuff. I traded it for a 2008 Toyota Rav4. It has 4 wheel drive, and since it has the 4 cylinder, it gets a few miles more per gallon than my WRX did. It’s slow as shit in comparison, but I’m over the racer-boy stage of my life anyway. I love how much space there is inside. It has compartments everywhere and since the tire is on the back door it has ninja storage space under the back floor that has THREE milk crates worth of gear that used to take up my hatchback in the WRX. Then there’s more space under the back seats I haven’t got used for anything. I’m thinking I’ll have a powered subwoofer installed back there when I get my new radio. I plan on keeping this one for a while, but if I had the funds I’d trade it on a 4Runner. I love the new 4Runner. I want that.
Anyway, I saw an ad for another pizza place that’s closer looking for drivers and they happened to need them Tuesday through Thursday from 5 to 10. Perfect. The only thing about this place is the owner’s a little grumpy at times, which I hate. I get $6 an hour. I used to own a place. I NEVER stressed out my employees with my bullshit. Then they hate you and you make them miserable when you’re there which rubs off on customers. Don’t do it. Oh, and this place I have to sweep and mop at the end of the night, along with trash, etc which I wouldn’t mind, but I have to do the whole kitchen area, too. Usually the kitchen guys do their own shit at most places. This place is like 100 feet long. It’s a lot of work. Plus the owne wants the floor mopped twice. Why, I have no idea. I usually do it once. So last week I see place in Stamford looking for a catering driver from 10:30 to 3. Monday through Friday. Even better. So now I have three jobs. I start that one tomorrow. I hope it pays well with tips. I would really rather just work at the Stamford pizza place all day because it pays the most and the tips are the best. I might consider moving down there if that happened, but they have a full-time guy. But they pay $8 an hour and everyone is happy there. It’s a huge place, too, like 6,000 square feet (upstairs and down). They’re always closed Monday so I’d be happy to do 6 days a week open to close. That’d be $520 a week just for showing up and doing whatever side work the full-time guy has to do. To figure out what a driver gets you multiply that number by 2.5 so my weekyl GROSS pay with tips would be $1280. It’d obviously be more gas, but probably no more than $100 a week. It’d still be a nice take home amount, and all cash.
So as much as I like being employed, I’m tired of working for other people so I have two new ideas besides the book that hasn’t been written yet (I promise when I get a laptop I’ll bang it out). Idea one is to do a delivery business like Gowaiter and undercut them and take all their clients. They get 30% of the order plus $3.99 from the customer. I mean that could be like $10 a delivery plus tips. I could do that with VERY LITTLE start up cash and not even have to get insurance or incorporate or get a tax license. They pay the sales tax (the restaurants). The other idea, idea number two I like a little better but I figure would cost about $6,000 to start up: A kiosk at a mall selling cheap iPhone cases bought from China at pennies on the dollar for less than most stores sell them. I’ve seen lots of 1,000 selling for $200. That’s 20 cents a piece. I’d sell them for around $10 which is still about $20 less than places like Staples and cell phone stores sell them for. But getting into the mall costs “seed money” which usually runs $2,000 and the first month’s rent which is another $2,000, and then figure another $2,000 for supplies. And you have to dress nice and be there all day every day or have employees. Still, if I sold 30 a day, or 3 an hour, I’d gross $9,000 a month. I’m betting I can sell double that. I like that idea because I don’t have to drive and I can work on opening a second one while I’m at work. You know, planning, etc. If the kiosk is big enough I can get a helper, pay them well, bonuses, etc. Sigh. I really need to figure this out. I want to be independent in the next ten years instead of relying on pizza delivery jobs.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged blowjob, brick oven, cats, cheese, clinton, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, food, fortune, google, guns, hits, kittens, maps, money, movies, perez hilton, pizza, puppies, sex, shopping, tipping, tips |Leave a comment | Edit
100 Dollar Bills
Posted on December 18, 2012 by acsmith1972
The other night I pull up to this house and the woman goes to hand me a $100 bill. I say, “I don’t have change for that.” I might have had enough change if they wanted to give me a $20 tip, but even in Stamford it wasn’t likely. So they wind up calling the store and giving a credit card, and, out of spite: no tip! Fuckers. I don’t get why people don’t understand it’s dangerous for driver to have change for $100 on them. If you need to break a hundred, why not just call the store and ask? I know why people do it: they know the store might say no, so they take their chances.
But that brings me to my next question: why take it in the first place? People take $100s then go to gas stations and such and use them for small purchases. Know why no one likes them? It fucks up the drawer! You have to give all your change to the idiot that took the $100 instead of $20s at the bank. Then you have to go to the bank the idiot took the $100 from and have them make change for you. It makes ZERO sense. And 99 out of 100 times people that use $100s give really shitty tips. It’s usually either nothing, or one to two dollars. It’s like they want to impress us with their possession of the hundred, but not reward us with generosity for making change of it. It’s super fucking annoying. I’ve seen hundreds before you assholes. You know when I take hundreds? For big purchases like tvs, or if i have to pay a big bill like rent. That’s it. I don’t take them so I can try to impress people and fuck up their cash registers or make the pizza guy go run down the street with it to make change.
Stop using them. Seriously. Get in the habit of using $50s if you have to use a large bill. That order was $35. I had change for that.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, driver, drivers, ebay, google, guns, kittens, maps, money, movies, pizza, puppies, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Is the Second Amendment “Inalienable” or not?
Posted on December 18, 2012 by acsmith1972
Webster defines “inalienable” as: incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred.
If one commits a felony, ANY felony including writing a bad check from 30 years ago, you’re considered to dangerous to own a gun. People who torture animals in most states are not considered too dangerous, nor are drunk drivers. Go figure. Also, in-patient psychiatric care, possession of more than an ounce of weed, and domestic violence strips you of that right. Some states have that law where if your wife hits you and you call the cops you both get arrested. So you could lose your right to bear arms for being the victim of domestic abuse. Nice.
Anyway, no other Constitutional right is stripped away by the federal government for life. None. Not one. Some of you might think of voting, but that’s a state issue. You could just move and get your voting rights back. The one right that claims to be inalienable is the one right that you can lose.
So how is it inalienable? If inalienable means it can’t be stripped or given away, why do those people lose that right? Does that mean those circumstances somehow protect you from violence? If you get robbed, if you say you’re a convicted felon does the robber apologize and let you go on your way? Strangely, under that same right to bear arms you can’t have bullet-proof vests, tasers, even stun guns.
My point is the Second Amendment was supposed to be as strong as the First Amendment, but somehow with that one mistake, and after any amount of time, you appear to lose the right to defend your life or the lives of others around you. Why? How can something that can’t be taken away be taken away? And why do the gun nuts support that? The NRA is a proud supporter of stripping gun rights away from certain people, not realizing in doing so, they weaken the idea that gun ownership is a sovereign right. It really isn’t.
And some people will point out you can have those rights restored. Not really. Look it up: it can be done in THEORY, but almost never happens. There have been a handful of cases where it happened of millions who have tried. Some states make exceptions, like Texas and Colorado, and in some states if there’s no separate law the BATF still allows certain firearms to be held. Black powder, non-standard rimfire, replicas of antiques, antiques, etc, but nothing practical.
Lastly, the only one the Federal laws protect anyone from are people who made mistakes who are following the law after that. Any street criminal wont be spending years bettering themselves and obeying the laws to not own. They’d just go get one. So I don’t even see the point in the law. I just want to know what you think about “inalienable”.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, delivery, dogs, drivers, fame, google, guns, kittens, maps, pizza, puppies, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Blogging is like homework
Posted on December 11, 2012 by acsmith1972
I look at my blog and I had every intention of doing at least one story a day, but then it’s like “I also meant to read real books every day”. I used to read all the time. Ever since the internet got good, not so much. I think I’m a few chapters into like 6 different books. I just have a hard time focusing now. Well, on reading anyway. It’s like this book I want to finish writing: it’s been what, three years since I started taking notes? The notes and outline are done. All I have to do is write the thing. And i bet I could bang it out in about a month. Because the next part is even harder: getting it published. I have such lofty plans for if I do, like more books, but also moving to Manhattan. Like a good part, not Harlem or Washington Heights, like Mid-town, one of the villages, the Upper West Side, etc.
So anyway, since we last spoke I left what like two jobs? I was working at a shitty job in Wilton, but that didn’t work out. They took an old employee back and left me hanging. That’s fine, the manager is a bitch anyway. It was non-stop work from open to close for $6 an hour. Fuck that noise. I would have quit anyway. Most smart places know to not stress out the drivers with too much side work. Sweeping, mopping, folding pizza boxes, stock the coolers, and that’s it. We risk our lives for chump change, don’t make us hate you for it. We’re there for the tips, not the inside work. So after that job I wound up working at a place in Stamford. I still work there, and it’s pretty cool except the owner doesn’t let drivers take more than one at a time. Lame. Still, some nights in 4 hours I’ve made $100 with tips, so that’s not bad. Plus, he pays daily, which is nice, but the bad thing is he only needs me Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 5 to 9. It’s kinda far for not many hours and the great tips aren’t consistent. So now I added a job in the Westport area Mon-Thurs night from 5 to 10, possibly 4 to 10. I start that tonight. If it works out I’ll roll into full-time with days and be able to quit the other job. I really like the people at the other place, but I have a LOT of bills and I’m almost 40 (Dec 27th). I need to plan for something else. Like a mall kiosk selling cell phone covers! Yaaaay! I’d be able to work on my writing while I sit there and wait for customers. Those things are like $2000+ a month in rent and there are all sorts of fees and rules, but I’d be my own guy. I like that. I’m tired of this b.s.. Which was another reason I wanted to write the book. I write the book, get moderately famous, write some more books and don’t have to do this b.s. any more.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, delivery, drivers, ebay, google, kittens, perez hilton, pizza, puppies, sauce, sex, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Posted on October 12, 2012 by acsmith1972
Response to a webpage on dealing with heartbreak:
That sounds like good advice, except if you know that you had the one person who would love you no matter what, for who you are with your faults, your soul-mate if you will, and then you lose that person, it just hurts. Really badly.
I spent 7 years in an admittedly unhealthy on-again off-again relationship with a girl I loved more than anything or anyone. I’m 39, under-employed and have a past that she was able to look past. I met her when I was 32. She was a lot younger. She was the most fun person I have ever been with, yet somehow I managed to not give her what she needed the most: my heart.
We had good times, and even great times, but the bad times were really bad. We argued about everything that didn’t matter, and while I wont excuse the ones she started, I could have avoided all of them.
So now she found someone else. And she’s happy and I know I should be happy for her, but I’m not. I want her to love me. I want her to be with me. I want to not hurt any more. My heart aches. I am trying my hardest to distract myself from thinking about her, but how can I really? This isn’t just a relationship gone wrong: this is THE relationship gone wrong.
And she has so many great qualities I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from holding anyone else to. Like how smart she is. She is literally the smartest person I’ve ever met in my life. She’s funny, and playful, and kind to the children in her family. She loves dogs and has the best Beagle in the world. She’s very attractive with beautiful eyes that haunt my mind while I write this. It just feels like it’s hard to breathe when she’s not around me.
We used to have fights and make up a few days later. There were even a few times where we saw other people and still talked. Honestly, as much as it hurts that I’m not the one making her happy, I could deal with it a lot better if we were still friends, but I can’t even have that. She flat out refuses to say word one to me. None of our fights were anything of significance, but the amount of dumb fights just hit the critical point, I guess.
To top it all off: we live a block away from each other. Not even. She’s literally two buildings away from me. I can kind of see her building if I look out my window. I just really miss my best friend. I miss how much fun we had when we had it. My food, even my life has no flavor right now. I get stress headaches every day which sometimes trigger my migraines, I can’t sleep, I don’t want to go out; it’s like a piece of me died when she stopped talking to me.
They say time heals all wounds, but I honestly don’t want time to heal it. I want her to. I miss her, and I love her.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged delivery, flame, heart, heartbreak, kittens, lonely, love, pizza, puppies, sex, sympathy| Leave a comment | Edit
Here’s a list of BAD Ebay buyers. It’s long, but if you’re a seller you’ll appreciate it. Yeah, I know, nothing to do with delivery.
Posted on October 1, 2012 by acsmith1972
Save yourself some hassles if you sell from time to time like I do and block all of these losers:
1081ellen, 123nermine, 1rocker2012, 1romeoshihtzu, 32newhouse, 5bb109d321a862137f95b5b9e255982d672663504, 650carpench, 7tony7tiger7, 8152hernandez, 916sarah, 9515099451, aerdnagnal, agmel02, akteddy907, amazingsue, angelwing918, anisahgold26, arey7869, argyrou2010, asiankels, asta6701, b977067287447ef5e5d536159f125b491055831914, babybluehsm127643, batussegrave, bcherifa, beardsfamilytreasures, bellarosefashions, beverlyhills333, bjac5699, bluecloudkicker, bmo4186, breadtasteslikedirt, catsmeow16000, cedric130585, chavezjess14, chichele, chrism5654, christopherr8463, colonialstyle, cookiemays213, covert-banker, cthomas0911, dawnracca, dax-knight, deanandcompany, digidepot, divinemavi, djrose711, dtwinters, dvr1951, epate01, fance5, ferretprincess_0, filledcloset, filledclosets, folicelove_42, funnyfacebule, gillian_mac1234, guardian6c, guiltypleasures, hartsbud, hawaiiplant, hemandrg1, hoboruth, houria-fathah, i2fon, id, iloveminnie, jaybeeesq, jayc412, jesndan, jessica101784, jlifamily, jonnyangel2005, judy.1207, jujechni, julialyssajaylin, justfury, justjustin73, karenmalki, kglpass4, klawed9, kliner1409, koister1125-123, kreamantica, kriesseness, krmur1987, ladywbugs, lamar55, laurenmarie29, left-brain, llrocks101, love8160, lovelovebr, luvarabianhorses9265, m7thhvn, maanreborn, magel13, maggieis10shopping, meggypoo777, mehim4ever, mflores72_123, mickyclancy, mimilareaux007, missy_0919, morrislevy, mozes, mrsfields9111974, mrthig21, mycloset1st, mz.fitz, nicandles, nightbomber, northboundmotorgroup, omarsattar, onniehastings2008, orangeaeroplane, pattyovoxo, pbconstruction, peart2010, peppermintpatti1215, planesnbikes0107, plot142, prettyeve89, prettyty, princess_6, princessyeri, queenezy, reyy19, rlynn95, robert2469, ryseme651, sellstuff.1, shailynn13, shannon6593, shemekia24, shop_for_fun_boutique, shopfisher, skileyr, slates_96, sn95mustang, snipehappy, srain1, starzydreamz, steelcowboy28, sunny-bluegrass, sweetoothcandy, talentedkk23, tbabybanks69, teenertoo, terribrandi75, tess322, theralphspatch, tiffany4768, tiquerbelle, tramdoofy, trimom, trinitytran408, umbrellagirl2185, va24055, valletravelstop12, veronraffy, vicnoemi30, viscayablue, waltjoy, wonthat1, xo_ilove_you_x206, ztchammout25
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, selling, sex, test, tipping, tips | 1,269 Comments | Edit
I finished my book notes! You know, the book I’m working on writing that this site is for?
Posted on September 14, 2012 by acsmith1972
Every day I’d say to myself “Work on the website, work on the book.” The website refers to two different ideas for making money for right now, walking dogs, and doing computer repair. I’m highly skilled in both areas and would be 100% happy doing either. Anyhoo, the book, obviously, is this site’s future. The stories on this site actually probably wont be in the book at all. Maybe one or two, I haven’t decided yet. I’m not sure how I’d tie it all in, but then again, maybe =) So the notes part took me what, a few years? I can’t remember when I started this site, but that’s when the notes started. I just finished last night. I have the outline done. I have all the chapters set up how I want to write them. I have the index, the prologue, the epilogue, the appendix, etc, etc. I just need to sit down every day and do a little more. My goal is to have the book finished by Halloween. I’m guessing it will be around 300 pages. I could probably make it 1,000 pages, but I wont, I’ll hold back. Plus, that’s material for a second book if I get the first one published. The editing part is going to be a bitch. I might just give the book to a friend of mine so she can edit it. I’ll copyright it first, of course, just in case it gets lost or gets out somehow.
Everyone give me major pats on the back. As someone who deals with being both Bi-polar, OCD, and having ADHD among other things, actually doing the writing is a major step forward. I’d actually love nothing more than to pay my rent ahead 6 months and just sit here and get it done, but I don’t have 6 months rent. lol. Oh well, hopefully if I get it published I will have 6 months rent. And a shitload more =)
P.S. Here’s my playlist for what I’m listening to while I write:

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Posted on September 5, 2012 by acsmith1972
Sorry again it’s been a while. I always have every intention of sitting down and writing new posts every day after work, but then I actually go to work. By the time I come home, it’s like it is for a lot of you: I’m beat. See, I don’t have a real job. I mean I do, but I don’t. Those of you who know what I mean, know what I mean. For the rest of you, what I mean is: I made some poor choices along the way and instead of being a lawyer or a doctor I’m doing this. With any luck it wont be forever. I can’t imagine anyone who aspires to be a pizza delivery person. If you do, your parents fucked up somewhere along the way. I mean I can make more money than a lot of people I know, but we have to go through so much bullshit, and where’s the future? We get ZERO raises. There are ZERO benefits. NO paid time off. NO sick days. We often work 6 days a week, 12 hours a day. At my current job I’m only working 5 days a week and just about 40 hours at that, but it’s a lot of work, deliveries are really far apart, they charge $2 for delivery and we get nothing from it. Plus, my days off are Wednesday and Thursday. That sucks. They should have laws against businesses being open Saturday and Sunday so we all get normal days off.
I would say where I work now, but I have haters that stalk my posts and would love to try to get me fired. That’s why I never say where I work. But needless to say the new place sucks big time. I’m trying to find another job and may even try being a waiter. I did it once before at TGI and I hated it, but all this driving is really old. I need a break. There’s a place up the street from me I’m gonna check out. Anyway “more later”. lol
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit

I didn’t forget…..
Posted on July 31, 2012 by acsmith1972
I’ve just been out of work for the last few months. I was working at an Asian place, but they wound up not doing as well as they thought and didn’t need me any more. Then I happened to win my lawsuit against one of my former employers and had a few bucks to pay for rent for a few months. I’m down to enough to pay this next month’s rent with like $40 left over. Not a great way to have spent all that money. I should have saved a little more. I thought finding another job and a roommate would be easy, but both have eluded me for months.
Then there’s the book. This book on this subject. Blogging is one thing, and I did the hard part and finished the outline months ago, so I don’t know why I can’t just start…
Then there’s the computer idea for custom builds, etc, etc. I just really need a fucking job. This bullshit is killing me.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 2 Comments | Edit
On demand or not?
Posted on January 16, 2012 by acsmith1972
Thinking up these titles when you’re tired is kinda hard. I had a title before, when I went out for a smoke, but then life happened, and I forgot. Just like I forget spelling and grammar. But they say if you’re bad at that stuff you’re a genius, so I must be like a super-genius. lol. Yeah, I do those, too. Anyway, on to the title topic. The new job is okay, business is starting to pick up, but the guy who owns it could really do some things to help it along. It’s been open for a few years now and has a decent following. It’s a brick oven place, which is great pizza, but no one will know it’s great unless you shout to the world that you’re there. He hasn’t even put a “We Deliver” sign in the window because he thinks it will look tacky or something. He asks for a lot of advice and I always tell him, “I can’t tell you what works, but I can tell you all the different ways I fucked up my place.” The problem is, he does some of the same stuff. If he relied on delivery, he’d be in trouble. He has a pretty good following for sit-down and pick-up, but I’m of the opinion that once you start something, you finish it. There’s nothing worse for anyone working for tips anywhere than sitting around waiting for customers. Even bad tips pales in comparison. I mean think about it: we make on average around $6 an hour. We rely on those tips to make it worthwhile. At a busy place on a good day you could easily average $20 an hour or more. My best weekly average was about $25 an hour. I mean we’re not talking lawyer pay here, but how many jobs do you know that you can make $1200 a week without many more skills than customer service and driving? There aren’t too many.
Saturday I took ten deliveries. I think I made around $40 in tips and another $10 in gas money. So $50. Add my pay for the day, $57 and you get $107 for 9.5 hours of work. So the average is way down for that day. Still, six days a week means at least $600 at the end of the week. Then the problem is buying gas, coffee, cigarettes, etc. It really helps if i do two to three times the amount of deliveries in a day. At least. Ten deliveries is okay for a Monday or Tuesday, but the rest of the week should be between twenty and forty deliveries all day. Split it, take thirty: if I average $3.50 a delivery in tips, that’s $105 in tips, plus $30 in gas, plus $57 in pay. Now you get $193 for 9.5 hours of work. That’s $20.32 an hour. The end of that week I would have $1,158. That’s $60,216 a year. That’s not too bad, especially in this economy. It also makes it a lot easier to budget money. People think it’s easy to just put the money in the bank, but they go to work and go home. We drive work around all day. Our cars are our offices. We need gas. We need food and drinks and such. Yes, it would make a certain amount of sense to go to BJs and get stuff in bulk, or even Restaurant Depot, for those of you who know of it, but it’s all easier said than done. Like how many of you keep your New Year’s resolutions? Yeah, I don’t either. I want to quit smoking. I want to start working out. I want to learn how to save money instead of being a dumbass with my money. I want to be more respectful of my fellow human beings (I’m not rude to them, I just pretty much ignore them if I can). I want to do more things that are living like skiing, ice skating, going to the casinos, camping, traveling, maybe taking cooking classes, get back to learning Spanish and French, and German, too. I want to finish my degree and get another. I want to write a book. There are so many things I want to do. Making sure I put money in the bank just seems to fall short of everything else. Ironically (or maybe not since I don’t get how to use that all the time), a girl was keeping me in line with a lot of the stuff, but she’s caught a rather terminal case of being a neomaxizoomdweebie. Not really terminal, but everything sure seems to be life or death with she and I and we’re not talking as of right now. Such is life, right?
So, back to my original thought: I need people to call so I can present them with excellent service so they tip me well so I can go spend lots of money. That pretty much sums it all up for me tonight. More later.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged bank, bill gates, deli, delivery, demand, fast, food, google, kittens, life, movies, perez hilton, pizza, puppies, service, sex, shopping, spending, sums, wordpress, writing, wrx | Leave a comment | Edit
Week one is finished!
Posted on January 8, 2012 by acsmith1972
So, today is my day off. Blissfully. I’m horrible at going to sleep on time, and so, many nights I’m awake at 3 or 4 in the morning. That line was kind of an oxymoron, but you know what I mean, right? Anyway, I don’t really like working 6 days a week, but that’s the kind of work week in this industry. My new boss actually tried to get me to work 7 days, but I said no. Sunday’s not the ideal day off, but it is a good one. Hopefully when business picks up, he’ll be able to get more drivers and I can have Monday off also. I like the Sunday Monday thing because I get to go out Saturday night, sleep all day Sunday, then Monday I can do anything I’d have to at a business or bank or whatever. I slept till 1:30 today. That was nice. Then I got interrupted being lazy by a friend who wanted help with laundry. lol. That wound up with me doing my laundry, and I had like two-week’s worth. See, I had a list of things I wanted to do today. Working on the book was one of them. I’ve finished everything I need to do to write the book. All I need to do is organize my notes and start writing. I expect the writing part o take a few weeks, then it will be onto the next task, which is printing out a bunch of copies and submitting it. I have a friend with access to one of those corporate printers, so if I finish the book before she finds another job, I can get some free copies of my book. Otherwise, I’ll have to go to a print shop and pay a pretty penny. Why you can’t submit these things electronically in this day and age, I have no idea.
Also on my schedule for today is to work on a website to do computer repair, web design, etc. I want to do a Living Social deal for that, but they make you jump through a bunch of hoops to get approved. But, if they do approve it and if I do get a deal listed, I could find myself with a ton of work in that area, which is a lot more along the lines of what I like to do than delivering pizza. Lastly, I want to do my tax return today. I need that money ASAP, and right now the only thing stopping me from getting it is filling that whole bit out. I’m sure I’ll get to it later. P.S. I hate the keyboard I’m using right now. It’s like it was made in Bizzaro land. It’s just a hair smaller than normal ones, so I keep messing up keys.
The first three days at work I passed out fliers and managed one delivery each of those days. The fourth day I took two. The fifth day I took four. The sixth day I took ten, so business is obviously picking up now that menus are out. I’m sure tomorrow will be a little slow, but maybe not. It’s nice to be back to making like $700 a week. That’s for sure. I mean that’s not a lot of money, but when you go from basically unemployed (or working very part-time) making like $200 a week to more than tripling that, it gives you some room to breathe. You know? More later.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged book, delivery, driver, food, full-time, google, laundry, pizza, puppies, restaurant, room, sex, wordpress, writing | Leave a comment | Edit
Just a quick new year post
Posted on January 6, 2012 by acsmith1972
I know it’s been a few months, and I always mean to try to post one a day, but you can see how well that goes. lol. Anyhoo, I was working at a chain restaurant for a little while doing corporate deliveries. The tips were great since the orders were always for a few hundred dollars and they added ten percent automatically, but the hours sucked. My average day would be to hours, tops. Still, I could easily make $100 in two hours. The problem was that didn’t happen every day. Some days I came in, had one delivery, and wound up with $20. But a job is a job, and it beats sitting at home all day looking for a full-time gig. But an offer from a place nearby finally came and I accepted. I have to admit, I didn’t think it was for real. The guy was talking about starting in a few weeks, and I’m the kind of person that wants to start now. This place has been in business for 16 years, and has quite a following, so I expect now that they’re delivering business should be good. It’s a brick oven place with pizza on par with Modern in New Haven, if you’re familiar with that. Really thin, really good sauce, great cheese, and that oh-so-nice brick oven finish. I love it!
So now I’m working Monday through Saturday from 11:30 to 10 or so. So just showing up to work makes me enough money to pay a few bills. The tips pay for gas and a few more bills This isn’t a long-term goal by any means. I have other things I’m working on, like the book, and other books, selling some stuff on Ebay and other sites, as well as trying to get back into the computer thing. I also plan on going back to school shortly to finish my degree in Computer Science, and possibly even following that up with a master’s in the same. Gotta do something, right? I just turned 39. Time to get back into the game of life. I may even try another pizza place of my own in the not to distant future. More later….
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Four places later….
Posted on October 23, 2011 by acsmith1972
So, since I left the Indian place, I have been at a Chinese place, then another pizza place, followed by a restaurant, and yet another pizza place. Why so many moves? I left the Chinese place to go work at a pizza place that offered my 60+ hours a week. The owner of that place turned out to be batshit crazy. She expected her ass to be kissed while you worked for her and no mistakes were ever let go. First off, mistakes happen. Second, ass-kissing is a separate fee. I wasn’t getting paid to do that. She actually fired me because I took an order that was sitting longer before one that was just out of the oven simply because the one just out of the oven was closer. Her logic was flawed. Instead of two late deliveries I got one there on time. Whatever, she was a bitch. So after that I took a job at a place in Milford, but that owner flaked also. She had an employee come back looking for work and gave him my job. Whatever, she has no class. Right now I’m working at a corporate restaurant, of which I won’t mention the name. They might find my blog, one of my crazier fans might try to cause trouble and call them, etc. P.S. I should say those of you who are that small-minded to call a place I work at to try to get me fired because you don’t like me can really go fuck yourselves. It’s never worked, but what if it did? Would you really want me trying to do that to you? If you don’t like what I say, don’t fucking read my blog you dumbasses. Or grow a pair of balls and tell me you want to meet me to tell me in person why you don’t like my blog instead of trying to stop me from making an honest wage. People like you should take a long walk off a short pier with the waters below filled with hungry Great White sharks. You’re useless trolls with nothing better to do. To you, I say piss off.
To everyone else, keep reading and enjoying
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Bye Kitty 😦
Posted on October 21, 2011 by acsmith1972

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Driving fast vs driving a fast car
Posted on October 14, 2011 by acsmith1972
Do you people understand the difference? I had an 85 Ford Tempo that I could drive fast. 85 or so if I pushed it. I also had a 95 Mazda Protege that I could drive fast when I wanted to. I currently have a 2008 Subaru Impreza WRX. That’s a fast car that I don’t have to push to go fast. It’s just fast. Like pocket rocket fast. The reason I ask is I see a lot of you on the roads putting along, but when you see me, suddenly, you see red. I see the car lurch forward as you punch the gas to try and beat me to the next light. More often than not, I don’t do anything other than continue to drive. Just like when I’m doing 85 in the fast lane on the highway and a Ford Expedition comes flying up behind me, I change lanes. What annoys me is you were in the middle lane till I passed you. Then you felt the need to prove something.
One of these days I’m going to follow you, and when you stop, I’m going to ask if it felt good, and do you feel better for making it to the next whatever before me. Then I’m going to ask you if you want to go somewhere and race for cash. Or even just for bragging rights. Most of the time, it’s men who do this crap to me, so if it’s who’s penis is bigger, we can skip racing and just unzip and see who’s is bigger. I particularly like that idea because no matter what’s under the hood of your car, you’re kinda stuck if your Willie is tiny. At the end of the day, I got my car because I like it. Not to race those of you with something to prove. So go find someone else to bother, see a plastic surgeon and find out if penis enlargement works yet, find a hobby. I don’t care, just please, please: stop pissing me off.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Why delivery charges are bad.
Posted on October 14, 2011 by acsmith1972
I’m not sure why owners do this: having a delivery fee that doesn’t go to the driver really fucks us over. First of all, no other employee is paid from any sort of fee. Not the bartender, not a waitperson, no a phone person, not even a cook. So why then is the driver’s pay supplemented by a service we’re largely paying for ourselves by having the car, putting our own gas in it, taking care of all the repairs, and so forth? No other employee has to do that, and yet we’re partially being paid by that fee. Most places give something for gas, but it’s never even close to what it should be. It should be the IRS mileage rate, especially since most employers try to be slick and deduct the mileage rate, even though they never paid us for it. That rate in CT this year is 55 cents a mile. So if the delivery were 18 miles round trip, and yes, we really do take deliveries that far, then my “gas money” for the trip should be $9.90. Instead, it’s usually something along the lines of 50 cents to a dollar, tops.
Here’s the bigger problem: customers see that money and assume it goes to us. Often it’s between $1.50 and $2. Of that we might get 30%. So the employer is making an additional 70% profit on that fee we provided. So if your order were $30,a good tip would be around $4.50 Some people will deduct that delivery charge and give us maybe $3 instead. So we wind up with $3 to $3.50 for a $30 order on a trip that took an half an hour with traffic. Now you have to deduct what we used in gas, and we’ll skip the wear and tear. On my car, I get 20 miles a gallon. So that’s almost a gallon of gas to take that delivery. So it cost me $4 to bring you the delivery that you gave me $3 for. So I lost a dollar right there. If i get 50 cents from my employer I only lost 50 cents for the delivery. If my hourly pay is $7, in that half an hour I made $3.50, but since I lost 50 cents, now I only made $3 for that half hour.
If you do the math and figure out averages, it can really piss you off because if every situation were like that, we would make $6 an hour after gas, making the job just not worth it. It’s the good customers who understand all that, that make it worth doing most of the time. The people who give a $10 tip for a $30 order because they know they live 9 miles from the store. Or the people who give a little extra when it’s raining, or snowing, or really hot or cold. Those people bring up the average and our hourly pay will go way up.
That doesn’t excuse the owners who screw us over with delivery charges we don’t get 100% of, especially the ones who give you nothing for it. And it doesn’t excuse the customers who know how far they are or what the weather is, but are too cheap to give what they should. The example I used above is a high percentage. We should get 15% at every delivery, the same as waiters do. We have much more risk, and way more expenses than they do. The sad truth of the matter is a lot of you won’t tip us 15%, or even 10%. Those of you who are like that average between 3% and 5% which is just pathetic. We remember you, and we take your orders last. We also don’t go the extra mile, or are extra nice. We tried it before and it seems like you’re in league with the owner to price us out of work. Which is fine, we can find other jobs, but that means you’ll have to get off your lazy asses and go pick up your food.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Posted on October 7, 2011 by acsmith1972
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 1 Comment | Edit
New boss accuses me of stealing….
Posted on October 1, 2011 by acsmith1972
So at this new place orders don’t get assigned to drivers as they go out, like they should, and I really should have continued my tradition of writing down my runs and separating my tips, but I didn’t. So a few orders get mixed up tonight. We get through most of them, when the owner comes in. She’s got to get right in the middle of it and try to figure it out, but she’s also a victim of OCD and ADD and gets really mean when she’s frazzled.
The first thing she does is try to get me to pay twice for a ticket. I had just given the other guy the money for it and gotten my change. Then she asks for it and I say “we just did it”. She’s like “how much did you give me?” and I say “twenty”. So she’s like “I gave you $2 change?” Umm, I think so, but to be fucking honest, I think it was the other guy who gave me the change. I really can’t remember. I just finished 10 1/2 busy hours. All I remembered was paying for it, not who I handed it to.
Then she says, “You had all credit card orders?” to which I say, “All but two.” She actually says “I find that suspicious. I have people here who can tell me where you went and for what.” What the fuck? I did all credit card orders, except those two in cash. Ask any waiter or delivery person, sometimes it’s all cash. Sometimes it’s all credit. It’s certainly not fucking suspicious. There was no money short, so what’s the big fucking deal? I start to try to explain that to her and she says, “I can see where this is going to be a problem. Every time there’s an issue, you have to give me your life story to explain it.” That’s pretty fucking rude and totally not true.
Time to start looking for another job, I guess.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver” </code
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit

Got yet another new job..
Posted on September 28, 2011 by acsmith1972
When the Indian place, Thali, ended delivery and left me out of a job, I got a job a few days later delivering Chinese food for Little Kitchen across the street. Little Kitchen didn’t really have enough hours for me, and I lucked out and found a job delivering at a pizza place in Westport, full-time. I can’t say for sure yet how this new job is until I start banging out some actual deliveries in Westport. They do a LOT of catering orders, really far away, which take a lot of time, and kind of kills your tip potential compared to if you took 10 deliveries locally in that time. I’m hopeful, though. I’ll write back in a few days when I see how the weekend goes.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver” </code
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Shitty Tipper List part 2
Posted on September 27, 2011 by acsmith1972
Most of these are in Westport, you know, one of the wealthiest towns on the planet.
More cheap Westport people (fuckers)
1) 56 Coleytown Road
2) 292 North St
3) 10 Reichert Circle
4) 11 Northfield Drive ($3 tip on $80 order)
5) 123 Greens Farms Road
6) 16 North Pasture Road
7) 20 Stoneboat Road
8) 2 Windy Hill Road
9) 44 Pumpkin Hill Rd ($5 on $75)
10) 124 River Road (nothing on a $35 order)
11) 6A Cob Drive ($6 tip for $105 order)
12) 72 Ludlow ($1.50 on a $25 order)
13) 38 Richmondville Ave ($4 on $100 order)
14) 1 Charcoal Lane ($5 on $90)
15) 2 Murvon Place ($3 on $70 order)
16) 25 Saugatuck Ave (Store forgot slip, so they gave me ZERO tip)
17) 2 Rustic Lane ($5 on $100)
18) 11 Sturges Highway ($5 on $93)
19) 1 Hickory Drive ($3 on $65)
20) 89 Sturges Highway ($3 on $55)
21) 162 Lyons Plains Road, Weston ($5 on $85)
22) 71 Old Hill Road (no tip for $60 order)
23) 236 Hillspoint Road ($5 for $135)
24) 2 Snowflake Lane ($5 on $83)
25) 89 sturges highway. Went twice, $4 tip on $63 order and they live in a mansion.
26) 5 east meadow road. $24.38 paid $40 told me i could keep the 62 cents.
27) 4 broadview rd. $5 tip on $145 order.
28) 4 jennings court. $40. Zero tip.
29) 10 sylvan lane. Being from another country doesn’t excuse 5% tips on big orders.
30) 23 sound view farm rd weston. You live 17 miles round trip and gave me a $3 tip.
31) 11 northfield. $4 tip on an $88 order makes you look cheap. That’s less than 5%. And you do it all the time in your huge house. You tip worse than people in bridgeport.
32) 22 hill crest lane weston. 22 miles round trip in a storm. $6 tip on $50 order in a mcmanson makes you assholes. I spent $4.25 in gas to make $1.75 and it took an hour. Losers.
33) 32 compo parkway $58 order ZERO tip.
34) 15 parsell lane. $101 order, $5 tip. Cheap.
35) 34 old redding rd weston. $55 order, $5 tip. 20 miles.
36) 7 silverbrook, $6 on $88 order.
37) 84 easton rd. $73 order, zero tip.
38) 28 timber mill lane weston. $5 tip for $125 order. Congratulations you cheap fucks. That’s 4%. Losers.
39) 6 swale rd norwalk. $2.25 on a $24 order and kinda far. Cheap.
40) 78 lords highway east weston. 26 miles round trip for $5 on a $25 order makes you cheap. I spent that much in gas.
41) 8 overlook. $5 on $100. Come on.
42) 4 hales rd. 22 cents on $29.78. Assholes.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver” </code
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
People are willing to die or kill on the highway.
Posted on July 7, 2011 by acsmith1972
Coming home, this guy flies up behind me about 5 feet back. I have traffic in front if me, so why move? I dump it from 5th to 3rd, no brakes. Scared the shit out of him and i get high beams. He finds an opening, flies way out to the slow lane, and barrels up to tailgait the next guy. Two more cars do this as i get closer home. One almost bites it driving the breakdown lane. Mind you, I’m doing 80 WITH traffic. These guys are doing well over 100. And in crappy cars. Why? To save 5 minutes? Or is it to compensate? Slow down morons. Time and place. Cause me to wreck, if you’re wrecked too and I can walk, I’m gonna kick the shit out of you till EMS gets there.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver” </code
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I haven’t forgotten to post
Posted on July 6, 2011 by acsmith1972
I’ve just been really busy trying to find a better job, so I’ve been neglecting my blog. I’ll start posting again in a few days.
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Why save money with the driver when you’re rich?
Posted on March 13, 2011 by acsmith1972
The area where I work now is supposed to be like the 5th wealthiest town in the country. These people get new cars every year, they wear all the latest designer clothes, $10,000 watches, they have acres and acres of land for their million dollar plus houses, they have vacation homes in other states and countries, they vacation several times a year, and when they order food they spend a lot. Then they fuck the driver on a tip. Not all of them, but enough to be annoying. The bad tippers average between 2 and 5% for a tip. Imagine taking $100 worth of food in snow or rain and getting between $2 and $5 for a tip. It’s like they’re saying “fuck you, I don’t respect the service you’re providing, but I’m willing to overpay for the food and make sure every other employee there is taken care of.” Because the other employees do get paid much better, and the waiters inside average between 15 and 20% in tips. How someone got the idea you need to tip the guy who doesn’t have any work expenses and fuck the guy who has lots is beyond me. Take what just happened: one of the cheap fucks 4 miles from here just called to complain they wanted more rice. Now I have to waste my fucking gas to bring them more rice when they tipped me $3 on a $62 order. They might say thank you but it’s a huge fuck you to me. I hate these assholes.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver” </code
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Asshole Neighbors
Posted on March 5, 2011 by acsmith1972
This isn’t about delivering, but I had to blog about it. I’ve been having problems with my downstairs neighbors from almost day 1 when I moved in two years ago. The first incident, I had a few friends over on a Friday night to celebrate the new apartment, and yes, we were being loud pretty late, but it was Friday and all. The neighbor came upstairs pounding on the door screaming he was trying to sleep and tried to start a fight. That happened a second time as well. Both times he apologized for being a dick. I didn’t accept it either time, since he, and his family are dicks. Then one day he comes upstairs pounding on the door because there’s a leak in the ceiling and water is dripping down. He wants to fight because “how could I not know?” umm, because it’s in the ceiling downstairs which is under my floor, that’s how asstard. He later apologizes for that one, too, but he got in a shoving match with me before his brother stopped him.
Then there was the time in the summer I had been drinking a little and was asleep when his brother decides to start trouble. Apparently my car was on the street where he likes to park. He tells my roommate to wake me up to move my car so he can have his favorite spot on the public street. I go down, the two of them start shoving and grabbing at me, I eventually move and the bitch gets his parking spot. The landlord later quashed that when I said if the bullshit kept happening I would call the cops. The next incident, the same brother decides to park across my car blocking me in my spot so I can’t leave. I leave a nasty note and again tell the landlord.
Then there was the July 4th issue last year. I was lighting sparklers on the porch when the first brother comes home, runs up the porch screaming I could start a fire and his kids could burn to death. His kids weren’t home I pointed out. He doesn’t care, nor does he care that I have a fire extinguisher with me just in case, and starts shoving me. I tell him to stop or I would call the cops, he grabs my sparklers shoves me again and I go inside and call the cops. They come, listen to both our stories, tell him he’s lying, and document it just like that. They ask if I want him arrested, I say no, just a report so if it continues I can do something (I’d be pretty rude to get him arrested on July 4th). The cop tells him he’s lucky, I could have had him arrested and to leave me alone. The next day he sees me on the porch smoking a cigarette and asks what I’m looking at. I reply that I was out there first already looking in that direction, and what was he looking at. He starts towards me saying “What’s that White boy?” His brother stops him. I yell back “Why’s it gotta be about race?” Oh yeah, they’re all Black or half Black and hate Whites for some dumb reason.
It was quiet for a while until recently when I noticed the brother parking in our off street spot. I didn’t say anything a few times, reasoning I just don’t want to play that game with them. Let me be the bigger man, right? Life will give them enough lemons and they’ll deserve it, right? Fucking karma seems to perpetually reward complete assholes while fucking those of us with restraint over. I come back tonight and the second brother is parked so close to the middle of two driveways I have to park down the street. He has been asked by the landlord to make room for two cars to park there and he doesn’t. I fucking hate him. I seriously do. The whole lot of them. Husband, wife, brother, the kids, they all suck. And they make a shitload of noise starting at 4am with getting ready for work/school then going in and out and in and out, slamming the doors the whole time. Then they have the gall to ask us to be quiet. Fuck those fucking fuckers.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
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Ninjavideo, Suprbay, The Pirate Bay.
Posted on February 28, 2011 by acsmith1972
I’m banned again from Suprbay. I got in an argument with a guy who supported free speech as an absolute right, even for pedophiles to make kiddie porn. I said free speech isn’t absolute, and that he support child porn. I got banned by a mod who said free speech is an absolute right. How fucking moronic is that? He supports people making kiddie porn, but bans me for saying making kiddie porn is wrong. Then, the other mods I appealed it to, also said they support the decision to ban me. They said name calling isn’t free speech on Suprbay. But supporting kiddie porn is. For the record, I wasn’t name calling. I simply said he supported kiddie porn and that I found that kinda gross. I then told the mods on IRC that they are turning more and more into the dicks at Ninjavideo. The NV mods used to be like that: not giving a shitt about their users, only caring about how many bans they could pass out. Where’s ninjavideo now? Offline, that’s right. These guys at SB seem to think that the world will fall apart without them. It’s a fucking forum site. Grow a pair of balls and stop making everyone go along with the status quo. That’s so annoying. On the thread they used that argument that laws against things like indecency because the masses say so don’t make them right. And there again, when I go against the masses on SuprBay they ban me.
For the record, I do not support absolute free speech. One person said Blacks should just have to deal with it at work if the Whites gang up on them and tell racist jokes, just as women would have to deal with being sexually harassed. To protect free speech. But folks, that sort of speech isn’t protected. If you want to blog about it, it’s fine, but if you want to make someone else feel bad about it, it’s not usually ok. The original case had a guy who made a video that looked like he was singing some sort of adult lyrics to some kids. He didn’t. He just made it look that way. In his state it was still illegal, presumably to stop those tards who make the fake child porn videos. The people on Suprbay said as long as no one was really injured what’s the problem? I said because it leads to people actually doing it, hence the law against it. Apparently on Suprbay the only speech that isn’t protected is that of the sane mind.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 2 Comments | Edit
Do people get why bad tips hurt all of us?
Posted on February 13, 2011 by acsmith1972
The delivery I just took was almost $50. The woman with 2 Mercedes in the 5th wealthiest town in America tipped me almost $2. $1.99 to be exact. People don’t seem to get that we use our own cars, buy our own gas, pay our own insurance, taxes, upkeep, and risk our lives to bring you your food quickly. Then there are the elements. We come in rain, snow, lightning storms, blistering heat, and freezing cold. We often have to wait for some of you dumbasses who don’t have the money ready, are asleep, or not even home. 99% of the time when we’re late to a delivery, it’s because one of you dumbasses made us late, not because we’re slow. So think about it when you give that waiter a 20% tip for going from a warm kitchen to a warm dining room completely safe how you fuck over drivers. Tipping is supposed to keep food costs down, and often offers you free delivery. How a customer could use a 20% off coupon then give the driver 4% is beyond me. Oh, that 1% of the time we’re late? It’s because your cheap. You fucked us over and showed you don’t care about us so we take everyone else’s order first, even if you called first. If we see you got a package, we might kick it into the bush. If you ask us to help with something, most likely we’ll say no. If you ask for a menu, for you we’re out. We hate you and hope there is a purgatory and you have to spend a hundred years waiting on cheaper bastards like yourselves.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 1 Comment | Edit
Slow week
Posted on February 10, 2011 by acsmith1972
So of the last 3 nights, I have taken 2 deliveries tonight. WTF? Apparently advertising isn’t a big concern here. I wonder if making money is. For delivery you have to advertise. It doesn’t matter if you have one of Gordon Ramsey’s restaurants. If you want to deliver you have to keep getting the word out there. EVERY month. Supposedly it’s been done here 3 times in 10 months with an expectation that word of mouth will carry it. Wrong! Delivery could be 25% or more of a business, but you have to feed it. Sitting back and expecting money to fall in your lap is a really bad idea. I like it here and I hope business picks up in spring and summer, but I’m looking for a second job.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
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Standard Tippers
Posted on February 10, 2011 by acsmith1972
I just took a delivery to a house that’s probably worth about $2,000,000 on 4 acres of land surrounded by a wall with a remote gate. They always tip $3 to $4 tops. The order was $51. That’s just cheap even by Bridgeport standards, let alone that the house is in Westport. They’re getting an anonymous letter on the etiquette of tipping.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
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Banned on SuprBay Yet Again.
Posted on January 10, 2011 by acsmith1972
Your forum account is currently banned. Ban Reason: arguing a modcall and trying to evade ban with a puppet account.
Ban will be lifted: 9th February 2011, 23:41
So here’s what happened: I asked a question about movies being available online before they come out in the theater. One of the mods decided he didn’t like the question so he just trashed my thread. No reason given. So I post in a different area the same question. So they ban me for arguing a modcall. But for me to have argued it, there would have had to be a reason given,and there wasn’t. I think the mod was just being a dick. So I created a fake account and posted I think he’s a dick. So they banned that account and extended the ban on my other account for another two weeks.
THE MODS ON SUPRBAY ARE A BUNCH OF FUCKING PUSSIES. I wish they lived near me so I could see if they wet their pants if I got up in their face. I mean that’s what this is essentially, right? They’re using their keyboards to ban people for no good reason because they’re pussies.” And they are almost exactly like the mods now that Ninjavideo had. The Pirate Bay will tell you they’re all about freedom, and how rules that don’t make sense need to be changed, but look at their forums. They’re just as guilty of being complete asshats as the corporations they say they’re fighting using piracy. Every time the corporations bend them over and stick it in a little further, I laugh. Just like I laughed when they suggested we stop using Paypal for some bullshit reason. Fuck that. I love Paypal. The Pirate Bay can kiss my ass. If they have an issue with Paypal, that’s on them, not us. As to their freedom of speech issues, they’re hypocrites. They say one thing and do another. I can only hope I get to read about the day they get shut down for good. The pirates out there will still be able to get their files from other sources, but the little bitches banning people they don’t agree with will have to go back to playing World of Warcraft and wishing they had a friend, a clue, and a girl.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 4 Comments | Edit
2010 in review
Posted on January 2, 2011 by acsmith1972
The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow.
Crunchy numbers

A helper monkey made this abstract painting, inspired by your stats.
A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 5,900 times in 2010. That’s about 14 full 747s.
In 2010, there were 27 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 40 posts. There were 5 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 252kb.
The busiest day of the year was July 1st with 671 views. The most popular post that day was Ninjavideo Sucks.
Where did they come from?
The top referring sites in 2010 were ninjavideo.us, facebook.com, semperpiepizza.com, fucktmobile.com, and fuckstarbucks.com.
Some visitors came searching, mostly for ninjavideo, ninjavideo sucks, phara sucks, ninjavideo shut down, and ninja video shut down.
Attractions in 2010
These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.
Ninjavideo Sucks September 2009
Ninjavideo Shut Down. Ha, ha. July 2010
About July 2009
Zen Of A Pissed Off Driver July 2009
Why I think Avatar will suck. November 2009
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 1 Comment | Edit
A Random Rant About Doctors
Posted on January 1, 2011 by acsmith1972
Doctors that won’t effectively treat paid are what’s causing anyone in paid to self-medicate. For example: a few years ago I had to have 3 teeth extracted. The dentist gave me Motrin 800 for the pain. I never bothered filling the script. My Excedrin Migraine is stronger. Not only that, I’d have to take 4 or 5 to dull the pain. I called later and said it wasn’t working and he said that was all he could do. Yet years ago I had a wisdom tooth out and got Percocets (10mg). Perfect. It wasn’t refillable and got me through the pain. In the most recent case I wound up getting drunk for a few days to have relief from the pain. How is that helpful?
I know doctors that will refuse psych meds if there’s any chance they’ll make you feel good. Like Xanax. They’re okay with the ones with side-effects that would scare a torture master, but the ones that might be addictive, they refuse to give out. If doctors refuse to treat patients effectively maybe they should consider a different career or at least lobby for drugs like Marijuana to be legalized. I’d much rather get a safe, effective script from a doctor than get drunk or high, but aspirin doesn’t cut it for chronic pain. The oath to do no harm should include not leaving people in pain because of your own fears.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Working at a new place. And Indian place!
Posted on December 31, 2010 by acsmith1972
I was supposed to start working at a pizza place in Westport about a month ago. For those of you who don’t know, Westport is ranked the 5th wealthiest town in the United States. CT has a few of the wealthiest including Darien, and New Canaan ranked 2, and 1, respectively. Anyway, the guy at the pizza place only had Friday and Saturday to start but mentioned the manager of the Indian place across the street kept coming over to see if any drivers wanted extra hours. So I went and applied. Right off the bat he offered me 6 nights a week. At first I had told him I couldn’t do Friday and Saturday, that I’d committed myself to the pizza place for those two nights, but the week I was supposed to start at the pizza place, they said come back next week, that it was slow due to Thanksgiving. They didn’t bother to call me, and I was there ready to work, so I figured I need to do what’s best for me, and tips were great at the Indian place, so I committed there.
I now work at Thali 6 nights a week. The tips are really good. I average 20%. Ask any pizza driver and they’ll tell you the average for delivery is about 5% sometimes lower. Even in Westport, where I’d delivered before, I’d usually only get a little better than 5% for delivering pizza. One thing that works in my favor is Indian food is expensive. One small bag of food is easily $40. A big bag is around $100. The problem is it’s slow most nights. Tonight I took 4 deliveries. My first tip was $10. My second was $12. The third tip was $5, and my last tip was $10, I think. I get paid $5.69 an hour (taxed) and worked 4 hours. Plus, I take some of the guys home every night for another $12 cash. So I was at work for 4 hours and made around $70. That’s not stellar, but it’s not too shabby either. On a Friday or Saturday I do closer to 10 deliveries, so I average $100 in tips, $10 in delivery fees, $23 in pay, and $12 to take the guys home. Which all works out to about $36 an hour. It’s a new place and I hope it gets busier, but I don’t know how they’re advertising and they have been there 9 months now.
Another thing I like is that drivers drive. That’s it. No sweeping, no mopping, just driving. I can wait in my car if I want, but I usually stay inside. I get free food if I eat there and a 25% discount if I take food home. Chicken Tikka Masala. Yummy! And they’re all super nice there. I never spent much time around Indians, so I didn’t know what to expect, and to be honest, was a little apprehensive about working for them, but it turns out I was completely wrong. I got invited to their New Year’s Eve party with the other 4 stores. I’m probably not going just because it’s going to be a long drive back if I do, and I prefer to avoid being/dodging drunk drivers. But it was a very nice offer.
And their clientele is a lot better than pizza customers. They’re a lot more appreciative. No complaints so far, and my WRX gets me there quickly so I get lots of compliments on my speed. One woman complained I was too quick, but she still tipped me $7. lol. Westport is a town I can’t afford to live in, unless I get this book published, but I really love the town. My girlfriend’s brother has a small house there. A little too small for my taste, and with no yard to speak of. I want a HUGE yard and a decent sized house, at least 1800 square feet. As long as I have room for my stuff, my cats, and guests, with a huge fenced in yard, I’ll be happy.
So far the only issue I had was a guy who tired to run me off the road the other night. I think he was from Bridgeport since the car was ghetto with black tinted windows and rims. He comes flying up behind me with his high beams on, gets about a foot from my bumper and rides my ass. It started with me on the side of the road on the phone. I saw him with his high beams on speed up and turn his car into the breakdown lane like he was going to hit me so I took off. I finally slow down enough where he has to hit me or pass me, so he passes me. We wind up at an intersection and he’s going left, I happen to be going straight, so I turn my high beams on at him. He stops in the intersection and rolls down his window, but I drive past him. Hey, he could have had a gun, and I’m not in the mood to get shot/killed over some piece of trash. I shit you not, though, if I had a Jeep Wrangler with that nice solid iron bumper, I would have slammed on the brakes and let him hit me, then called the cops.
Other than that, life’s pretty peachy right now
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 4 Comments | Edit
Slow down and go assholes.
Posted on November 29, 2010 by acsmith1972
You know the type: they slow down, then go slower, and slower till the green light turns yellow, then they stop and finally floor it through the red light leaving you stuck there. These people I want to ram off the road, grab them by the neck and beat them senseless. Then I want to find their mother and beat her senseless for not swallowing. They seriously piss me off. I should have known but I was 2 cars behind the 10, 20, 10mph asshole. Often it’s a senior citizen or new teen driver which is an entirely different issue. In those cases they jus need to lose their license for either being too stupid or too old to drive. Teens (under 18) and seniors (over 65) need to be retested every year.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Crazy drivers and the ghetto bitch
Posted on November 27, 2010 by acsmith1972
Maybe it’s a holiday thing but all day people have been cutting me off on the road. And for what? To get there one car ahead of me? That’s really worth risking everyone’s lives over? Fucking morons. Maybe people who do that should be crippled for life as a public safety measure.
And the ghetto bitch was in Milford. There’s a part of the road where you can go straight or left. She hops in the left turn lane and goes straight and makes it abundantly clear if I don’t let her in she’s going to ram me. I had that happen years ago in a friend’s car where the impatient ghetto asshole rammed us and later wound up getting arrested for it. I would have stayed the course except the dumbass in front of me floored it giving them enough room to push in. And for what? They wound up one car length closer. I Flipped her off and passed when it opened to two lanes. She tried to cut me off again for whatever reason, but missed. In a perfect worl I could have followed her where she was going and beaten the shit out of her. The first time was just ghetto bullshit. The second time was her trying to intentionally cut me off. To me that makes her a candidate for an ass whooping. I hope her car falls apart. Stupid bitch.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Infiniti G35 X
Posted on November 25, 2010 by acsmith1972
I will never understand why people feel the need to buy really nice really fast cars then go slow. I just got stuck behind Mr. Infiniti asshole going 23 mph down the road behind him my WRX. Why not buy a Toyota Camry? Why do all these assholes buy cars that can go really fast but drive them really slow? If it’s just to piss the rest of us off we should be able to challenge them to a duel and beat the shit out of them if they lose. I’m sorry, but that’s how I feel.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Assholes in Hondas, Audis, and VW,s Again.
Posted on November 2, 2010 by acsmith1972
I’m on the highway finally doing about 80 after a huge traffic jam, in the fast lane, when I see a Honda Accord in the middle lane looking froggy. Sure enough, as soon as I get close, she hops out right in front of me. Mind you, she was cruising much slower, but must have just not wanted me to go any faster, so I get stuck, for miles. That sort of shit makes me want to run them off the road and beat them with a tire iron. Know what I do when a car going faster comes up behind me? I get the fuck out of the way. I drive a WRX but it’s common sense to me. But I’m also not one of those assholes that’s like “Ooooooh, Jetta, must race”. What kind of crap is that? And why are Jettas, Accords, Civics, and A4’s trying to race me anyway? Not one of those is faster. Get a freakin clue people.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Priced out of work
Posted on October 20, 2010 by acsmith1972
I wonder how many customers realize that by rewarding my prompt, courteous service with crappy tips like the one i just got, that they’re pricing me out of my job. I took a delivery that was 14 miles round trip and got a $5 tip on a $50 order. So not only was it less than a waiter would get for the same amount, I had to use 3/4 of a gallon of gas to take it. So after gas I made about $2.75. If this keeps up I’ll have to quit because it will make more sense to work somewhere where I get to stay in one spot. Customers are so clueless sometimes.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 2 Comments | Edit
Losers that make you go slow then speed up.
Posted on October 19, 2010 by acsmith1972
So I’m going down a two lane road and the guy in front of me keeps moving over to have the clear lane. He’s in a pos Dodge Intrepid. I finally find my opening and start moving down the street when him and his buddy floor it. I think to myself “this moron really wants to race?” There’s really no room shortly because of traffic, but I really want to follow him and ask if he wants to go race somewhere. I’d kill his car. Personally i think he was trying to make up for a small cock, a problem i don’t have, so i turned a different way. It still annoys me when people do that though.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit

Screwed again
Posted on October 17, 2010 by acsmith1972
I just delivered a $33.29 order, they give me $40, wait for their $6 change and say thank you. Meanwhile, their million dollar house looms. I’m sure giving me that 71 cent tip seemed fair to them, so if their house is blown away by a tornado that’ll seem fair to me. Cheap people suck. See now if I quit, they’ll have to find a replacement driver and deliveries will be slowed down till then. That’s the sort of thing that bad tippers do. So far for 6 hours of work I’ve made $14 in tips. That’s like $2 an hour. Now subtract for gas and car expenses. Screw the assholes who stiff us for great service.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Just drive
Posted on October 17, 2010 by acsmith1972
I worked at one place where they paid drivers $5 an hour, but all drivers did was drive. We didn’t answer the phones, we didn’t sweep or mop, we didn’t make boxes. We sat in our cars and waited for orders to get dispatched to us. Some people might balk at that for $5 an hour, but for $6 an hour I have to do all of the stuff above and more. Getting that extra dollar an hour isn’t worth it to me. I’d much rather get $5 and sit in my car. It just makes more sense since we’re getting screwed on gas and a decent wage for risking our lives for a pizza.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Rich people suck
Posted on October 17, 2010 by acsmith1972
I just delivered to a jewelry store. Tiffany. The order is $16.31, the girl hands me $20 and says “you can just give me $3 back”. Ummm, hello, you just fucked me, don’t say it like the 69 cent tip is something special. Shit like this is why I fully support charging more in areas where people have more money. We get paid less because tips are supposed to make up the difference. If you don’t tip there’s no incentive to give good service and owners should charge more to pay us more. I get $6 an hour at this place and no gas money. Gas in CT is one of the highest rates in the country. A typical day I will average $6 or less an hour thanks to shitty tippers and having to buy gas. FUCK THAT.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
cut off by a minivan mother
Posted on October 17, 2010 by acsmith1972
I drive a WRX, but i frequently get cut off on the road by minivan mothers. I don’t get it. What’s so important that you need to do 65 or 70 down a city street, weaving in and out of traffic cutting people off? The best is when they do it with kids in the back. I’m sorry your life didn’t turn out how you wanted it to but you have no right to risk my life because of that. Kill yourself if you want but leave the rest of us out of it.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
The New Job Sucks
Posted on October 15, 2010 by acsmith1972
I’ve been there for almost two weeks now and people in Westport, rich as they are, are just bad tippers. $3 a tip average is killing me. I did almost as well in Bridgeport. The volume was much higher over here, too. If i did 30 deliveries at $3 I get $90 in tips. At the new place I might do 13, so I leave with about $40. Plus, they pay $6 an hour and no gas money. So basically I am screwing myself and not for very much. I am working on a side project, dog walking, and as soon as I have the website done I’ll start passing out business cards and he like. Those guys get $15 for a half an hour walk. Walk 10 dogs in a day and there’s $150 for one day of work (and figure it would be like a 7 or 8 hour day as opposed to 12 for delivering). I’m pretty much burned out from the whole delivery thing anyway, and I could really use the exercise for dog walking. My bills are all way behind and I really need money. Anyway, back to watching The Goonies!
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Tip Off For A Friend
Posted on October 15, 2010 by acsmith1972
Today one of my good friends informed me that his father died. I used to work for his father at his pizza place in Milford, CT. His dad was a really great guy, in my opinion, but you wouldn’t know it if you’d just met him. He came across cranky and cantankerous like the grandfather in the movie “The Lost Boys”. But that was just his thing. He was just like that. If you got him, you understood it. I’m not saying it made it easy to work for him, but you knew when he was there, if you got asked to do something, you just did it. If you did it, you had nothing to worry about. If you argued, for your job’s sake you’d wish you hadn’t. I heard he fired other people, but I never had any problem with him. For the most part I did what he asked me to, and I really liked talking to him. He was a funny guy, but like I said, you had to get to know him to get beyond what was right there. It was another example of not judging a book by it’s cover. This book had a worn cover, but the story was really good. I will sincerely miss him. So few people come into our lives that make them truly better. And it also makes you pause and think about what’s important when people in your life die. I get nostalgic so easily. I always focus on the good things about people, so the memories I have of him are funny/good. I seriously thought he was going to live forever. He had been sick for a long time, but he always made a come back. He truly did fight the good fight. Smitty: I will miss you. It was an honor to know you. Give them hell in Heaven! Don’t settle for less than the best up there. I hope we meet again.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
SuprBay Turning Into Ninjavideo Because Of Bad Modcalls.
Posted on October 14, 2010 by acsmith1972
Your forum account is currently banned. Ban Reason: Modcalls. Don’t feel free to ignore them.
Ban will be lifted: 21st October 2010, 10:40
When I first started posting on Suprbay it was almost impossible to get banned. Now they act more and more like the assholes at NV. Say something they don’t like: ban. Don’t listen to them: ban. Don’t agree with them: ban. Contribute anything in a format that isn’t correct: ban. It’s silly. It would be nice if someone started a forum that actually believed in free speech. It’s funny that on a piracy website they still believe in controlling thoughts. To me it makes them seem like dicks. I’m banned from Maximum PC’s blogs for the same reason: I disagreed with one of the mods opinions so they issued a lifetime ban. Even though I pay to get their magazine.
Now anyone with an ounce of savvy online knows that a ban is pointless at best. It’s basically for the end-users. The people who call tech support for stupid questions. For the rest of us we can change our ip address, use a different email, and continue on. I won’t because it’s the point of it. These guys all act like they’re gods. They’re not. It’s also why I don’t ban comments on this blog. If you write it, I’ll approve it and respond to it, even if i disagree or find it tasteless. I respect your right to free speech. Maybe someone will send this over to the guys at SB so they can read what dicks they’re being right now.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
First Day On The New Job
Posted on October 7, 2010 by acsmith1972
So the new place is pretty nice. I’ve applied there before and I finally got a spot. I just wanted to get my foot in the door to get more hours. I have to say, I am disappointed that people in Westport, CT are such bad tippers. The town is RICH. I averaged $3 a tip, which, if they’re all like that is okay, but come on people, $3 for a $40 order is just wrong. Anyway, I don’t like complaining that much on the first day of a new place that is actually giving me money to pay things like rent, so I won’t. The place is about 2,000 square feet. It’s been in business for quite some time, but doesn’t seem to be that busy. The owner’s saving grace there seems to be less employees. Every dollar counts in a town like that where rent could easily be $5,000 or more a month. I work again Sunday, so stay tuned for more stories. I’ll probably post more random stuff before then
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
I Got A New Job! Yaaaay!
Posted on October 6, 2010 by acsmith1972
So, I’ve been out of work for a few weeks now and finding a driving job is really hard. My friends think I’m selling myself short here because I do have college degrees, and I have side projects that I’m always working on. I’m working on a book, which I think I mentioned in my first blog post here. I sell stuff on Ebay from time to time. I am in the process of trying to get into the dog walking business, and now I’m back delivering twice a week for 20 hours. I work 11 to 10 tomorrow and 12 to 9 Sunday with more hours soon, I hope. I have 3 roommates, so I have means already to pay rent, I just need bill money and maybe some money to go play some Texas Hold’em at Mohegan Sun, which is an hour from me. I am really good at poker. Like insanely good. I just never have any money to go. Anyway, I know people check back here from time to time and wanted to let you all know the stories will be coming again. I am aiming to try to do one story a day from today forward, which was my original goal, but I get distracted easily…..anyhoo, see you tomorrow.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Three types of GOOD tippers.
Posted on July 16, 2010 by acsmith1972
The three basic types of good tippers are:
1) People who have worked for tips.
2) People who are educated.
3) People who appreciate good service.
When the types of tippers are combine, i.e. and educated person who has worked for tips and appreciates good service, that’s when you get a really good tip. There are also fluke tippers, like people with so much money that it doesn’t even compute how well they just tipped. One day I took an order that was $170. The guy gave me $270 and said keep the change. I counted it 3 times. That was a stellar tip. I’ve also gotten $20 tips on $10 orders. They’re rare, but they do happen. Drunks also fall into the fluke category. They just don’t realize how much they gave you and it isn’t our job to question the customer. Ever. lol
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 4 Comments | Edit

Dead Car?
Posted on July 3, 2010 by acsmith1972
So I drive a 2008 WRX to deliver. It’s all I have and I’ve only been able to find part-time work for a while, so I haven’t been able to get a beater. Tonight while delivering in a town 30 miles from where I live, my car decides to stall, with all the check engine type lights on, and smoke pouring from the engine. I was like “Shit!”, this is my only car, after all. I let it rest for a few hours (after clocking out), and drove it slowly home using the back roads (US 1). I made it, and tomorrow I’m going to take it to Subaru. But I took it to them before because it was acting “funny”. They diagnosed it both times saying it was fine. Nothing wrong. Now the 36K warranty is up, so I’m anxious to see if they suddenly diagnose a problem that isn’t covered. If they do, it will be the first and last Subaru I ever own.
Update Subaru found nothing wrong with the car. Yet again. They claimed there was oil on the engine and that’s what the smoke was and suggested I might have stalled the car when it started smoking. That’s possible, but highly unlikely. When I lost power I tried to get it going again and the car wouldn’t go. When you stall, everything should still work fine, just put it in gear again, restart the engine and go. That’s not what happened. I don’t plan on doing this job forever, and a BMW is looking really nice for the next car. Or maybe a G37X coupe
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Ninjavideo Shut Down. Ha, ha.
Posted on July 1, 2010 by acsmith1972
Seriously, if they weren’t so rude to everyone I’d feel bad about the whole situation, but now they have to start all over. With a different name. Or maybe they can make me an offer and buy one of the domain names I have. Since they’re all about the bottom line, I’d be willing to part with ninjavideo.us or ninjavideo.mobi for a reasonable offer. Maybe when they reinvent themselves they’ll be less inclined to piss on the people who otherwise thought they had a good site. And maybe they’ll get rid of the malicious code they had in the ads. More than once I had to help friends clean their computers of malware from visiting their site. And not the nice malware that one click of antimalware could get rid of. The nasty deep hiding malware. Anyway, my suggestion for everyone else to get their tv or movie fix is to use TPB or learn how to use mIRC. No, neither stream video, but you’ll get the same stuff often before NV would have had it anyway. This has nothing to do with pizza delivery anyway, so I’m ending this post short.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 3 Comments | Edit
This Economy Sucks.
Posted on July 1, 2010 by acsmith1972
Everyone feels it, but people still order pizza. A lot more people are using coupons because everything costs more. For drivers it means we have to pay more for gas, and have less money for everything else, but to top it off, customers are tipping less. It’s like saying fuck you to us. Everyone else gets paid and we get stuck losing money sometimes. If I take a long run, like 10 miles or more (one way) I could go through a gallon of gas. That’s $3 gone. So if you tip me $2 on that $20 order knowing I went 20 miles round trip to bring you food hot, you’re a dick. It will work out to being about $1 out of my hourly for that run ($3 for the gas – $2 for the tip = $1 out of pocket for me). So if I made $8 for that hour before tax, now I’m down to $7. So if you’re one of those idiots, now you know why we take everyone else’s order first and we’re never smiling at your door. We tried to do everything to get you to appreciate that service and you said piss off. Thanks a lot.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Is Tipping Allowed?
Posted on May 31, 2010 by acsmith1972
A few weeks ago I go to this one house, and after I give the woman her food, she asks me “Can I tip you?” I told her yes, of course, and she says, “I know a lot of places don’t let there delivery people accept tips any more.” Umm, no, that’s complete and utter bullshit. She should have just told me she was a cheap bitch and left it at that. I knew it, she knew it, but she was trying to talk me out of taking the $2 she wound up giving me for the $45 of food I delivered to her quickly. Let’s do the math: 200/45=4.44444444, I may have added or missed a few 4’s there, but you get the idea. A 4 1/2 percent tip for delivering food in my car using my gas in a timely manner while it’s hot is an insult. People will give a waiter who goes from the kitchen to the table 15 percent. What’s up with that? CHEAP! I hate cheap people.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 2 Comments | Edit
Here Is My Cheap Bastard List (so far)
Posted on May 31, 2010 by acsmith1972
Most of these addresses are customers in Trumbull, unless otherwise specified. If you’re on this list, you’re a cheap asshole who has no regard for the work we do, the danger we face on the roads, and I sincerely hope you aren’t as much of a cheap loser when you go out to a restaurant. May 100,000 stomach aches plague you for your stinginess.
Cheap Customers
44 Spinning Wheel Road: $40 order, $1.45 tip.
58 Mooreland: $60 order, $2 tip.
10222 Avalon Gates: $32 order, $2 tip.
32 Reiner Drive: $94 order, $5 tip.
8 Meadow Ridge: $80 order, $5 tip.
23 Morningside, Easton, two towns away: $40, always $2 tip.
47 Scenic Hill: $24 order, $1.75 tip.
15 Corporate Drive, across town for $2 tip on $25 order.
64 Evelyn, no lights $30 order, $2 tip.
27 Maple St: $35 order, $1.50 tip.
17 Nichols Farm Road: $33 order, $2 tip, huge house.
106 Oakridge: $91 order, $5 tip.
44 Plymouth: $60 order, $3 tip. 12 miles round trip.
25 Gorham Place: $22 order, $0 tip. Thank you doesn’t pay for my gas.
23 Laurel Drive: $30 order, $3 tip. 10 miles round trip.
3090 Reservoir: $17 order, 86 cents for a tip, made me wait 10 minutes.
16 Valley View: $43 order, $1 tip.
39 Pemberton: $50 order, $2 tip.
15 Rock Spring Road: $50 order, $3 tip. Always.
82 Lance Circle: $51 order, $3 tip
23 Doe Hollow: $30 order, 36 cent tip. Assholes
50 Greenwood Drive: $45 order, $1.50 tip, 12 miles round trip.
Louis Muniz School: $105 order, 5 cent tip. Fucking losers.
47 Nelson Terrace: $20 order, no tip.
2600 Park Avenue Fairfield, $15 order, $2 tip, but really far
1225 Cutspring Road Stratford: $70 order, $3 tip, 10 miles round trip
15 Hilsboro Road: $40 order, no tip. Fucktards
175 Isinglas Road Shelton: $30 order, $0 tip. Losers.
55290 Park Ave, Suite 204, Hair salon: $40 order, 17 cent tip. I’m going to get my hair done at your place sometime and return that 17 cent tip.
95 Aspen Lane: $70 order, $5 tip
Bridgeport Tax Collector’s Office: $65 order, $5 tip+ called and said I spilled the sauce and was extremely rude. BULLSHIT. I’m always nice because I want tip money morons.
35 Candlewood: Got $1.50 tip on a $45 order. These people usually either tip a quarter, or have exact change, leaving you with nothing.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 3 Comments | Edit
I Didn’t Get Robbed, You Did.
Posted on April 4, 2010 by acsmith1972
I’ll make this one short. It pisses me off and I’m actually tired so I don’t really want to go into it, but last summer while we were talking about deliveries in the bad parts of one of the cities we deliver to (38th most dangerous in the U.S. last year), the owner said if a driver ever got robbed he didn’t lose any money, we did. He basically suggested that if we get robbed he’d take it out of our pay. That’s totally illegal, so it’d be funny to see him try, but what kind of scumbag would send you to a bad neighborhood with a $10 pizza and when you get robbed take it out of your pay? What if you got shot on top of everything? I hate people like that.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 1 Comment | Edit
Jack Of All Trades
Posted on April 4, 2010 by acsmith1972
The place where I work right now, the drivers are the only employees that are required to do more work than the other positions at the pizza place. We’re supposed to cut pizzas, make boxes, sweep and mop, take the trash out, take the grease out, take the boxes out; and of those, there are a lot, like a car full. We have to roll dough, help with getting food stuffs for the cooks, clean the windows, clean the fixtures, even do the phones and register on occasion. Oh, and of course, take deliveries. Drivers get paid the same or less than the other positions, and we have to use our gas, our cars, etc. The other positions do their jobs and that’s it. How is that fair? And, we don’t get breaks. I have worked there for 11 hours without a single break on more than one occasion. No lunch, no time to relax for ten minutes, nothing but a bathroom break if we’re lucky. Some people might suggest we sit a lot doing the job, but you try it. Let me know how your back feels after a week, because aside from sitting way too much while we drive, we have lots of labor to do both in the store and dealing with weather, ground covered out of the car, as in foot terrain, the amount of food we sometimes carry, stress from the job, etc. It isn’t easy. I think owners should make their employees take set breaks so they don’t burn out. No this guy, he simply does not care. It’s totally fucked up.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 4 Comments | Edit
Coming Early vs. Coming Late
Posted on April 3, 2010 by acsmith1972
I know, it sounds dirty, but I’m referring to what time you show up for work. I usually show up at least ten minutes early to any job. It’s just how I’m wired. In the last year I have been late twice. Once by seven minutes and once by fifteen. I have also only called out twice in the last year. I think that’s a much better average than everyone else. My problem is I show up on time and repeatedly get kept late, even when I don’t need to be. If there are enough closers there, having them sit there and shoot the shit while I’m doing deliveries past when I was supposed to leave, it can be very annoying. I make plans around my schedule. So I’m there on time, like I should, but I can never make plans for a set time after work, because I have no idea if they’re going to let me leave on time. That sucks. That’s really annoying, and it’s incentive to not show up on time. What I wind up doing is when someone calls out sick and they call me to see if I can cover, I say no. I have plans. Stop making me stay when it’s past my scheduled work time and maybe I’ll start covering shifts. Until then, kick rocks.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Tipping Part Deux
Posted on March 28, 2010 by acsmith1972
When I was an owner I paid my pizza cooks the average starting rate, which was $13 an hour. I paid my drivers $8 an hour plus gas money. If I found out one of my pizza chefs thought it was okay to screw people out of tips because he didn’t get any, I’d be annoyed. Ask any driver if they might not want to get $5 an hour more to stay at the pizza place, not have to brave any elements, not have to drive into neighborhoods where they could get killed for a $10 pizza, not have to drive with drunks and other dangerous people on the road, and I bet they would say yes. That’s a guaranteed $500+ a week where a driver working the same hours will maybe make $200 to $300 in pay and will likely have to fill up once a day, so figure $100 a week in gas, then they have to maintain their car and insurance. If the car breaks and they can’t cover it, they lose their job. A store worker can take the bus or get a ride if that happens. So right off the bat we’re at $100 to $200 a week after expenses. Yes, we expect tips.
I treat the customers with respect and I get the food there fast. If they tell you 45 minutes, I will have it there in 20 to 30. If you screw me out of a tip or give me a totally bad tip ($5 for a $100 is a bad tip) you will always get your order in 45 minutes or longer fro me after that. I will not get your mail. I won’t play with your dog, I’m not saying hi to your kids, I will give you a blank look, take the money, and leave. That’s the service you get for showing us you could care less about us.
Now, imagine a world that doesn’t tip at all. Drivers would quit, so deliveries would stop. One of two things would have to happen: A) You get off your lazy butts and come get the food. B) The pizza places would have to either buy employee vehicles or pay a much higher wage to drivers to cover minimum wage, gas, etc, and make it worth doing. Both of which would be passed on to you the customer. So that $10 pizza now becomes $15 because you’re cheap. It is possible some cheap pizza at places with bad pizza would be unaffected, but you get what you pay for.
And if you have a business, like you’re a plumber, Realtor, etc and we see your company logo, and you stiffed us, we will go out of our way to tell as many people as we know that they should avoid your business. If we see you broken down on the side of the road, we will keep going. If we see you walking near a puddle, we will try to hit it to soak you. If you are getting robbed or having a heart attack, we will not call the police for you. We will return the favor of considering you just as worthless as a human being as you did for us.
Bridgeport, is one the the 50 most dangerous cities in the United States. You try delivering there in the summer when everyone is outside at night, while having money, food, a car, a cell phone, for low wages and no tip, see how you like it. Some people say we get paid to do that job, and yes we do, but bartenders get paid for their work, taxi drivers for theirs, waiters for theirs, massage therapist, hairdressers, golf caddies, etc all get paid for theirs, so you going to screw them also?
I have a friend who never tips at bars. I always start with a $5 tip for my first drink. He gets served last, I get served right away. Every time. He will often wait 15 to 20 minutes for a beer when I have one in my hand before I even ask for it (which is funny because I’m not always ordering a beer), but he doesn’t believe in tipping. I don’t believe in people getting paid under minimum wage.
Some people are just ingrates and it sucks for the people trying to give them good service. If you don’t tip you should just go do whatever it is you want yourself.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 3 Comments | Edit
What A Pizza Tool
Posted on March 28, 2010 by acsmith1972
The guy I work for has to be the most miserable person I have ever met. I am convinced that even if he won the lottery, he would still bitch and moan about everything. He has 3 places, makes a ton of money, yet nothing is ever good enough for him. He has repeatedly told everyone he doesn’t need his employees, they need him. He has repeatedly said he doesn’t care what the customer wants, he cares what he wants. He only had the good fortune to open in an area where pizza delivery is scarce so people think they don’t have another choice. But to treat customers, and your employees that way is crazy. Without either one, you lose your business. He has the highest turnover rate of any company I’ve ever worked at, and I’m 37, so I’ve had more than a few jobs. Turnover is a bad thing. Most business owners hate it because you wind up having to train and trust new people all the time. Not this guy, he just doesn’t care.
The other day I was talking to the manager girl who was cutting pizzas when he pipes in, “I need quiet, I don’t believe in talking at wok, do your work and shut up.” This from the guy with the biggest mouth in the place. If he isn’t bragging about how he could run the whole place himself, or any of his amazing accomplishments, he’s complaining about how everyone is doing everything wrong. All the time. The only times mistakes get made on a regular basis is when he’s there making everyone nuts. But he doesn’t care, it’s his place. The funny thing is the most mistakes I’ve seen made making or cutting pizzas are when he does it. He’ll still blame everyone else (management potential, right?), but it’s him doing it.
I got my hours cut because he doesn’t care if you show up early and stay late doing your job better than everyone else, he expects you to kiss his ass and his other manager’s ass. I refuse. I am there to do my work, not make someone else feel better about themselves. So my hours got cut. It’s a dangerous game. I have dirt on just about every place I’ve worked at I could use. Will I? Only time will tell, but making enemies of employees is never a bright way of doing things.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit

Why Tipping Is Good.
Posted on March 28, 2010 by acsmith1972
There are so many times I wanted to push a bad tipper off of a cliff. I recommend seeing the movie “Waiting” to see what could happen if you don’t tip or are a bad tipper. I’ve been delivering for over ten years and owned my own place for two years (didn’t work out). Take tonight: My last order was two towns away. Twelve miles round trip. My car gets 20 miles a gallon so that’s roughly half a gallon of gas. Gas is currently $3+ in CT so it COST me $1.50 to bring the guy his $45 order. I get $8 an hour taxed. So before tax, I’m at $6.50 for that hour. I got a $1.49 tip. Totally wrong. They always do it. I hate that one house. It’s in a rich town with a bunch of snobs who could care less. We usually take our time to their house, take any other order we have first even if it cam after that one, and drivers accidentally drop their sodas 5 or 6 times on the way.
The order I took before that one was half the distance, the total was $16.09, the woman gave me $20 and said keep the change. Totally on the mark.
Whoever posts tipping guides at various websites should really try working for tips. If you’re a waiter: by all means, live wit the idea 15% is enough. As a driver paying for gas, insurance, maintenance, and risking my life in all sorts of weather and sometimes in very bad neighborhoods (like Bridgeport, CT), getting a 15% tip on a $12 pizza is like a slap in the face and you’ll go on my shitty tipper list. That would be $1.80 for an order that could be in bad weather, in a bad neighborhood, where the idiot customer has no number on the house or the number matches the color of the house (impossible to read from the car at night), and let’s you wait outside for ten minutes while they look for money.
That’s another thing: if an order is ever late, odds are it was the kitchen that messed it up or it’s really busy, not the driver. If you choose to show you displeasure by not tipping you are making sure everyone from the phone girl to the owner gets their full wage, even though they are probably who made your order late, and you are screwing the person who tried to get it there asap. So if you see donuts in your yard, or the mailbox is gone, or your house gets egged, that’s probably why.
Some drivers will let it go. I do, but I send out postcards anonymously thanking them for being shitty tippers.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Why I think Avatar will suck.
Posted on November 26, 2009 by acsmith1972
I’m going to watch it when I get a better copy of it, but what’s kept me from watching it or going to see it so far has been all the criticism about the race thing, or how it’s being compared to every other movie. I read a review today that said it was like The Last Samurai or Dances With Wolves, just substitute space ships, etc. Yet another review compared it to Lord of the Rings which allegedly makes the point that only White is right. That’s actually getting to be a tired subject. Why can’t White people be the heroes of the movie? In Lord of the Rings the “White” heroes were like 3 feet tall. And as I recall in Middle Earth pretty much every race was White, including the Elves.
I mean when Spike Lee makes movies who usually turns out to be the heroes of those movies? Everyone drawing comparisons even from movies like Star Trek just gets a little tired. “The Romulans are obviously the Puerto Ricans, the Klingons are Obviously the Blacks.” Really? I get tired of it. I’ll give movie critics one point for Jar Jar Binks for him saying Mesa all the time. I guess it is a little close to Masa, but I in no way agree with things like the Chasing Amy argument that Vader was the baddest brother in the universe and when he dies you find out he’s a crusty old White man suggesting all Blacks secretly want to be White. That’s just reaching too much for me.
I think all the sensitive people should just stay home. I mean how many years have we had South Park and Family Guy poking fun at everything from the Holocaust to slavery to Scientology? I hear lots of criticism for those shows, but the simple solution eludes most people: don’t watch. I haven’t seen a show on tv yet that I find so offensive that I feel the need to change the channel. There are a few shows that are just plain stupid to me, like Jackass. I mean I could make the argument that the Jackass movies make the point that all White people are stupid White trash, and had the movies not been produced by stupid (but rich) White trash, I’d have a good argument. I just think people are too critical about this stuff.

The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 4 Comments | Edit
Stupid, Stupid, Stupid
Posted on October 6, 2009 by acsmith1972
So last week I had an issue with the owner where I work. It was a Friday, I had just clocked in and literally was on the clock for one minute when I heard him in the back say, “Look at this kid, he’s just going to stand there. He’s lazy, that’s why he couldn’t keep his pizza place in Wallingford open.” That pissed me off. That’s personal business that’s no one’s business but my own. Yes, I did have a pizza place of my own, and yes, I did have to close it. It wasn’t because I was lazy, though. I worked there from 9 in the morning till usually 10 or 11 at night, often staying well after midnight, even leaving at 2 or 3 in the morning sometimes. I was even there on Mondays, too, the one day I was closed. On average I worked between 80 and 90 hours a week. The reason I had to close was that I was competing with 29 other pizza places all using inferior products and selling their product for much less. I was also underfunded. I basically ran out of money before I could change tactics. That was my first real business, a great learning experience, but one I ultimately failed at. I have no doubt were I to do it again, I would make it work. But that’s not for this guy to talk about in front of everyone in the kitchen.
I went right up to him, and said, “Is there something you need me to do?” To which he replied, “I shouldn’t have to ask.” I disagree. As a driver it isn’t my job to second guess the owner or to be a mind-reader. As it turns out, he wanted me to cut pizzas. Fine. No problem, but more than one driver has stepped in to cut pizzas only to have him push them out of the way and say, “I’ll do it, I want it done right.” That being the case who would volunteer to potentially get abused? Lately he’s been there more and more, getting in everyone’s way, making people make mistakes, yelling at people, generally pissing everyone off. One guy got so fed up he refused to do any work one day. He was fired on the spot, although when he threatened to get unemployment the owner changed his tune and said he still has a job. Another guy walked out that same day. The day before another guy quit. I’m sure the owner was thinking they just weren’t team players, but the truth is he forced them all to make the tough choice to leave. This is a guy who’s said over and over to us he doesn’t care about his employees, that we need him, he doesn’t need us. Nice guy, right? If everyone could agree to walk out en masse I bet he would care.
The bottom line is I am not the guy to fuck with. I am not stupid. I know a little about how the business runs and if he wants to play games with me, I can play them right back. I can find another job like this fairly easily (took me one day of looking to find this one). The question is can he take the repercussions of his actions? Fortunately for him, I’m not spiteful, but if I were, I could make his life very uncomfortable there. Nothing illegal, mind you, but every business has it’s secrets. If you know them, there’s a chance you can ruin them. And guess what? I know some of them.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Ninjavideo Sucks
Posted on September 21, 2009 by acsmith1972
This has nothing to do with driving, but I don’t promise all my posts will just be about driving. I stumbled on Ninjavideo after Stage 6 closed down. Ninja had some good content and still does, but their website is very buggy. If you question them on why something doesn’t work 99.999999999999999% of the time they tell you it’s your fault, then ban you for not posting the question the right way. If you look up the rules on how to post a broken link there are literally pages upon pages of how they will accept a question. Then, more often than not, even if you do post the question in the right way they call you a bitch or a moron, and whatever else they feel like it at the time. Then they ban you. They love banning people. As if they banned every single person they would have anything to do. Then they’d just be script kiddies playing with themselves. I sincerely do hope some hackers make it their habit of taking down their website. They deserve it for being complete assholes. There are pictures of “Phara”, the bitchiest of their members online if you do a search. Google something like Phara sucks, or fuck ninjavideo and you’ll find her pics.
I recommend using Ninja for one purpose only: to see if anything new has been released that you want. Then head over to The Pirate Bay and get it there. Those guys are awesome. They’ve had issues, too, but they’re not dicks about it, and they’re honest when it’s on their end. If it’s on you end, they’ll help you fix it without making you feel stupid. They don’t stream, but who cares? Get what you want to see, and give a big FU to Ninja
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 10 Comments | Edit
Dogs Are Funny
Posted on September 13, 2009 by acsmith1972
On my travels I come across a lot of different dogs. Most of them are friendly, all of them bark. They’re sort of like kids in the sense that they get excited when someone new is at their house. I’ve had both good experiences with them, and unfortunately, one bad one. The breeds people have vary, from Chihuahua’s to Great Danes and everything in between. Yesterday I met two Poodles, a Pug, two Labs, and a Bulldog. They were all nice. The funny thing about the dogs these people have is they seem to be starved for attention. They just want to be pet. So I usually do. The even funnier thing is they often come into the yard to see me and after the transaction is over the owners are like “Come in the house (insert name)” but they rarely listen to them. But they listen to me. It’s funny, I snap my fingers and say, “Go inside” and the dogs obediently turn around and go inside. I’ve had owners look at me, stumped, and even say things like “Well that’s nice, we feed it, but it obeys you.” Lol, go figure. Pets and little kids seem to like me for some reason. Maybe it’s the Santa Claus factor. You know, pizzas are like gifts. To them anyway.
The one bad experience I had with a dog was while working at my friend;s place in Milford. I go to the house and a kid opens the door and out pop two Pomeranians that proceed to start biting me on the legs. I’m trying not to hit or kick the dogs, the kid is laughing, and the dogs are drawing blood. That’s how hard they bit me. The kid finally pays, screwing me on the tip, of course, and I leave without having to punt these little fuckers to the 50 yard line. When I got home that night I noticed my legs had some pretty deep bite marks in them. I cleaned it up as best I could, but I was concerned. Anyway, over the next few days it bothered me enough to make a complaint with animal control. So they go to check the story out and it turns out that one of the dogs was foaming at the mouth and acting strange and the owners had it put down and cremated. The other dog they denied even owning. More on that later. So now animal control tells me to go to the ER and see what they say. So I do. The doctor comes back and tells me in all the years she’s seen potential rabies attacks only a very few needed the shots. I’m about to sigh when she says, “You’re one of them.” It was like the world fell out beneath me. I mean in hindsight, getting bit by a rabid animal isn’t really that big a deal considering we have the medicine to prevent something very bad from happening, but the idea that if I went without going to the ER I could have actually gotten rabies and died from it freaked me out. FYI folks: the rabies series is like having liquid fire injected into your blood. Literally. It burns like nothing I’ve ever felt before. There are like 6 of those shots, but then there are the booster shot, tetanus shots, etc, etc. If you go through this accept feeling like a pin cushion for a few weeks.
I sued them. It cost a lot of money and it was totally avoidable. At no point did they apologize or offer to pay my bills. Not once. And they denied having the other dog. They later got caught getting it from a friend’s house, which is part of the reason I won. I didn’t get a lot of money. The lawyer got some, I owed my father some, and when it was said and done I had around $7,000. It sounds nice except this took months to get and I had to get bit by the dog and go through what I did. I still hate those dogs and I still get nervous around them when I see them. But I promise you this: the next time one bites me, he’s going deep, all the way to the end zone.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
People Who Wait Till Last Minute
Posted on August 23, 2009 by acsmith1972
This isn’t really a pizza delivery blog, but the cash for clunkers program is ending tomorrow night and I know there are people out there who said they’d do it eventually who are going to lose out on $4500. How much says if you stole $4500 from them they’d call the cops and have you thrown in jail? And when they go to buy a new car how much says they wish they had that $4500 they couldn’t be bothered to do anything about while the program was running? Nice job people.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Cash For Clunkers
Posted on August 4, 2009 by acsmith1972
This new program is a great idea, and will probably help out people who use cars for work, like drivers if they trade their car for a more fuel-efficient car, but why not just make a law that no car can be manufactured that does under “x” mpg? We have the technology to make that happen, why not use it? Personally, I’m anxious to see when cars like the VW Polo are released in America. The car is a turbo-diesel that gets between 60 and 70 miles per gallon and sells for thousand LESS than a Toyota Prius. And it looks pretty nice, too. There’s a picture of one here: Polo
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Kick Rocks
Posted on August 2, 2009 by acsmith1972
I bought the domain kickrocks.us so I will be moving this blog there, most likely just mapped from wordpress. Depends if I want to learn how to use the actual program and pay for hosting or not. Some “person” is cyber-squatting kickrocks.com and wanted like $3,000 for it. Smurf that.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
A Cat That Barks
Posted on July 29, 2009 by acsmith1972
The other day I go to this delivery and a Siamese cat walks up to me meowing the the whole way. I love Siamese cats. I suspect I’ll get one some day (right now I have 3 of my own cats). I ring the bell, nothing happens, so I pet the kitty a little. It purrs and meows and does the whole slinking around like it loves the attention. I ring the bell again. This time the customer opens the door. I asked, “Is that your cat?” He says, “Yup, he thinks he’s a dog.” FYI for cat and dog owners alike: no cat thinks it’s a dog. Cats are way smarter than that. That’s why they say dogs have masters, cats have servants. There are lots of talkative cats in the world. Doesn’t make them confused. It makes them vocal. I have one. My littlest cat, Luna, LOVES to talk. If you meow at her, she’ll do it back. You can actually “talk” for quite some time with Luna. I also taught her how to shake hands like a dog would do, but that’s just a trick, not a personality trait. If cats think they’re anything, it’s that they’re gods. One of my cats, Fluffer, thinks he’s a repository for food. Lol. He weighs 22 pounds. The other cat, Rogue, thinks she’s a spy surrounded by North Koreans. They all have their quirks, but it’s who they are. Not to knock dogs or anything, I just don’t like the idea of a cat being called anything other than a cat.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Visualize This
Posted on July 23, 2009 by acsmith1972
I love the bumper stickers that say “Visualize Using Your Turn Signals”. I really wish people would. Seeing as how we’re on the road for hours during the day, we see this a lot. The guy in front of you will either slow down for no apparent reason, or, even better, suddenly stop short and turn. Either way, they should let the rest of us know about it. I’ve asked people about it and they’ve said it takes too long to signal. Really? It’s right there next to the steering wheel. You can hit it with your finger while you’re driving. How does that take too much time? It’s like the people who’ve told me they drive with their high beams on and don’t care if they blind other people, which is funny because if I get blinded and lose control of my car, I’m going into the light: your headlights. I’m taking you with me.
Anyway, I’ve also seen people turn left from the right lane with no signal, right from the left lane with no signal, and, of course, cut me off with no signal. Sometimes I want to follow them and yell at them to use their turn signals, but that would result in me getting arrested for road rage or some nonsense. I remember back in the 80s police officers used to give tickets for people not using their signals. I’ve even seen people turn left at a red light with no turn signal. Right with no signal at the light is tolerable, you’re not getting in my way at that point, but left at a red light? Come on, even if you do signal when you do that, you’re an idiot. There are good reason for laws requiring the use of turn signals: they let the rest of us know what your plans are ahead of time so there’s no accident. And i know the argument you shouldn’t be following that closely, but come on, even if you do keep a reasonable distance, you know when these mental midgets slam on the brakes and suddenly turn, you could hit them. Or at least spill your coffee.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit

“Did you get lost?”
Posted on July 23, 2009 by acsmith1972
I remember one year, I’m taking this delivery to a house in the middle of a hilly town on a night that we happened to have a blizzard. We had just over a foot of snow and it was still snowing. How I got to work that day, I’ll never know (different car). Anyway, I kind of like working in those conditions. The roads are bare, with the exception of the occasional brave soul going somewhere themselves. The thing I like the most though is the way the night air is so quiet. It’s like time is standing still. You can hear everything, and the crispness of the cold without the wind is refreshing. The snow falls with only the slightest whisper as it brushes against the trees and touches the ground. To me it’s an amazing feeling.
After about half an hour of driving super slow, I finally get to the street. Of course it’s a hill, and a steep one at that. I started out okay, drove up, then followed the road to the left, went about 500 feet or so and got to the really steep part of the road. Just then my phone rings. “Hi Adam, it’s Ashley, the customer called and wants to know when you’ll be there.” Really? She can’t be serious, I’m thinking, it’s only been half an hour. The thing is, when it snows like that, every order gets backed up because we have to go much slower to get there safely. I can’t count how many times other drivers got in accidents in the best of conditions, let alone how many of them crashed because they weren’t careful in bad conditions. I tell her I’ll be there in few minutes. That was wishful thinking on my part.
Had I not stopped to get the phone, I might have made it. I had the momentum to probably make it up the hill. Now that I was stopped with no traction, I was dead in the water, well, snow to be exact. I put the car in first and gave it some gas. I got about ten feet and the car slid back. I tried again. Similar result, except this time I slid back twenty feet. “This isn’t working”, I said. I carefully let my car roll back to the bottom of that hill, put the car back in first and gunned it. The wheels ripped through the snow and just kept on spinning. Now I’m yelling at no one, “Murphy’s Law, right?” Of course. So I back up, go back to the main road, and start the whole process again. I go up the street. come around the corner, and when I get to the steep part I give it a little extra gas. Now I’ve got some momentum and I’m off up the hill. I’m trying to read the numbers on mailboxes and not crash at the same time. I’m half way to her house when my car starts slowing down, and, of course, I lose traction and start to slide backwards again. This time I say, “Fuck it”, I put the e-brake on, get the food, get out, and start trudging up the hill on foot through this mess.
It was probably 15 minutes from when the girl at the pizza place called to when I get to the woman’s door. I knock, and of course she takes forever to get to the door. She opens it and says, “Hi, did you have trouble finding the house?”. I want to throw the pizza at her and leave. I don’t, of course. I just politely explain that her road is steep, my car isn’t 4 wheel drive, and I couldn’t get up the hill. “Oh”, she says. Oh. How nice. I can’t help but wonder after experiences like this if people live in a bubble. Some people say ‘Oh’, some people get pissed and don’t really care what the weather is like, they want their food fast no matter what, and some people, the really good customers, are very appreciative and know not to say stupid things to the person delivering their food. Especially in a blizzard.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Cut To My Core
Posted on July 23, 2009 by acsmith1972
Yesterday, I’m coming up a street on my way to a delivery, and some moron jumps out right in front of me and proceeds to go a whopping 25. There was no one behind me for at least half a mile. So I’m yelling (through the glass), “Really? Really? You couldn’t wait? Fucking moron!” I seriously hate when that happens. If you’re going to cut me off at least do the speed I was going or faster. If you have no intention of going as fast or faster, wait. Seriously, he would have had to wait 2 seconds for me to pass. Why is it that those two seconds are so important that he has all the time in the fucking world to go 25? I don’t get it.
At the top of the street, it happens again from another moron. Keep in mind that my car does 0-60 in about 5.5 seconds and can beat a Porsche Boxster as well as 90 % of the cars on the road. So I’m not exactly one of the slow ones on the road. Every time this happens it feels a little like someone yanked a choke chain around my neck. The next guy had the decency to go about as fast as I was going, so I was less annoyed. Annoyed that he did it, but not really annoyed at his pace.
So I get to my delivery, get my tip, get in my car and head back. I’m coming down the road the pizza place is on and a woman comes flying out of a side street without stopping, signaling, or even looking. A few seconds later and I would have hit her, and it would have been entirely her fault. Moron number three. We get to the light where the pizza place is, and just as it turns green and she starts down the street I give her the finger to let her know what I think of her driving. It’s a small consolation, but if it’s that or nothing, I’ll take giving the bird every time.
I don’t think people realize how many of these scary on the road stories there are. Literally hundreds. You can’t imagine the number of ways we almost die delivering you hot food quickly. But we do it. We do it for the tips. Remember that.
FYI: My blood pressure is always perfect when I go to the doctor. I don’t know how or why, I just know that it is. Maybe because I get mad, then get over it. I don’t carry this stuff around. That would be bad. You’ve heard of going postal, right? You don’t ever want a driver going mental like that. Trust me on that one folks, it wouldn’t be pretty.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | Leave a comment | Edit
Blinded By The Light
Posted on July 23, 2009 by acsmith1972
So I’m driving, and a car pulls out behind me and wouldn’t you know it, the bastard has his high beams on. Ask anyone who knows me, my number on pet peeve on the road is high beams. I think these people should be pulled over, dragged into the woods, and beaten into submission with a blunt object. Then said blunt object should be used to smash their headlights and every window on their car. Yeah, it gets me mad. I can just barely tolerate it when it’s someone coming towards me since I can try to focus on the side of the road, even though that’s a pretty stupid skill to learn when the object is to keep your eyes on the road. But when it’s behind me that really gets me. I’m driving. I can flip my rear-view mirror down, but then I have to fumble with my side view mirrors, while I’m trying to pay attention to the road. For just this purpose I put those aftermarket ultra bright headlights in my car. I think they burn at 5000K, maybe 7000K. I can’t remember. So what I usually do is pull quickly over to the side of the road, let them pass, then quickly get behind them and FLOOD their car with my brights. Lucky for them, I don’t do it for long as I don’t want to blind people coming who didn’t do anything wrong.
It’s even more annoying when someone does it during the day or at dusk, or even in high ambient light areas like the middle of cities. Those people I just want to push off a cliff, then drop their car off to finish the job.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 1 Comment | Edit
Zen Of A Pissed Off Driver
Posted on July 21, 2009 by acsmith1972
The first time I delivered pizza, I was 24, unemployed, and at the end of my rope. I was My mother suggested I check out the local pizza place to see if they would hire me. I didn’t want to do it and kept thinking, “What kind of loser delivers pizza?” As it turned out, it was me. What I didn’t realize at the time was how much I could make doing just that. I think that first night I worked from 5 to 10 pm, got paid an hourly rate of $6 an hour (this was in 1994), and made twice that amount in tips alone. I made about $100 in 5 hours. $20 an hour by today’s standards isn’t bad, but can you imagine making that much as a 20 something in 1994? At the end of the night when I counted my cash I was stunned at how much I had in my wallet. I didn’t tell my parents how much I made, but I didn’t complain about the advice my mother had given me either.
Since then, I have gone back to college, gotten a degree, worked in several salaried (professional) positions, and even owned my own pizza place. But the most money I have ever made in my life was delivering pizza. I worked for a very large franchise at their world headquarters doing technical support and started at $35,000. Delivering pizza I make on average about $50,000 a year, sometimes more. The professional job I had to dress in slacks, shirt and tie, shoes, and had rigid expectations. The delivery jobs, I got to show up in jeans, a tee-shirt, boots, and had a very relaxed working environment (compared to other jobs). It isn’t rocket science which one is better.
I know everyone wants to say they’re working towards the future, have a 401K, medical, vacations, a house, a dog, 2.5 children, etc, but at the end of the day I’d rather start at a level in pay it will take the other guy 10 years to achieve, and figure out my own game plan for the long-run.
I don’t want to mislead anyone, though, while it is better in my mind, there are a lot of downsides to delivering pizza as well.
First off, you use your own car and beat the hell out of it for minimum wage.
Second, you risk your life each and every time you get behind the wheel for anything. Drivers are on the roads ALL DAY. Our odds of getting in an accident are much higher than the average person’s.
Third, we drive in all kinds of weather: snow, rain, extreme heat or cold; we’re out there.
Fourth, most customers don’t look at us as what we are: waiters who drive their food to them. We should get at least a 20% tip all the time, but for some reason some people seem to think that delivering food in all sorts of conditions on time is easier than a waiter taking it from the kitchen and walking it to the table.
Fifth, and last, there are all sorts of things we have to deal with from unhappy owners, to hazardous conditions, to other drivers, and even getting robbed or killed. Customers should look at us like we’re two steps above a waiter and tip us accordingly. Waiters, after all, often have food runners who actually deliver the food while all they do is take the order and bring drink refills.
Still, if you can work out a system at a good place in a good area, you can make a lot of money and have a lot more freedom than you might somewhere else.
In the rest of the pages I will go through different stories and scenarios to let people know some of the things we have to deal with and hopefully help people to make our lives easier by ensuring they show us the same respect we show them by giving us a good tip.
The Driver (Adam Smith)
© Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adam Smith and drivershout.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

“Kick Rocks” Pizza Delivery Nightmares by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
Email “The Driver”
Posted in Pizza Delivery | Tagged brick oven, cats, cheese, connecticut, delivery, dogs, drivers, ebay, fame, fortune, google, hits, maps, money, pizza, sauce, sex, test, tipping, tips | 3 Comments | Edit
I quit working at the pizza place I was working t in Trumbull. Now I’m doing ridesharing. Yaaaaay! The pay is much better, but it’s really hard to be disciplined, and it’s hard dealing with drunks and ungrateful people all the time. The stupid score we have to maintain is just nuts. College students and drunks think four stars is a good rating, but what they don’t realize is four stars is low enough to get you fired. You need above a 4.6 or you get deactivated. Every time I take college students I regret it. I started out a 4.86 tonight and now I’m back to 4.83 because of asshole college students who want to feel powerful. And that power comes at the price of people’s jobs, and longer wait times for them. It’s stupid. They pay a third of what they would with a taxi and should be grateful, but are entitled assholes instead. The safest time to do the job is early in the day, like 5am-2pm. You can get all the same volume, all the same distances, with none of the shitty ratings. It’s amazing these companies don’t realize they’re penalizing drivers for making them money late at night.

I had my site hosted on GoDaddy for years, but they changed the pricing and I had some other issues with them, so I switched to 1and1. I had a lot more site traffic before I did that, so I’m not sure if that was a bad move. I’m much better with Dreamweaver and Flash doing html sites, but I’m learning WordPress really, really slowly.

Anyway, this is just a blog of my years of driving for various restaurants and the experiences I’ve had along the way. Currently, I’m working for Uber. ]]>
Yeah, been doing that since July. I had to quit that pizza place, working 50 hours a week to make $500 is just nuts. Then you deduct gas and everything else and it’s like “what the hell am I thinking?”. Granted, if you’re at a really busy restaurant it’s not a bad gig. You can make $200 a day if you work all day. But I can make that in 4 hours now, so why work the extra 8 hours doing that nonsense?

So Thanksgiving Eve I made some mistakes. I took a few surging at 2.2 when I was in an area surging at 5.5 because I’m way too quick to hit the accept button. I need to focus more. I also need to learn to sleep more so I don’t get tired while I’m out. And I have bad habits like playing with my tablet while I’m in the car. I need to learn to drive. When I do drive it’s much easier to focus and the day goes by quick. I meet a lot of cool people doing this job. Anyway, I was really just editing some script on here, so I’ll try to remember to post tomorrow.

-<![CDATA[I use @Uber to make money with my car & you can too. Use my link for $175 guaranteed: http://partners.uber.com/i/adams44399ue

Creative Commons License

Tip The Driver by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.tipthedriver.com.]]>

As you can tell, I’m really bad at making posts

I had planned to do this on a regular basis. I wanted to do daily posts. I’m forever arguing with people online in blogs, forums, and on Facebook and Twitter, so it seemed only natural to post here every day, as well. But, for some reason, I never do. I’ve been driving for Uber since last July. Normally, that keeps me busy for about 12 hours a day, although, lately, I’ve been really lazy with the job. I’m also registered to work for DoorDash, Postmates, Caviar, and Instacart. I only do DoorDash on occasion, because the others rae better suited for workin in NYC, and I don’t feel like driving down there for that. Instacart is here in CT, also,

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

I use @Uber to make money with my car & you can too. Use my link for $175 guaranteed: http://partners.uber.com/i/adams44399ue


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google_ad_client: “ca-pub-9393638865488906”,
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Creative Commons License
Tip The Driver by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.tipthedriver.com.

Uber’s been good so far

Yeah, been doing that since July. I had to quit that pizza place, working 50 hours a week to make $500 is just nuts. Then you deduct gas and everything else and it’s like “what the hell am I thinking?”. Granted, if you’re at a really busy restaurant it’s not a bad gig. You can make $200 a day if you work all day. But I can make that in 4 hours now, so why work the extra 8 hours doing that nonsense?

So Thanksgiving Eve I made some mistakes. I took a few surging at 2.2 when I was in an area surging at 5.5 because I’m way too quick to hit the accept button. I need to focus more. I also need to learn to sleep more so I don’t get tired while I’m out. And I have bad habits like playing with my tablet while I’m in the car. I need to learn to drive. When I do drive it’s much easier to focus and the day goes by quick. I meet a lot of cool people doing this job. Anyway, I was really just editing some script on here, so I’ll try to remember to post tomorrow.


(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
google_ad_client: “ca-pub-9393638865488906”,
enable_page_level_ads: true

Creative Commons License
Tip The Driver by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.tipthedriver.com.

I quit working at the pizza place I was working t in Trumbull. Now I’m doing ridesharing. Yaaaaay! The pay is much better, but it’s really hard to be disciplined, and it’s hard dealing with drunks and ungrateful people all the time. The stupid score we have to maintain is just nuts. College students and drunks think four stars is a good rating, but what they don’t realize is four stars is low enough to get you fired. You need above a 4.6 or you get deactivated. Every time I take college students I regret it. I started out a 4.86 tonight and now I’m back to 4.83 because of asshole college students who want to feel powerful. And that power comes at the price of people’s jobs, and longer wait times for them. It’s stupid. They pay a third of what they would with a taxi and should be grateful, but are entitled assholes instead. The safest time to do the job is early in the day, like 5am-2pm. You can get all the same volume, all the same distances, with none of the shitty ratings. It’s amazing these companies don’t realize they’re penalizing drivers for making them money late at night.


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google_ad_client: “ca-pub-9393638865488906”,
enable_page_level_ads: true

Creative Commons License
Tip The Driver by Adam Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.tipthedriver.com.

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